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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. It seems that each time the server goes down for a week to two... post counts and topics seem to go downhill for a while after. As some of you might know, the server is now paid for for a year and we shouldn't run into those problems again.... So maybe now is a good time for the group to focus on making this place an even resource and support system. Is there anything you would change? Anything you wish members would do?
  2. Taking a break from the forum and stopping thinking about HPPD can be a way to heal. That is not selfish, it is just common sense. He has been selfless, moderating the forum for a long time now... there is nothing to gain from being a moderator, and often, it can be stresful.
  3. Just concentrate on the positives.... You are one of the minority (that post here) that actually got better. Chances are it will happen again.... then you just have to be really aware of your surrounding and the people you hang around with. I'm not sure how old you are, but the older you get and the more you settle down, the less you will ever be in a situation where joints are being passed around. If you end up in a place that might have people smoking, just make sure you know how to get out of their fast. As for suggestions.... excerise like mad, get yourself on a healthy, 40% protein 40% carb 20% good fats diet. Get into sports. Get outdoors as much as possible. I might still have LSD eyes and brain, but i'm much calmer now my body is perfectly healthy.
  4. Sorry to see you go mate, but happy you are ready to make the break and go and live your life. If you are ever in Portugal, drop by for a cold beer
  5. Don't feel bad mate, no question should be off limits, in my opinion.... My reply was only a bit of a joke anyway... But i'm glad you chose not to do it. I did get miley cyrus to blow a gram of coke up my ass, last night though.... celeb druggin rules
  6. mike - my neuro also lets me use opiates as part of my treatment. Occasional Klonopin Occasional Phenobarbital Occasional Suboxone All highly addictive, but when managed well, it is pretty good relief. Just need to be very, very strong willed.
  7. If they can work out the anxiety treatment, with this system.... I think alot of our problems would be over. The visuals might stay (they might be helped though).... But I can handle visuals far more than anxiety
  8. Why would you care about tripping with some celeb? What's next, shooting up with Paris Hilton?... ketamine with usain bolt? They are just people.... if you have to do this shit again, do it with your closest friends who fully understand your situation.... not some movie star who would ditch you in a heartbeat, if you start losing it. To answer your main question.... I did lsd after hppd and it fucked me up even more. It's pretty simple.
  9. Why rush into meds? Just live healthy and sober for a few months and see if the hppd goes away.
  10. As there is currently no success stories section, I will pin this and all success stories can go here.
  11. My experience has been slightly higher visuals, but not really giving a shit. I find it a bit trippy though, but in a good way. I've only used codeine and suboxtone (?) though, we don't get the cool pills over in Europe.
  12. It's sorted for a year. The hosting costs a fair bit of cash, but is a custom server specifically built for this type of message board, with extra security and anti spam filters. I'll keep in touch with David and when the next payment is required, we can chip together, if needed.... Probably $5 each from the most active users would cover the annual payment.
  13. think so, yea, he was stayin in a tent in Iceland... back in the US now.
  14. Good news, the yearly server costs have been paid
  15. What is keto? Forum is back for a month I think, but David is struggling to raise the $280 yearly fee.
  16. How long have you been taking it for? I found those side effects disapeared after a month or two
  17. They are an old school anti-anxiety med, alot more danger of overdose than benzos, so don't get used much http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbiturate
  18. Nothing at all... only anxiety, specifically panic attacks
  19. I've had a box of phenobartial in the cupboard for some time... My neuro let me try it out in an attempt to see if it had any affect on my hppd. At the time, I associated improvement with visuals as the only benchmark for a pill´s worth. They did nothing for my visuals, so I put them in the cupboard and forgot about them. This week, I am into week 2 of a 3 week break from benzos, to keep my body away from tolerance. Today, I had a massive anxiety attack, one that very nearly had me reaching for the benzos... But I remembered the barbs and took 200mg,,, within 20 mins or so, I felt fine again, good even. Now, these things are even more addictive and FAR more dangerous then benzos... So I am certainly not recomending them as any kind of long term treatment.... But if you are doing a similiar sort of benzo regieme as I do, or maybe suffer from anxiety attacks but have withdrawn from benzos, it might be worth trying to get a box for any times you get an anxiety attack. If you suffer from anxiety attacks and want a med, just go for a benzo though. This is purely for the above situations.
  20. The 1st time I went, there were babes everywhere... even the ones working in burger bars and stuff.... But last year, I don't remember seeing any knockout babes, even in rjekiavik... Just fat chicks. 5 years of hotdog munching had taken its toll. It was my honeymoon though, so maybe I was subconciously blocking out the babes.
  21. If my last trip to Iceland was an indicator.... The scandivian girls are all fat now (they love their hot dogs)
  22. I tried Kratom, did nothing for me.... Didn't feel any kind of opiate buzz and was expensive as hell... tried tea and resin, neither worked... tried the recomended dose (and above). I seem to remember Merkan having a bad reaction to it too... So probably best to avoid.
  23. It is my worst symptom... For sure.... I don't know if it is dr, dp or some other name.... I just feel like i'm trapped in that last hour of an acid trip... The fun has gone, disphoria has set in... But i'm still feeling that weird, trippy sensation.
  24. What mgrade said is sad, but true. Thankfully, our symptoms seem to be eased by some anxiety meds and epilepsy meds.... Two very profitable illnesses. Billions will be spent on R&D in that area, and we can hold out hope that whatever they discover has the potential to help HPPD.
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