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Everything posted by myrslingerbult

  1. My visual symptoms are actually getting worse now, and don't know why and it totally freaks me out... I'm still taking keppra though.
  2. I don't know what lamictal is. I'm increasing to 1000 mg per day tomorrow.
  3. No my anxiety is like it use to be, no differences so far except the side effects; sleepy and dizzy. I keep hoping though.
  4. I'm glad, to hear that you recovered. Which drug did you get HPPD from?
  5. My anxiety is bad. Yes, I take two 250 mg each day, and i haven't noticed any chances in symptoms.
  6. I've been going on keppra for more than a week now and i can't see any changes in my symptoms so far, i keep hoping though. I've got sleepiness and dizziness as side effects. I take 500 mg each day.
  7. Experiencing huge cognitive dysfunction.

  8. Today is my third day with keppra. No rages yet, i'm only sleepy and dizzy. No changes in symptoms so far.
  9. I see that you're from Sweden so i'll turn over to swedish now. Jag kompletterar keppra med omega 3 och hittills har jag inte haft några utbrott.
  10. Thanks! It actually helped one of my friends with HPPD here in Sweden a lot, so i hope it helps me as well.
  11. I couldn't agree more! This community is marvelous, and we've got Daniel Kozin to thank for it. He's done so much for us suffering from hppd.
  12. I'm starting on Keppra today. I will report changes in symptoms once in a while. Wish me luck.
  13. A friend of mine with HPPD here in Sweden recently started on keppra and it made her much better. I will also start taking keppra soon.
  14. So, at first the doctors thought that i had a psychosis so I've been taking the antipsychotic drug Seroquel for some months. I've been phasing that one out now but i feel like crap everyday. I wonder if the antipsychotic drug may have maked my hppd even worse. Is that possible and would that damage be permanent? Best wishes.
  15. So, at first the doctors thought that i had a psychosis so I've been taking the antipsychotic stuff Seroquel for some months. I've been phasing that one out now but i feel like crap everyday. I wonder if the antipsychotic drug may have maked my hppd even worse. Is that possible and would that damage be permanent? Best wishes.
  16. It might have been spice but i think it was weed. Weed can actually make you hallucinate if you're sensitive.
  17. What? Does your damaged 5HT2A receptors affect your future kids? That doesn't sound biological true.
  18. I did weed a couple of times and the last time, me and my friends smoked too much (both marijuana and haschish), which made me hallucinate and left me unconscious on the floor while i saw myself die in third person view. I also exchanged a few words with the devil during the trip. Three weeks after the trip i got bad anxiety and flashbacks and the next morning i woke up with all the symptoms.
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