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Everything posted by miketusa

  1. Im just fucking tired. Tired tired tired tired. I cant help but hope. And having to keep hoping in the face of so much doubt is the most painful thing.
  2. Keep holding on guys.

  3. Tramadol and Gabapentin. Thats whats keeping me going. I have mild hppd, so it always feels like im so close to it going away. Been that way for a little over year though. Really starting to doubt in recovering.
  4. Not a doctor, but you probably shouldn't drink while taking Keppra. I think those are fairly well documented side effects when Keppra is combined with drinking.
  5. I'm rooting for you. Hope everything works out for once. Good luck!
  6. Thats really weird. I took it for a few weeks and never had that problem. I don't think I benefited from it at all. I haven't really heard anyone else get any results from it.
  7. Yeah. Things are well more or less. I've smoked a little since, and I didn't freak out or anything. Other than that, everything's normal most days. I think it's interesting that you continue drug use. How do you feel on a day to day basis?
  8. Yeah, synthetic marijuana use is one of my biggest drug use regrets. I think thats what ended up fucking me over. Still my HPPD in comparison to others could be so much worse. It's hard for me to complain. DanceTrooper are you still using drugs? I know you were for a while.
  9. I did. I dont know if it was laced. Dont think so. I started getting trippy off marijuana after over dosing on synthetic cannabis.
  10. I kinda fall in the same boat as Jay. Once it's gone, it's gone. Being around it doesn't really bother me. Of course if I smoke and I havent had a few beers I will freak the fuck out. If have drank a little, it makes it pretty fun. I've only done this twice. And it's been a while since Iv'e done anything at all.
  11. Okay, allow me to elaborate. I notice no marked or minute change in anyway shape or form.
  12. I'm so tired. I need something. Something to help me hold on.

    1. onedayillsailagain


      Gabapentin not working for you? :(

      Have you considered other options?

    2. miketusa


      Yeah, its not doing a whole lot. I think im gonna spring for keppra next time I go to the doctor, which should be soon.

  13. I smoked last night as well. Had a night out in New Orleans because I "deserved" it. Not the first time I cut loose. Don't get mad at yourself, just use it as a reminder. I'm sure you'll be back to baseline before too long.
  14. Seems to be what people are having the most success with right now. I'm taking gabapentin. Isn't really doing anything noticeable. First day on it yesterday, felt like I was on meth. Today I felt normal. Might be having a few visual quirks. Nothing better or worse. No real changes yet.
  15. I take sulbutiamine. Doesn't do shit.
  16. The smell doesnt cause me too much anxiety. Having smoked only a handful of times since my hppd really set in, its hard to say how it affects me. If Im drunk and i smoke, everything is fine. Smoking alone makes me an axnious mess. Just cant seem to stop thinking and chill.
  17. Visual you mentioned that you use Gabapentin. Other than resolving your pupil issue, do you notice any other relief?
  18. Glad to hear all is well with you. I'll have made it a year in a few months. Nice to hear a success story! I dont have many symptoms other than the visual kind at this point. Whenever I drink the next day I get a really bad DP/DR type of hangover, so I dont. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for coming back and letting us know youre doing well.
  19. Who here finds relief from symptoms with opiates? Went into my aunts closet looking for advil and she had a stockpile of generic hydrocodone. Anyways, I figured that would do the trick and a few later I have total relief from what little DR I was having, the anxiety and ghosting and starbursting. I always thought that benzos were the route most people took, though I have seen a few atest to the usefulness of opiates. However, I think its making my tinnitus worse.
  20. Fluctuation is good, well thats what Ive been told. Some people seem to think it means the brain is still trying to correct itself. Which makes sense to me.
  21. http://www.theverge.com/2013/4/18/4226506/can-you-train-your-brain-to-heal-your-health
  22. I hear ya. Just seemed interesting to me. I don't know about you but I'm willing to try anything at this point. And I've tried a lot.
  23. Ive also wondered if oxygen therapy could help, ive heard some crazy success stories with other brain related issues I'll be living in Louisiana for a while and thought about going here to try http://www.hbot.com/facilities
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