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Everything posted by Kellen

  1. There is definitely an underlying problem. Everything I take jacks up my symptoms and makes me feel totally out of it. I am so extremely sensitive to meds/sups it's un natural. There has to be a reason why my system is so fragile that it can't handle any disrupt what so ever. That's why getting off lamictal is so hard. I honestly feel my withdrawal and the way my body process any chemical changes is not the way everyone else's does. It really messes with me. I wish I knew why I've tried all the meds Sinamet increased my visuals and intrusive images (like that Google sleep program coming from my subconscious mixed with my cevs) Naltrexone did the same. when I took it my eyes were vibrating and it was like ripples gong throughout my body. Did not like it Keppra knocked out my symptoms for a little over a day then stopped working and it hasn't worked every time iv tried it since it's only made things worse I started with Vitamin c a few days ago and felt it made me feel worse so I stopped. I took vitamin b 12 liquid with no issues I do not take a multi v Waking up today I still feel out of it but I do feel a little bit more energy. My vs is still RAGING tho Should I ordered the bio 3b g still and try that? Maybe it's some thing in the GGG that fucked with me
  2. Took the GGG a few hours ago and everything is worse Visuals are remarkably increased. dpdr is worse Intrusive images/thoughts are worse Not a placebo, not in my head. Will anything ever fucking work for me?
  3. Currently on 25 mg lamictal still and its hell. Worst symptoms Dp/dr Major Cognitive dysfunction. Can't think or speak properly Severely Fatigued Crazy visuals Tons more but those are the worst right now
  4. got a buddy to order some for me off amazon. they sent the bio GGG instead of the bio 3b g https://www.bioticscan.com/1143 he sent it back and placed another order with a different supplier and they sent the same thing!! this time he cant return it unreal ive waited so long really want to give this a try but now im out 50$ and things are tight already. is the GGG okay to take? it has a much smaller dose of TC and is made up of different stuff than the 3b g. man this is so frustrating
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/205125116272670/ This one gets more action
  6. I doubt it's hppd man. There's definitely some other factors at play. Wish I know what they were not only to help you but myself as well. What meds have you used Have you tried benzos? The only thing that I feel really diminishes my snow is when I take a zoplicone at the end of the day. It calms everything down. It's a sleep med but it makes my symptoms not nearly as bad. In fact if they could find a way to keep the effects without the sleepiness this would be a great med to take (although I'm aware it's just as bad as a benzo) Keep fighting bud it won't be like this forever
  7. My visuals are still insanely bad. Been very derealized and dizzy lately. My whole body feels like I've been run over by a truck.. I might increase the lamitrogine actually in conjunction with a dopamine med. and then decrease again if I'm more stable with my dopamine levels in check.
  8. Here is my qEEG for anyone interested in watching it Looks like I'm going to be tackling dopamine. What dopamine meds have decent track record? I tried sinemet but for 2days only. I would try it again. I know adderall is out is there anything else anyone can think of? I am praying I might be on the right track finally to gaining some of my life back
  9. He's thinking deficiency but it's more about finding a sweet spot. Too much can be just as bad. Still on 25mg and struggling. Especially with cognitive function and memory. I'll post more about my session when I listen back to the audio
  10. Just got back from my qEEG and I have to say I feel much more informed and confident about what's going on with me. It confirmed a lot of my suspicions and he said just by looking at it I should be adjusting my dopamine levels. Some of what he was able to tell was so dead on accurate it was freaky and he had never heard of hppd before. I'm getting the results and the audio of our visit emailed to me and I may post them up. I highly recommend Getting a qEEG to everyone
  11. Bump Anyone try this? My cognitive function is at an all time low. I can barley hold a conversation. Memory is fucking trashed and my anxiety is off the rails. Do all SSRIS cause visuals to worsen no matter what? That desipramine really set me back can't afford to have shit get worse There's one guy on YouTube who said this stuff greatly improved his DPDR as did another guy on the dpselfhelp forum
  12. I was on Effexor for 8 years. I'd say it helped with my anxiety and depression until it stopped working and my hppd totally broke through There are definitely side effects Weight gain Sexual dysfunction Excessive sweating Irritability And lord help you if you miss a dose. With all that said it was 100x better than lamitrogine and I'd happily trade Effexor withdrawal again for this hell im going through
  13. Your story is very very similar to mine. Check out some of my posts. My advice is take the odd kolono, get some strong magnesium, omegas and b12. Maybe look into having a qEEG done to map your brain activity. If you're going to come off the keppra do so very slowly. And don't make any drastic cuts or increases That's really all the advice I can offer. Please don't hesitate to reach out if things get hard. In going through hell and my friends and family have been helping me a great deal. So have people on here. I'm here if you need someone to talk to just send me a pm. I know the struggle believe me I'm right there too. Hope things get better for both of us. For all of us.
  14. Hey ddiddy what symptoms have improved? Also how long have you been on Effexor?
  15. The fear and anxiety surrounding weed smoke certainly plays a major roll in why it increases everything.
  16. Thanks dude I really appreciate it. It was really weird my symptoms somewhat decreased in severity for 24 hours there. my vs wasn't as punishing and I felt somewhat competent. Went to the gym yesterday then out with a friend for dinner. As soon as we went out my symptoms came back HARD. I couldn't think or talk. Its like someone reaching into your head and turning off all cognitive function. I just got extremely anxious and my friend could tell. I was shaking in the car on the ride home and she asked if I was cold. Waking up today I feel like utter shit again. There is zero rhyme or reason to this condition and even when I was experiencing the decrease I tried to make the best of it because I knew it wouldn't last. And it didn't. I'm calling a clinic now it have a QEEG done. I know my brain is operating at an abnormal level and it will be beneficial to have documentation of it. going to give myself another week and start decreasing the lamictal again . Urgh
  17. I am the same way. Second hand Weed smoke greatly increases my anxiety and symptoms. My roommate smokes pot. She would smoke it in the house all the time but I asked her to do it outside and she agreed. Although it doesn't have a permanent or lasting effect on your hppd it does irritate it. I did have my symptoms flare after making out with a girl on new years after she had taken a some rips off the bong. The next day my visuals and anxiety were increased but that's because the thc was directly transferred.
  18. Been at 25mg for a month now. Scared to increase or decrease. My symptoms are so intense I can barely cope with my day to day. Not sure what to do but I regret the day I ever touched this shit Seriously this stuff makes you suicidal, homicidal, angry and insane. It can make everything to do with hppd worse. On top of all the already existing hppd symptoms becoming exasperated I now have extreme artificial light sensitivity and I've just read that it is most likely permanent. Fuck. This stuff is poison and at this point I urge everyone to really question and think it through before you start taking it. Read these reviews http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.asp?drug=20241&name=LAMICTAL It fucks with your bones too. Many people I'm in contact with have lost teeth because of lamictal. I had zero cavities before starting it. Over a couple years in and I need to have teeth pulled and root canal. It messes with your skin. Mine doesn't look as healthy. My veins bulge out all the time and it's really loose and wrinkly and I'm only 30. And my hair has been falling out like crazy this whole time. Luckily it's long enough where it's not that noticeable but it's much thinner than it was before starting. Some people have ended up bald as a result of this med. What you're going through now is not worth the risk with this med and judging by the extreme reaction people have it should be pulled IMO
  19. Desiprmamine (tricyclic) has made my visuals significantly worse and I took it a couple months ago. Still hasn't gotten any better. Stay away
  20. My main concern would be the effect on visuals. Also my brain is already hyper active enough I'm worried this would send it into over drive with the racing thoughts/intrusive images etc... I've read it can help that tinnitus and there is a study starting next month of the effects of TMS on depersonalization This does look like a promising avenue but I'll need to find out more about it before I push for it
  21. Anyone on here group had experience with these? If so does it effect visuals at all? I'm seriously considering giving these a shot has anyone had any success?
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