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Everything posted by Gmo

  1. ^^^^^Yea this......I noticed my speech is way worse when I'm anxious cause I'm constantly observing it and wondering if I'm talking normal or not. But when I'm chillin with my roommates my speech problems are near non existent, unless I'm tired or something. Also I feel really clear headed after I exercise, specifically cardio. But other than that I feel like you just gotta be like "fuck it I talk how I talk and I'm not gonna worry about it" and over time your speech'll start to clear up.
  2. ^^^^Eating shitty food definitely has a negative effect on the way I feel. I notice I much bigger difference in the way I feel after I eat fast food than after I eat healthy homeade stuff.
  3. You only did shrooms once?? Did you use any other drugs??
  4. I have speech problems......it's gotten a lot better since it first started though. It used to be near constant but now it's just anxiety related. I don't know how to describe it though, cause it's not like a stutter it's more like it just takes me a while to say what I need to say.....I just fumble over my words a lot but not it a stuttering sort of way. I mix words up too.....and in the beginning I think the inflection in my voice changed and I would pronounce words the wrong way, like emphasize the wrong syllable or something like that, but I don't really do that anymore. For a while there my speech was close to how it used to be when I would trip, just really jumbled and kinda strange.
  5. Oh yea that's pretty serious sounding........mine's not like that. I do have things shaking and warping constantly though.
  6. What do mean by perceptual glitches?? I might have something similar to that.
  7. This is one of my biggest problems, and I think it's really keeping me from getting any better.......but do any of you guys obsess over the past and how things used to be. I'm always imagining what would of happend if I had of just maybe done this drug a little or if I'd decided not to trip on that certain occasion or whatever.....I'm just constantly analyzing everything that led up to this point. I know I can't change it and constantly thinking about it definitely does more harm than good, but I can't seem to let go of the past.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that dude......I couldn't imagine losing a parent. But yea in the end it really is up to you. If you think you're dad could provide some support or something you should tell him.
  9. Nahhhh I can't tell my parents. I honestly wouldn't even consider it. They're getting pretty old and my mom's pretty old fashioned and I already know she would lose it if I told her I'm experiencing problems from acid. She flipped when she found weed in my car, and never found out I was messing with harder stuff, it'd break her little heart haha. But, do you still use drugs r.trudeau???
  10. @Ben......so you stopped smoking weed and then started again??? Did weed used to make you trip out pretty hard?? I had to stop smoking about a year ago but still tried to toke every once and a while but it always made my visuals WAAAAY worse and gave me a lot of anxiety and paranoia that would last a couple days. I've been 100% off of it for like 6-8 months now though, but I'd be interested in smoking again one day.
  11. Ahhhhhhhh well fuck it then, I guess I'm on my own.
  12. I don't have much of anything useful to add but I wouldn't tell my parents. In my opinion it'd just be something to cause them worry.....there's really nothing they could do to help you.
  13. 4 years is a while......it always freaks me out when people have it that long. Did you continue using any drugs during that time??
  14. ^^^^Yea for sure. It's rough........Also @r.trudeau is Keppra something that would have to be prescribed by a doctor?? I'd be interested in taking it but won't be able to if it has to be prescribed.......I really don't want my parents to think I'm all screwed up in the head so I'm gonna try to keep from having to go to a doctor or psychiatrist or anything like that.
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Did you have any issues before your bad trips???? You said you had two bad acid trips back to back......it's kind of odd but I had two bad lucy trips back to back that I think caused all this. I tripped before that of course but I think it was the bad ones that really had a negative effect on me. I feel like if I could of avoided those then none of this would of happened.
  16. Ok cool......I thought that was just me. It really is a shame. I've noticed reading helps it out though......I got back into reading recently and that seems to of helped straighten out my throught process a bit.
  17. You said in you had speech problems??? Like what?? I had/have speech issues after my bad trips.......it's gotten better over time but I still fumble over my words more than I think the normal person does. I also think I kinda mumble a lot cause I find people are always asking me to repeat myself.
  18. That pretty much nails it on the head. It's getting really old. But yea like others said everything's really vibrant and slightly cartoony for me all the time too. Kinda like when you're done tripping but you've still got that altered perception before you go to bed and give your brain time to reset. I'm stuck on the tail end of a trip it looks like-_-
  19. Does anyone have flat or 2D like vision??? It's like for example when I'm outside everything looks like a pop up book or a cardboard cut out......It's really hard to describe. I think it's more a symptom of DP than anything else though.
  20. I don't know if I've ever had a panic attack or not.......but when I get really nervous I get all shaky and weak feeling.......I can never tell if I'm actually shaking and other people can actually see it or not. It also gets harder to talk when I get like that......my speech is all jumbled and it's just weird. But I don't think it's a panic attack. I just feel crazy for a few minutes.
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^*Thumbs Up* for that post
  22. Mine don't seem to be affected during sports but afterwards for a short time they're worse, then usually once I get out the shower I feel a lot better.
  23. Yea I've been tryin to go out more lately. I'm actually going to a festival this weekend so we'll see how that goes.
  24. I hear what you're sayin man. This whole thing has really takin a lot out of me, mostly the DP. I don't really go out unless I have to. My friends still hit me up to go out but I usually make up excuses to stay in. I really only like hanging out with my buddy that I play guitar with these days.
  25. ^^^^^That's what mine is. I'm pretty sure it's not ghosting cause it's only there when I have both eyes open. It's like I'm seeing both separate images at the same time.
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