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Everything posted by Gmo

  1. I know this prolly seems like a stupid question to ask on an HPPD forum but hear me out. When people describe their symptoms they always talk about trails, floaters, static, things moving, pressure and stuff like that. But does everything have like a psychedelic tinge to it for you guys??? I feel like since my acid days like a year ago everything looks metallic/plastic like. Like everything looks really fake??? The size of buildings seems greatly exaggerated and organic things(like trees and plants) look like card board cuts or something. I think the best way to describe it would be to say that my vision is like the comedown of an acid trip. Aside from the typical floaters/trailing/static everything just looks like I'm constantly on an acid comedown......the point when you're no longer actaully tripping but everything is still really exaggerated and really in your face you know??? I'm assuming it's like this for everyone but I've never read where anyone talks about it.
  2. Yea I've tried a number of supplements but not many have a "noticeable" effect. I'm sure they were doing something but I couldn't tell in my daily life. The only one's I could really tell a difference with were valerian root, magnesium, and the piracetam. But yea I've been trying to sort out my sleeping too. I've been skipping a lot of class cause I've been staying up till 4 or 5 every morning then waking up at like 2 or 3. It was worse last semester though, no exaggeration, I was going to bed between 7 and 8 in the morning and waking up at like 4:30 or 5. But I think in the next week I'll be going to bed around 1 and waking up at 9:30 or so. That's the plan anyways.
  3. I just took it by itself. I read online that it is best to mix it with choline but I didn't feel like ordering any so I just piracetam by itself. I didn't notice any visual changes from it really. The main thing I noticed was my mind was less jumbled and I feel like my speech improved. Before, when I would read I'd have to re read sentences and my mind would trail and it was just irritating. But after the piracetam my thoughts began to flow more normal like they used to before DP/DR. I'm also not that sure about the exact dosage. The bottle I ordered didn't have a scoop in it for some reason so I just ended up taking half a teaspoon twice everyday for like a month. So I'm not sure how much that would be in grams but it was a teaspoon a day, prolly should've taken a bit more. I also feel like the words on the computer screen and in books don't sway as much as they used to. But I'm not sure if I should attribute that to piracetam or just time, or both. But I'd say it's worth looking into. I'll prolly order some more and overlap it with these Gingko caps.
  4. Well I got my ginkgo biloba caps in the mail today so I'm gonna start em. I was taking piracetam for like a month and I do think that it had some positive effects on my mental functioning. Hopefully these do too.
  5. I'm just curious. I'm pretty sure that this whole DP ordeal is the worst fucking thing imaginable......I mean before the DP hit I had pretty bad HPPD but I was getting by.....it wasn't THAT bad......but after DP hit is when I became a recluse and couldn't stand to be around anyone. I just lost my sense of self and my personality and I just feel brain dead. I've had this for about 9 months(HPPD for like a year and a half) and I think this is without a doubt the worst thing that's ever happened to me......I really hope I'm not like this forever cause life just wouldn't be worth living. I could deal with HPPD much easier if I didn't have DP to go along with it.
  6. Thanks man I needed to read that. I lay in bed basically every night just beating myself up about my drug use, and it honestly wasn't that extreme. I really need to let go of the past and try my best to deal with the present as opposed to my past mistakes. I'm always imagining these alternate scenarios and dreaming what life might of been like had I avoided those 2 bad trips......It's just life was EASY back then. No anxiety no weird thoughts, no brain deadness, just normality. I just can't stop blaming myself. But after reading your post I understand I really need to let go of it all. I was on a different vibe back and I was just interested in experimenting. If I, just like any of you, had known this was what was waiting for me we wouldn't taken the risks......or at least I wouldn't of. But it is what it is the past should be left in the past.
  7. Damn dude you were out of control........over how many years did all that go down??
  8. Did you have a bad trip on your shrooms experience or was it positive??
  9. So I'm just trying to find some commonalities amongst all of us and determine what the main culprit in causing HPPD is(i.e. frequency, dosage, substance). So if you could just list the drugs you used up until HPPD and what substances you used after HPPD and how frequently, I'd appreciate it. Also, if you could state whether or not your HPPD was instantaneous after a particular experience or gradual.....I guess really I just want like as detailed of an account as your trying to give from the time you started using drugs up until this point. If you don't wanna read this entire thing(It's kinda long) just skip to the bottom. Story: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{So for me I smoked weed for about a year before my HPPD "hit" I had done ecstasy around 20-25 times, taken LSD about 5 times, shrooms once, cocaine twice, and pills every now and then(klonopin, xanax, vicodin) but not very often. The bulk of my ecstasy use was the summer before I got into LSD.......After all my ecstasy use I had a little HPPD, I would see trails on certain things and I had a little light sensitivity but nothing out of control. It really didn't bother me at all, everything just looked a little more vibrant and alive. So then sophomore year(when I started using LSD) of college I found a LSD hook up and started trippin. I tripped 3 times over like 1 1/2 months and felt completely fine. No anxiety or weird visuals and my weed highs were still normal. Then I took like a 2 week break and then tripped acid twice more within like 3 weeks of each other. After these two trips things started to go down hill. These last 2 acid trips I had were terrible. I was really paranoid and one of my friends was screwing with me the entire time and the experiences left me in some odd state of mind. Afterwards things started to look a little "acid-like" when I was sober but I still felt like everything was ok. However whenever I would smoke weed I started to clam up and have a lot of anxiety and couldn't really speak straight at all. So I decided to take a break on weed for Christmas break and when I tried to smoke once second semester started the problems were like 20 times worse. From here on out things gradually got worse and worse, I tried to continue smoking as I thought if I regained my tolerance weed would go back to normal. After a bit of this the weird delusional thoughts and anxiety started creeping into my sober life and I decided to stop smoking weed. But, I did decide to do DMT twice and LSD once in an attempt to have a good experience and maybe redirect where everything was heading. It didn't really help....it made the visuals slightly worse but overall was just a waste of time and money. So I decided to stop with all the psychedelics and was "sober" for about a month before I went to a 2 day rave. I took ecstasy both days thinking I could never have a bad experience with that but did and that weekend worsened my visuals quite a bit. So........about a month later I got hit with DP and that was about 7 months ago.....I've taken ecstasy twice since DP hit.....Once was terrible and once was actually enjoyable. I've been more or less sober since around August except for a few drinks from time to time. So yea that's my drug story.....all of that was within about a year and a half from the first time I smoked weed to the time I got DP.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I don't expect most people to of read all of that but mainly what I'm wanting is just to know what you believe the main culprit of your DP/DR/HPPD was. I think for me it was the two negative experiences I had on LSD. Those two experiences just set in a negative undertone to my subsequent drug use from that point forward. I feel like if I had kept the same frequency of drug usage but avoided those negative trips then I never would've developed anxiety that never would've led to DP and I don't believe my HPPD would've gotten as bad.
  10. Yea I had two bad trips back to back. I had been fine up until that point.....no anxiety no warped thought process or anything. Then on that first bad trip I had I felt like I was in my own world separate from everyone else. It felt like everyone was on a completely different "vibe" than me. I was fine after that trip but it negatively influenced my second one and I had the same warped thoughts and screwed up anxious feelings....then after that trip I couldn't smoke weed without those feelings returning....and everything slowly got worse and worse until the DP hit. I feel like if I had of tripped the same amount of times but those last two experiences would have been positive then none of this would of happened.
  11. Have drugs or HPPD or DP/DR or whatever you have affected the way you talk in any way??
  12. Yea, I'm still getting by. I'm definitely not stupid I still do fine in my classes it's just I feel like I don't breeze through my school work like I used to but ultimately I come to the same answers. You said you started taking supplemements, what kind??
  13. Hey everyone I've been lurking on this site for a while but I giured I might as well sign up. I've basically had HPPD for about 1 year now and DP/DR for 6 months. My drug usage includes 2 shrooms trips, around 12 LSD trips, around 25 ecstasy experiences, 3 DMT, 1 cocaine, 2 ketamine, and near 24/7 weed smoking for around a year. I had done the bulk of that usage without experiencing any negative side effects. LSD, I believe, was the main culprit. The last 2 times I dosed they were both HORRIFFIC experiences and the negative vibes I experienced seemed to of stuck with me. I also believe the severity of those 2 experiences were primarily what caused such bad HPPD, I had VERY slight HPPD prior to those two experiences and I believe the negativity of it all really took the HPPD to another level. Anyhow my symptoms include visual snow, brain fog, light sensitivity and cause of the DP/DR everything looks flat and almost like the worlds a 2D cardboard cut out. It's a lot worse than it sounds. The worst part out of all of this is definitely the depersonalization and the resulting anxiety. Also, I almost feel like I'm losing my mind......it's gotten better over time so I know I'm not actually losing my mind but I really feel like mentally I've just suffered a lot from all this.....I really hope my cognitive functioning improves over time. I've sobered up and haven't smoked weed in about 6 months and haven't taken any psychedelics in around 9 months. I took MDMA in August at a show and that's the last time I've done anything other than drink. I drank every couple of weeks initially but since I've quit I've been clean off of alcohol for almost 4 months. I've also started eating really well(not that I ate all that bad initially) and I've been running a lot. I really hope we haven't permanently screwed ourselves for a few good times, if I had known this was even a possibility for my life I never would've touched psychedelics.
  14. So I was wondering how everyone's thought process was/wasn't affected by HPPD and drugs in general. I always made an effort to stay away from drugs that I "thought" didn't cause permanent brain damage. I've only ever really done psychedelics(aside from cocaine and ketamine both once) but these days it really feels like I might have done some type of damage. Aside from all the visual aspects of this I feel like my thought process is just a lot more spacey and less concrete than what it once was. Does anyone else experience this and is there any chance that this is some kind of permanent damage.
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