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Am I fucking crazy? How have I not tried Pimavanserin???


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Are you serious? This drug has been out since what 2016?


People were so psyched on this board when they heard about this drug coming out.. Now since its come out.. Crickets??


It’s a fucking 5ht2a antagonist. Of course it will help me.

So not a single person here had tried it?? You got ppl here getting scripted much more dangerous typical antipsychotics ALL THE TIME. Why is there no mention of pimavanserin??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man it's $5k for a bottle of 30 tablets in the US, and other countries where they subsidise meds (like UK and AUS - where I'm from) don't have it. So that's probably why. But as you seem pretty obsessed with it, I'm quite confused as to why you don't know this yourself.

Risperidone, Abilify and Olanzepine are all 5HTPa antagonists by the way.

Also Pimavanserin has a slew of worrying side effects including early death and, ironically - hallucinations

Edited by joegives
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that being said - this seems to suggest that theoretically it could work: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/a-1882-6802


But it does give me pause - since the article mentions that apriprazole (abilify) may be a good treatment for HPPD - which we know to not be a fact for the vast majority of people. It is also a 5HTP2a antagonist (a less pure one - it's also a partial dopamine agonist and does a few other things which may account for the worsening of symptoms)


I'd imagine when it gets approved for schizophrenia in the later part of this year it'll be added to pharmaceutical benefits schemes for countries with subsidised medications programs like UK, certain countries in the EU and AUS: https://acadia.com/pipeline/

Edited by joegives
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12 hours ago, joegives said:

that being said - this seems to suggest that theoretically it could work: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/a-1882-6802


But it does give me pause - since the article mentions that apriprazole (abilify) may be a good treatment for HPPD - which we know to not be a fact for the vast majority of people. It is also a 5HTP2a antagonist (a less pure one - it's also a partial dopamine agonist and does a few other things which may account for the worsening of symptoms)


I'd imagine when it gets approved for schizophrenia in the later part of this year it'll be added to pharmaceutical benefits schemes for countries with subsidised medications programs like UK, certain countries in the EU and AUS: https://acadia.com/pipeline/

Abilify was a horrible treatment for me...

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  • 4 months later...

Totally. I can’t take any kind of anything with an antipsychotic in it. I was put on some weird medication called Saphris and it was awful. Everything looked red! I mean, like if you had red lightbulbs in the room instead of regular ones. And my visuals were way worse. The same with Seroquel (sp?) when I was put on it. I was so hyped up I was pacing around the house calling my therapist to ask how it would be before that crap was out of my system. I have heard antipsychotics are the worst thing you can take for HPPD, especially Risperidone. . I know I’m not spelling these meds right which is annoying, lol, sorry. 

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