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Anyone else with Anterograde amnesia ?

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"Anterograde amnesia is the inability to create new memories due to brain damage, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact"

I definitely suffer from this since HPPD onset, and it doesn't seem to get better... The last 5 years of my life are a complete blur (not even talking about periods where I was taking Clonazepam lol).

But I still have sharp memory of everything that happened before.

Somebody can relate ?

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No i have bad hppd , but i have no issues with my memory , i don't have dp/ Dr also, only thing that mind fucks me is the anxiety, i refuse to take any medications of this, obviously our anxiety is subjective because we are anxious about our symptoms, 

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I had a really bad short term memory for a while but over time it improved significantly.  Not where I was but it's much better. Try not to focus on this type of stuff.  Assessing the quality of memory is a tricky business since ones perception of the past can be extremely biased. 

Edited by cosmiccharlie
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  • 3 months later...

Although I wouldn't say this is a severely bad thing I feel like yes my memory is shot, it's not just this it's also partly due to some depersonalization thing yet at the same time I have very good improved recall of certain events, especially (when I did) smoke. 


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  • 1 year later...
On 6/15/2022 at 1:05 AM, Jay1 said:

Not for me... My long term memory is quite bad, possibly a combo of brain fog from hppd and just getting older. Short term memory seems ok.

Same! My long term memory sucks now!! Probably from HPPD, years of meds, and like you said, getting old! 🤣 My short term memory is not great but it’s like mostly if I get tired or if I have a flare up of symptoms. It’s really hard for me because when I was a kid/teenager I had such a good memory my mom thought I had a photographic memory (I doubt I had a photographic memory, but it was way beyond average.) Now I’m so dull I can hardly remember anything, sometimes I even have to think hard to find the right word. Also, it feels like I have a false past because I’ll talk to my kids, reminiscing and such, and they ALWAYS tell me that’s not what happened. Like maybe that never happened at all, or it did happen but I’m remembering it totally wrong or in a wrong time frame. I hate it ☹️

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