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How limiting is hppd?

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Good morning friends, I have twenty years and I have hppd for about four years, in addition to the DP / DR that accompanies me from the beginning.
I'm at the age of deciding which way to go professionally and I'm a little lost.
I've always had an affection for militarism, both for principles and values and financial stability and I'm thinking of following a career, I know that training is exhausting physically and psychologically, do you think hppd can prevent my training?

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6 hours ago, Mr.Nobody said:

Good morning friends, I have twenty years and I have hppd for about four years, in addition to the DP / DR that accompanies me from the beginning.
I'm at the age of deciding which way to go professionally and I'm a little lost.
I've always had an affection for militarism, both for principles and values and financial stability and I'm thinking of following a career, I know that training is exhausting physically and psychologically, do you think hppd can prevent my training?

Hi man, I’m in a similar situation, always wanted to join the military and did so last year but suffered an injury a few weeks into training and was medically discharged and I got HPPD after a silly mistake while I was waiting to re-join. 

I have read a few stories of people with HPPD managing to have a career in the military which gives me hope.

What branch of the military are you interested in joining?

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I found that hppd didn't limit my intellectual or physical abilities.  I got through college,  had a career (a challenging one IMHO), got married, had kids, and all that good stuff.  I've been working for approaching 40 years, and am now thinking about retirement.   There's nothing really special about me.  I just worked hard and stayed sober.  If I kept using I doubt I would have accomplished much.

My main issue was anxiety which I fortunately learned how to keep under control.  Also, all the psychedelics I took made me kind of a strange soul.  The visuals, my most prominent symptom, is something I've learned to live with.  

Pursue your dreams!


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I managed to serve in the military myself with this disorder.  In the beginning I found it challenging but over time I began to realize my perspective was the problem.  I agree with MadDoc in that my intelligence and physical abilities really weren't affected.  What he did is essentially what I have done, stay sober, follow your dreams and try not to worry too much.  Many of us make full recoveries so long as we don't continue to use drugs.  I also have a family and have had a happy life so far , again like MadDoc, if I kept using drugs I don't think my life would be anywhere near where it is today. 

Hang in there!

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Hello, man, every day I am more convinced that the severity and limitations of hppd depend a lot on our perspective.
@Cosmiccharlie's words confirm this.
I am Brazilian and I intend to join ESA, a school of army sergeants, in the area of communication, more specifically in the area of information security.

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Thanks Charlie, I believe that changing perspective is the most powerful tool against it, I try to incorporate it into my life, and I usually do it for a certain period of time, but it doesn't work in the long run, I face constant relapses.
Do you think therapy can help?
I never did, but I really want to.

On 13/05/2021 at 23:01, cosmiccharlie said:

Consegui servir nas forças armadas com esse transtorno. No começo achei isso desafiador, mas com o tempo comecei a perceber que minha perspectiva era o problema. Eu concordo com MadDoc em que minha inteligência e habilidades físicas realmente não foram afetadas. O que ele fez é essencialmente o que eu fiz, fique sóbrio, siga seus sonhos e tente não se preocupar muito. Muitos de nós recuperamos totalmente, desde que não continuemos a usar drogas. Eu também tenho uma família e tive uma vida feliz até agora, novamente como MadDoc, se eu continuasse usando drogas, eu não acho que minha vida estaria perto de onde está hoje. 

Mantenha-se firme!


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Em 13/05/2021 às 18:02, Nubber578 disse:

Oi cara, estou em uma situação parecida, sempre que quis entrar para o exército e fiz isso no ano passado, mas sofri uma lesão algumas semanas no treinamento e tiva alta médica e peguei HPPD após um erro bobo enquanto esperava para voltar Junte. 

Eu li algumas histórias de pessoas com HPPD que conseguiram fazer uma carreira militar, o que me dá esperança.

Em qual ramo das Forças Armadas você está interessado em ingressar?

Hello, man, every day I am more convinced that the severity and limitations of hppd depend a lot on our perspective.
@Cosmiccharlie's words confirm this.
I am Brazilian and I intend to join ESA, a school of army sergeants, in the area of communication, more specifically in the area of information security.

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On 5/15/2021 at 5:23 PM, Mr.Nobody said:

Hello, man, every day I am more convinced that the severity and limitations of hppd depend a lot on our perspective.
@Cosmiccharlie's words confirm this.
I am Brazilian and I intend to join ESA, a school of army sergeants, in the area of communication, more specifically in the area of information security.

After seeing people on here who have managed to cope in the military with HPPD it has definitely made me feel better. That’s great man hopefully you can achieve this I’m sure you can, as for myself it’s the Marines. I was in last year but got injured and got discharged but I really want to go back. Luckily I think I have a fairly mild case of HPPD compared to a lot of the other ones I hear so I think I still have a chance.

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