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I hope you're well. I do meditate and find it to be very helpful.  For me it reduces anxiety and anything that does that will help with my HPPD.  I have found that sticking to a regular schedule (at least once per day) with a comfortable position, over time provided some wonderful benefits.  These include increased feelings of wellbeing, better memory and increased energy to name a few.  As far as whether it will aggravate the  symptoms, I wouldn't worry about that.  If it does it's only temporary and in the long run is likely to do more good than harm.

Also I have found that a comfortable cushion is a big help.


Good luck!


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I meditate daily and have been practicing for many years.  The key word is "practice".  Just like learning to play a musical instrument, it's important to keep at it even if it doesn't "click" right away.   At one point in my life I was storing too much stress, anxiety, and was struggling with bouts of depression.  My doctor recommended that I take meditation training being taught at a local teaching hospital.  It took me (memory is a bit fuzzy here) about six months before I realized how much better I was doing.  For me the benefits are:

I can shut of the chatter in my head.  So often we can relive unpleasant memories.  Meditation teaches you that you can choose to "unpack" a memory or not.

Reduced stress.  I think this is because you can learn to "be".  I can put my mind into a "now".  No past, no future, just now.

Focus:  Meditation is basically mental focus.  It extends other areas where you need mental focus.  My hallucinations are at their worst when my mind is unfocused.  

I could go on and on.  I highly recommend getting started.  In the past I've said that I think meditation saved me (that and sobriety).

For me, my hppd symptoms are manageable because I meditate and because I've stayed clean.  It most definitely does not make my symptoms worse!

You don't need a guru or crystals.  You just need a safe quiet place and a little time.

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My practice is best described as "mindful meditation" aka "mindfulness".  You don't need no chant from nobody.  If you can breathe, you can do it.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see benefits early.  Scheduling time daily can actually be stressful at first, but stick with it.

It takes time, but it REALLY helps and improves the quality of life.  

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I agree with MadDoc.  One practice that helped me in the beginning was counting the breath from 1 to 10 then repeat, 1 on the inhale 2 on the exhale and so on.  I like this because it's simple and gives you a small task.  It also helps to have a timer, start where ever you feel comfortable, even 1 minute is good.  Overtime you can increase the duration as you get more comfortable.  Also there's no right way to  go about it, and like MadDoc said the benefits will take time so it's important to stick with it.  

Good luck!

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Meditation has always helped me with hppd related symptoms, anxiety the most. I wouldn't worry about it triggering anything or making it worse. I find it's easiest to meditate when I'm in a comfortable position, eyes closed, mind clear, and focus on nothing except my breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth. 

Edited by Aangtheairbender
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