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How did you manage to cut out/ cut down the booze?


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This year have started a healthy lifestyle to improve symptoms and I think this is key to give any healing, if possible, a chance.

The problem is most of my mates my go out at weekends and most social things here in the uk revolve around a beer. I feel like I am missing out and staying in more when not drinking.

Have you found an improvement in your symptoms or coping whilst still having the odd drink or is it a teetotal lifestyle that has only helped you?

Have you had to change your social activities to find a social life that doesn't include booze?

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I'm still lookin too mate. I think it is in our brit DNA to get smashed every weekend. I'm in a band, so makes it even harder... free booze and everyone up for the party.

I stick to bottled beer and try my best to stay away from the shots... For the most part, that minimizes the hangover. I have a benzo on a Sunday to make sure i'm not caught up in the anxiety.

I used to drink alot more.. pretty much weds, thurs, fri, saturday... then I found a great cure for that... getting married ;)

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Im scottish and 19. Its in my blood to drink until i cant speak. I think stella artois will go out of business now i cant drink. Best way to cut down is tell urself u aint gunna heal if u dont. Thats what im doing, i love beer but i need to choose between that and living a normal life. I know what im picking.

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I haven't drank since early December last year. I used to abuse the stuff. I just got to the point where I had enough of all the negative crap that went with it, and so I stopped. Felt pretty crappy for several weeks. Overall feel better now though.

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I used to love a beer or 10 on a friday... along with everything else... I go street racing now... Obviously has its own set of dangers but it does tend to be a drug/drink free scene and i have NEVER (touch wood) had any HPPD symptoms while at the wheel.. Its the only time im really and truly happy these days..

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I don't pre drink heavy if I'm going out now. Before i'd try to knock back half a bottle of vodka or 8 to 10 beers before i went out. Now i'll bring 1 or 2 beers to a friends house. Then when i go out i don't drink shots or mixed drinks and stick to beer. I also just try to drink them nice and slow. I'm actually enjoying it more not get shit faced. I wake up and don't feel like crap. I can remember to my best ability with this hppd all the dumb things everyone els did and know i didn't do any thing embarrassing. So far too i am feeling much better. Only trouble I'm going to have is I'm going over seas soon and will have no job for a very long time to keep thing in order

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Sickkk mr2 (i think) hahah...and i love old school beamers too, great little drifters...Ive always driven quickly but i started goin out for random drives when hppd hit...i dont fel as confident behind the wheel anymore because dpdr makes everything look hella trippy but ive gotten used to it...speakign of drifting...


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Baisically, become a petrol head then? lol. Getting into some adrenaline fueled sports may be a good idea.

Thats the thing with drinking, it relaxes you and helps you forget about hppd for a few hours. I'd be happy to just say sod it and just have a few beers every weekend but I don't think I'll ever improve like that and after 5 years with this I want to at least know I gave it my best to recover.

Feels like your missing out on life and hppd is taking over more of you when you wont allow yourself to drink but then that you're not giving yourself the real chance to recover if you do drink, catch 22.

Perhaps Jay, you're on the money- need to get married and under the thumb!! It's not as easy to get a beer under there - so a friend of mine who got wed lately has told me!

Getting some more healthy distractions perhaps then....

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Well, don't have much social life. But am strong willed and rarely do things because of others (am inclined to not do things because of others).

As far a limiting drinking, the more I drink the worse I feel. Especially when taking little or no meds. So the feeling like crap the next day (even from one drink) does discourage use. Also some weeks I can have a shot a day without real problems. And on rare occations can feel better the next day. My brain is probably just a moody son-of-a-bitch so just have to go with the flow...

Zokov, do you feel the klonopin changes the way you feel after you drink?

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I do miss a pint, but it's quite easy to avoid. The thought of making the vision worse or the return flu-like state I was in for two months when the HPPD got bad is enough of a deterrent for me. I'd like to recover at least partly as well, and drinking is too much of a risk. Plus, no more hangovers and save a load of money not drinking.

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