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Is the subreddit "r/HPPD" accurate in it's info?

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I've been posting a bit on r/HPPD after discovering it, now that I've had some of my visual symptoms and DP/DR returning (I think it's just due to stress and isolation, but it's the first time I've had symptoms in years: I've been on clonazepam this whole time).

Anyway, in the sidebar it reads, in-part: " HPPD, HIPPD, or Hallucinogen (Induced) Persisting Perception Disorder is a purely neurological visual processing disorder caused from drug abuse by various substances like Marijuana, LSD, MDMA, Amphetamine, as well as various SSRI's, Dextromethorphan and Diphenhydramine."

During the time I was a member at this forum, I don't remember anyone saying they got HPPD from Amphetamine, and definitely not SSRI's. Is this accurate information that I'm not aware of? I tried asking this question on there and a moderator deleted my post without explanation.

Another thing they mention in their rules: " When recommending a drug whether it is a legal OTC (over the counter) or prescription drug- it must relate to HPPD and be beneficial with numerous user reports or documented scientific studies. Benzodiazepines will no longer be allowed for discussion due to the risk of increasing symptoms upon discontinuation, do not recommend them here."

The part about benzos possibly increasing symptoms when discontinued is also something I haven't heard of before.

I'm wondering if what they are saying is valid, since they provide no evidence to back up what they're saying. I worry that they might have created an outlet for Hypochondriacs with other disorders to think they have HPPD when they don't.

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I’ve seen numerous posters here having a negative review, I never go there so I can’t speak for myself. I do believe that reddit can be very informative, but also over extensive in their liberal and modern views, while also using their broad knowledge base for an excuse to be close minded from anything different in their thought of concrete beliefs. I doubt that benzodiazepines have any drastic negative impact long term, but coming off them could have negative impacts on symptoms due to receptor adjustment, according to research it should only be temporary and symptoms within a month after discontinuation should technically return to baseline. However there are no studies I’m aware of that prove that, and in medicine thats really important.

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All I can say is that I indeed got HPPD from a non-classical serotoninergic hallucinogen, so there's that.

But Reddit is reddit, you can almost always find every answer possible ton any question and with HPPD being so diverse I'm not sure this sub can help out more than just confort yourself knowing you're not alone...

Just my 2 cents

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I've heard of HPPD from SSRIs and it makes some sense as they also increase serotonin. 

Speed, coke etc... chemically seems less likely. My guess is that people who have taken such drugs have almost certainly taken weed, lsd and/or mdma, so maybe pointing the finger at the wrong drug.

As for benzos... I think there is a chance that the withdrawal anxiety and stress could give an increase in symptoms... But, as far as I know, there is no concrete link.

/hppd is a bit of a cesspit to me, 70% of people trying to find a way to cheat the system and take more drugs... a bunch of people with very mild symptoms (or even trolls) being cheerleaders for more drug taking and a handful of people who actually know what they are talking about.

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Interesting responses.

I'll need to do more research, as it's been years since I've done any.

I wish I understood why some of my HPPD symptoms are coming back, I remember coming here around 2012 announcing that I no longer have it. I guess the clonazepam was just really effective at covering up the symptoms, but it's still there :(

As for reddit, I have a number of issues with that site anyway at this point, so I simply deleted my account there. Nothing specific to r/HPPD, just reddit in general seems to have lots of over-opinionated trolls.

Edited by Swartz
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It's been hppdonline for at least 12 years now, maybe 15... A lot of the data was lost about 7 years ago, sadly.

It was a bit like one of those fidget spinner things... Probably someone with a similar username.

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