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2 realities? (urgent, already in Symptoms)


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Hi, im new to this, so, bear with me with any mistakes

So, in April, i tried LSD at a friends house, 340ug, too much for my first time and had a blackout, on saturday night i took 40ug, smoked a lot of weed, and was feeling like i was back in my first trip, as in, i felt like i was at my friends house, and because of the blackout, i was tripping out and they had to call the police, or a neighbor heard me being loud, and now it feels like everything i hear or do is actually happening out there, at my friend house, with police, and my family screaming and crying. Everything i hear sounds familiar, like ive already heard it. Even now as i type this, the TV in the living room sounds like my mom, dad, and police, i dont know what to do, i dont think ive heard of HPPD symptoms like this. What do i do? help please

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You blacked out while on LSD?  Are you sure it was LSD?  Well, no matter, just curious.

Strange things can happen for a while after dosing.  That's a pretty healthy dose and after an experience like that mental anomolies aren't that unusual.  

Advice?  Stay clean.  Don't take any hallucinogenic drugs and stop consuming cannabis.  For some, weed can be unpredictable for a while after taking hallucinogens.  After a few months you may find that you're levelling out.  Don't jump to the conclusion that you have hppd.  Don't panic and please don't do anything rash.

Understand, I'm not a doctor and I'm not an expert in hppd.   If you feel like you really need help contact a trained medical professional.

Take care, and take care of yourself.

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Yeah, don't take anything for now, especially LSD.

Sounds more like PTSD flashbacks imo, but I'd just let your brain figure things out for a while. HPPD symptoms are for the most part visual.

Don't freak out, no drugs, don't go to bed too late and stay sober at least for the next few weeks. And start slowly if you still want to consume any kind of substances after having that break.

And @MadDoc, blackouts do happen. Had one myself on acid. The trip became too strong, went to hospital, blacked out a few times and woke up a few times. Felt like I was in a mental asylum and had shit loads of conspiracy theories going through my mind. Not the best trip I had ?.

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It's a phenomenon called "Dejá vú", French words. It does mean people can experiment things they are living as if they had live it before, so, the senstation is weird, seems as you've had lived the same before.

It's not HPPD, but as some peple adviced you, I would stop doing any kinda drugs. 

Btw, how old are you?

Good luck.

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I am 16 years old, don't worry, I've written off psychedelics, I do smoke weed frequently but haven't since my trip on Saturday, I'm taking at least a month break before I try it again, I've also stopped drinking anything with caffeine in it. Today I've noticed after I woke up that I had a visual snow


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This is interesting. I’ve read one other report (it was an article I believe actually) that told of a college student who took lsd and was caught in a state of de ja vi. He described his life just like you did. 




now, I read a long time ago, so don’t quote me, that de ja vu is actually the smallest of communication lag between the two hemispheres of the brain. Both hemispheres of the brain interpret reality and form a cohesive whole that is you. Psychologists have already proved that the right and left side of the brain have different opinions l, likes, and preferences for things. It makes sense to me that lsd has somehow caused a very tiny lag in communication between your hemispheres. 


But what to do do about this? It’s hard to say when you don’t know the cause. The only thing hat I KNOW OF that can increase that communication is piracetam and I’m in no way suggesting thst is something you should try. Some people with hppd are okay taking it some are now. 


Another thing tou coukd do learn to play the piano. This should help both of your hemispheres communicate with each other.


Should you decide to take it, be sure to take AN ENORMOUS amount of antioxidants with it. Piracetam and racetam analogies can cause oxidative stress in the hypothalamus which can lead to damage and disregulation. my hypothalamus is fucked because of racetams. I couldn’t feel hunger for two years (thirst for 8 months) and became asexual for 8 months because of a month long trial of oxiracetam and coluracetam 

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I'm able to describe it better, its as if during my blackout, i was shown all of this, everything i'm doing now, and its like, as i'm going through this, in the "other reality" i'm just incoherent, flailing around, stumbling, not able to do shit, because i'm still in this reality, and i'm unable to operate in that one. it worries me because i can recall this too, kind of, i know it doesn't make much sense, but, if this is ego death, then does that mean this is the ego i need to let go of? is the reality where i'm being arrested, and psychotic the one i need to wake up to? i know its not, but it just keeps nagging at me how i seemingly remember everything i do now, but i saw it during my acid blackout, it feels like i'm explaining it to doctors and my parents right now, its strange, does that mean whenever i die here i'll wake up there? i also saw myself being put in a mental hospital then everything went black, this is so strange and confusing, im trying my best to ignore it and let it go like everyone tells me to do, but its hard, everytime i take acid (which i wont anymore, im done with it) it feels like im closer to waking up there, which is why i dont use it anymore, but, its just makes you wonder...

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Yea I just recommend you stay very sober for a bit and see where’s things settle. You’re brain is realing and you need to give it time to recover and reset. I’ve had similar feelings after doing some really hard psychedelics... took me a while to believe I was living in real reality and not still tripping (DMT comes to mind). 


sounds... really intense though. Give it time. Best of luck

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Look up Depersonalization / Derealization, see if it sounds similar to what you are experiencing.

However, now that you explain it that way, I can relate to this.

During my worst bad trip when I ended up in hospital, I also had these different realities or dimensions, and couldn't figure out which was the right one. I could also not figure out if what was happening, was indeed, happening.

This all subsided once the drug wore off though.

As everyone already said, give it time and no drugs. Not even alcohol.

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Ok, so this happened earlier

Well, on Saturday night when I came back home after taking the acid, I was trying to sleep, but couldn't, but I had percieved that i had let go of reality or had a psychotic break (didn't actually have one, was the perception) and killed my dog, I imagined my parents woke up and came to my room, and well, when I percieved they did, my laptop came on and Illuminated the whole room, which made me think that they turned the lights on, and saw me in bed with my dead dog, kind of the same way with the police thing, but a different situation. Well, later on a day or two later, my brother told me about how one of his dogs back in Virginia got out and killed one of his ex's dogs, and well, it felt like he was talking about me in the other reality killing one of our dogs, i was a bit worried, but was able to let it go after a bit, and earlier today he was talking to Mom and I heard something along the lines of this

What I percieved

"When he came back at 3 I knew something was up, I asked him about it and I was like, aww damn, he's on acid"

What he said

Well I'm not to sure what he said, I had forgotten, but it was similar to the 1st sentence but not about me at all and he didn't bring up acid, but it feels like I'm in that reality now too, where I had a psychotic break, killed my dog, and now I'm stuck here, I know that this isn't the case though, it's just frightening, god damn

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17 hours ago, sinergy said:


how long did it take for you?

Tbh I always really enjoyed that thought process so I wasn’t keeping tabs on when it faded haha. Few months? 


Realy like everyoje said, keep your brain clean. Especially weed. No weed. Probably for a lot longer than two months. It won’t make you feel good I promise. 


Best to thing to do when quitting weed is to start a hobby and immerse yourself in it. I learned how to play piano! I highly recommend it especially since you’re already musical. 

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On 6/27/2018 at 2:15 PM, sinergy said:


dont worry, i dont like alcohol anyway, im taking, either a month or 2, break from weed, and ive been playing my guitar and singing to linkin park to get my mind off of it all, its surprising just how relatable the lyrics are

Staying focused has helped me quite a bit.  When I'm focused I don't see visuals.  Playing a musical instrument is an excellent way to focus.  

Hang in there!

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It's strange that it doesn't even need a trigger or anything, one second I'm good, then the other I think I'm being arrested still, mainly because when this happens, if the colors blue and red show up next to each other, then, ya know, feels like the police lights shine through to this reality, the real reality, but I think I'll be fine in a few weeks, and if not fine, I'll be doing way better

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It also feels like my dad is talking about be after the trip, in that reality, like, today he won $500 on a scratch ticket, and he said

"Yea man, I had to do a double take, I looked at it and said Holy Shit!"

Which, felt vaguely like, in another reality, he was talking about after him seeing me freak out on acid with the dog thing above, I'm just glad it didn't actually happen, but it still sucks hearing shit like this


The Deja Vu also adds to this, it sucks, but I think I'll be ok, I think in a week or so I'll be feeling better

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