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girlfriends HPPD cured by LSD


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It was induced by the same trip on LSD that induced mine, however I had a 2 hour long panic attack, whereas she played with the concept of ego death, but the same as me, didn't go through with it. Hers was less severe because she didn't freak out and just went with it, but as I stated, didn't finalize it. Again "my" theory is confirmed that this is about psychological trauma. 300+ ug LSD caused, 90+ ug resolved it. Her trip was going great until she started looping like crazy. I realized what was going on and that the only way out is 'letting go'. I pumped her full of xanax and told her to lie down and not fight it. Of course she/her ego fought it with numerous questions about reality, identity, the whole shebang of fears that comes with ego death. I drilled her into accepting and letting go. She meditated for 30+ mins and then finally went to sleep. 2 days going strong now: no visuals at all, no dissociation, etc... Of course she's changed, but in a good way. She later told me that the old trip that caused all this came back during this trip.


It makes me sad to listen to all Your theories how You've damaged your brains, etc... When the fact is that if you were a normal person before, your brain should reach homeostasis after quitting drugs in 6-12 months tops. Whatever happened to You guys during Your trip, I think you're lying to yourself about the psychological impact it has had, basically sticking to Your old ego which is stuck in the ego-dissolving or ego-death experience trip that messed You up.


To sum this up, I basically agree with the theory from that guy on YT. I'll be going the same way, but with mushrooms when I gather the balls and advance in my meditational practice. Hopefully that report will be my last visit to this website.

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I dont believe in any of that ego death bullshit. None of my trips were particularly bad and I still developed hppd.

But let us know how it goes. Some girl on here tried to do the same thing with iboga a while back and it royally fucked her up.

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1 hour ago, TheMythos said:

I dont believe in any of that ego death bullshit. None of my trips were particularly bad and I still developed hppd.

But let us know how it goes. Some girl on here tried to do the same thing with iboga a while back and it royally fucked her up.

Doesnt matter if you believe in enough ego dissolution or ego death. It is still experienced through resistance by thought loops i.e. not letting go of specific fears ( of insanity, losing one's self, identity, touch with reality, fear of death, basically the big fears ) is the only correlation I've found with HPPD.

Not particularly bad = so there was some resistance in your psyche.

Imo You're in denial.


Id love to see that girl's trip report, I guess she freaked out again and kroz clinging to smth.


These drug experiences reset Your brain ( hard or soft reset ), no shit You get HPPD when You start resisting and messing with process in the middle of the activity. That's why You don't come down fully.

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2 hours ago, pdo said:

Doesnt matter if you believe in enough ego dissolution or ego death. It is still experienced through resistance by thought loops i.e. not letting go of specific fears ( of insanity, losing one's self, identity, touch with reality, fear of death, basically the big fears ) is the only correlation I've found with HPPD.

Not particularly bad = so there was some resistance in your psyche.

Imo You're in denial.


Id love to see that girl's trip report, I guess she freaked out again and kroz clinging to smth.


These drug experiences reset Your brain ( hard or soft reset ), no shit You get HPPD when You start resisting and messing with process in the middle of the activity. That's why You don't come down fully.

Ok wise master. You know it all.

Of course, we'll just ignore people with Visual Snow Syndrome who have these exact same symptoms but have never touched a drug in their lives.

MadDoc who has constant visuals but, according to him, lives a pretty good life and has no real psychological hangups. He sees all those patterns every day because he just couldn't handle his trip,  mannnn.

Speak for yourself. Just because you couldnt handle your shit doesnt mean the same thing happened to the rest of us.

Piss on your "theory".

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I will concede that I believe hppd is 50/50. 50% psychological and 50% brain alteration to some degree.

A lot of symptoms clear up and people tend to recover from getting a grip on their anxiety. I've always maintained that this is some kind of anxiety disorder. But even neuronal changes happen with anxiety and depression, excess glutamate and other factors. That doesnt mean theyre 100% psychological though.

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I'd wait a bit longer than 2 days before claiming cures and dismissing other people's opinions on this (including Dr Abraham, who has proved neurological changes via qEEG). I have done drugs, post hppd, and had a glow that lasted upto a week where I felt better, before crashing even further down than before. Proceed with caution.

At the end of the day, this is a 3rd hand report.


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3 hours ago, Jay1 said:

I'd wait a bit longer than 2 days before claiming cures and dismissing other people's opinions on this (including Dr Abraham, who has proved neurological changes via qEEG). I have done drugs, post hppd, and had a glow that lasted upto a week where I felt better, before crashing even further down than before. Proceed with caution.

At the end of the day, this is a 3rd hand report.


Were Your visuals gone during the glow?

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11 hours ago, TheMythos said:

I will concede that I believe hppd is 50/50. 50% psychological and 50% brain alteration to some degree.

A lot of symptoms clear up and people tend to recover from getting a grip on their anxiety. I've always maintained that this is some kind of anxiety disorder. But even neuronal changes happen with anxiety and depression, excess glutamate and other factors. That doesnt mean theyre 100% psychological though.

It's the chicken or the egg. Brain chemistry influencing mental conditions and vice versa. Same shit, basically.

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3 hours ago, pdo said:

Were Your visuals gone during the glow?

Not gone, but I convinced myself that they were getting better for a week or more. Then crash. I hope for your girlfriend's sake that is not the case... But you need to stop speaking like what you are saying is fact, not opinion... There are susceptible people here and taking LSD could ruin their lives.

You are putting up 3rd hand info.... At least give us some info about your girlfriend's symptoms, previous to this. Or better yet, get her to post.

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Also, I attribute 90% of my hppd to mdma use, which has no real ego loss, mind loops etc. If anything, it helps you work through your emotions.

I went through a phase of trying to fight fire with fire... I've done lsd, mdma, salvia and ketamine post hppd and they've all fucked me up further.... and i consider myself a strong minded tripper who knows how to navigate that world... with 100s of trips under my belt, pre-hppd. No bad trips and dealt with even the strongest shroom and microdot trips.

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Just came to say that that is my theory, which seems to be helping people all around.

Anyway, 1 week has passed, she is still doing great! :D

My last post will be me doing shrooms, this summer or next summer.


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never really had a bad trip.  Strange, unearthly, total loss of body, yes.  Bad or a "bummer", no.  Hppd for me was due to an extreme case of brain rewiring as opposed to a bad experience.

Using acid to cure hppd sounds like using whisky to cure alcoholism.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I couldn't imagine doing another trip, that to me would be worse than death.  I won't even touch mary jane, I know I would have a bad reaction like last time. I just recently got to where I can drink beer, and even then so when I start feeling buzzed I get to where I'm feeling weird. I remember being so normal before my last traumatic trip. HPPD has changed my life so much. you never appreciate sobriety enough. I appreciate just being able to drink some coffee, have a beer or smoke a cigarette,

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