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About time for a thread like this.

I took about 4 grams of shrooms (twice as much as you should on your first time) in early january. Before that all I had done was drink and smoke weed a few times. I tripped really hard, I was in a completely diferent dimension talking to people who don't exist, and time had no meaning. At one point I became really scared that I wasn't going to come back and began freaking out trying to physicaly claw my way back into this world while my eyes were closed. Still the next morning I was fine and I looked at the trip in a positive way. Three weeks later I smoked a little and the night after that I drank a little. The night after the night I drank I woke up from a really messed up dream shaking with really bad anxiety. For the next week I had horrible anxiety and sleep issues (hynagogic hallucinations and such) but no other symptoms. After a week it went away but then a few days later it came back with all that stuff plus 24/7 visual snow and some after-images and some derelization. The next two months were hell but then things started to improve. After 4 months I was feeling a lot better and could ignore HPPD pretty easily, after 6 months I was basically back to normal.

It's been almost 7 months now and I still have some very minor symptoms. I am more anxious/moody/prone to depression than I was prior to HPPD but its still improving and I'm confident that these symptoms will completely dissapear soon. In certain lightings I stilll get visual snow but its so minor that if it had never been worse I would think it was just a normal thing that everyone had. Ocasionally I'll get a random visual (like an afterimage or something weirder), but its getting increasingly more rare and honestly might also be normal. I dream vivid dreams all night long it seeems now but thats not really a bad thing. I still have some Hypnagogia issues, I kinda start dreaming while I'm still awake and had a little sleep paralysys a week ago (I thought i was dead), its really hard to explain but its not a problem as long as it doesn't get worse. I also get CEV when I'm trying to sleep sometimes but those are fun now that they aren't there all the time.

I didn't use any prescriptions to get to this point, just eating healthy, taking vitamins, exercising, and most importatly ignoring my symptoms and believing that they will go away. Good Luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I explained my story 8-10 months for my first recovery now I'm dealing with a secondhand pot relapse or PTSD or whatever I'm confident ill beat this again but I'm on month 2 of my relapse

Of course you'll make it, i think dedication discipline are huge factors in recovery and you seem to be really dedicated :)

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I took LSD, Extacy and Mushrooms in relative moderation for about four years and I have spent the last 10 years of my life dealing with HPPD. The one good thing that came out of it, of course, is the fact that I was too scared to ever touch drugs again. I can honestly say that after all this time I hardly notice it any more but that is not to say that I did not at one point think that I was going to end up in some kind of institution. I have accepted the fact that it will never leave me completely but at the same time I have managed to let it go!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I pretty much just have visual snow afterimages and light sensitivity that's it but I've had it now for 18 months been sober for a good 8 how long did you have your hppd red until it died off was it slow or instant your story gives guys like me hope that it will eventually go away I was doing a lot of exercise but due to another health issue in which I'm waiting for an op for the time being I'm pretty immobile which sucks

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  • 4 months later...

Good topic I was about to start it in fact not posted in a while so not seen this yet. 


I first started getting my long term visual disturbances in early 2011, I'd taken Lsd afew times, quite alot of mdma and ketamine and was a massive stoner :P I'd see lines wiggle abit and everything had a slight fuzz but I never thought twice about it it just cmae with the lifestyle, my friends had it too so no worries. But I wouldn't really say it was proper hppd until early september of that year. I had a pretty wild summer and not long into it was my first bad trip. After that day whenever I tripped over the next few months I was just totally on edge. I couldn't enjoy it. I had some quite bad social anxiety anyway due to smoking weed constantly convinced my friends didn't want me there etc etc and I split with my boyfriend who knew this and decided to use that as a way to get to me. He told me one of my good friends was telling me how much better he was without me and how annoying I am and other made up stuff, but as much as a begged and pleaded he wouldn't tell me who. I didn't sleep for afew days I couldn't get it off my mind. eventually I told my best friend what he'd said and she assured me it was all I lie and to come over have a chat and a bong session. I hoped a bong would just make me pass out seeing as i seriously needed sleep but nope. That's when my hppd began.


After afew weeks of this hell of being in a constant Lsd world i realised the only time I wasn't extremely anxious was when I was drinking. So I began to abuse alcohol which of course made it worse in the long run. Hangovers were the worst so I'd drink those away when I could it was maybe 3-4 days a week but would have been more if I didn't still live with my rents. When I was drunk I'd do stupid things usually end up paraletic and really possible alot of people off. I got a bad reputation and lost some friends because of this. I was still taking ket and md as much as I always was as well which was no help.


After afew months it was pretty obvious I was going nowhere and quit the drinking for a while (mostly, but looking back if I'd just quit fully it would have been so much simpler) and the drugs and my recovery could start. I realised how much I needed to stay busy, it would thrive when i had nothing else to think about. slowly through keeping busy and healthy lifestyle it disappeared. I'd say it took maybe a year before I considered myself as better again, now I have no symptoms 99% of the time, sometimes after a big night out I get a little bit of movement and anxiety but nothing I can't deal with, especially in comparison to how it used to be. These days don't even bother me i just find it interesting haha.


That is my very long story that eventually got round to recovery :P haha sorry guys once I start my story I feel like I have to go into detail every time I can't help it XD its actually edited down abit haahaha 

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Glad to hear all is well with you. I'll have made it a year in a few months. Nice to hear a success story! I dont have many symptoms other than the visual kind at this point. Whenever I drink the next day I get a really bad DP/DR type of hangover, so I dont. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for coming back and letting us know youre doing well.

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  • 4 months later...

Also posted in "Introductions":

Hi everyone! Ive been a longtime observer of this and the old forum. I was struck with strong symptoms of HPPD about 11 years ago after a heavy dose mushroom trip. Had all sorts of nasty symptoms(indoor rain/snow/static, floaters, trails and halos, tracers, light blobs, geometric patterns when eyes closed or in darkness/dark room, periphery vision movements, negative image retention, etc., etc., etc.). This went on for years. It affected every part of my life. About a year in, it was so bad that I contemplated suicide daily. My grades struggled, my relationship fell apart (she began thinking i was losing it--she was correct), my life was a complete mess. I honestly didnt even feel human. I felt like this messed up walking mind fucked brain in a body that doesnt even belong with it. I never could pull the trigger on suicide (no pun intended) and just dealt with it all the best i could. Things werent getting any better, but i was getting better at dealing with it all. Yes, it was 5 years of hell. A hell i wouldnt wish upon anyone. I thought my life was essentially over, that i would be this weird/disturbed socially awkward person with crazy visual anomolies that drove me nuts.

Well, after that initial 5-6 years, things did start to dramatically change. I was noticing sever symptom decrease daily. I was actually feeling less detatched and not just by ignoring the feeling of detatchment, but legitimately feeling more like a person, not some detatched body imprisoned brain. I really didnt do anything special, the symptoms just faded over time to where i had no symptoms at all. I still have no symptoms. Well, none is a stretch, but they are soooooo mild that they arent noticeable unless i seek out noticing them. I have been basically symptom free now for 6-ish years. No flare-ups or setbacks whatsoever. The only thing i did differently at the time of symptom decrease was that i began taking tramadol daily for an injury i suffered in a car wreck (herniated discs L3-L5 lumbar region low back). I found it very helpful with my anxiety/depression mood swings that HPPD brings with it. I am not recommending/encouraging everyone go get on tramadol, all i can say is that it undoubtedly helped me during that time. Hell the tramadol timing with symptom subsiding may have just been placebo or coincidence, but either way, it had a marked effect on my visuals and mental state especially.

Anyway, i write this to show everyone that recovery can happen. It took time, and alot of it, but it happened. It happened for me and my hppd symptoms were so strong/bad they were ruining my life. Stay strong everyone, (i know...thats easier said than done) the symptoms can subside and even disappear altogether over time. It happened to me, and i assure you all that i am nothing special. Good luck everyone. If anyone wants to know more detailed info on my journey through and out of the HPPD mess, just let me know. I came on here to provide hope and to help anyone that wanted my help. Again, good luck everyone, and have a wonderful day.

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Hi Everyone my name is Jon I got hppd a year and a half ago. I am completely free of hppd now. I got hppd after taking shrooms ,lsd , and mdma When I first got it I did not know and just figured it was a bad come down from the drugs but after a few days and I noticed I really had a serious problem. That was a year and a half ago and over the course of the year I took steps to better my health and mentalitly that i know where huge in my recovery process. I just put up a youtube video if you want to watch. youtube.com/watch?v=7S_tCq2WX0w.I think the hardest part about this disorder was the fear of having it and just constant worry about the future and having deep thoughts all the time about life. etc My advice to you would be try and get your mind off of the bizarre and deep thoughts about yourself the world and whatever it is that is making you so scared. I know it sounds alot harder than it can be. Just take very deep slow breath and take every moment as it comes. I good quote from good old abraham licolin " the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"

I also recommend taking all junk out of your diet because the reason you are here is from drugs that are obviously arent good for your body and brain. Just because some people or most people can handle these drugs not everybody can. You will also need time to let your brain heal and your body counts in months not days so it will need time. But if you stress about it the whole time its not good for you and can prolong the recovery process. If you have a very busy schudeule I would suggest if you can to give yourself the most down time you can to just releax and enjoy the things you love about life. Music,movies,tea. If you have a family that supports you tell them everything and that you need help because your experiencing a rough time and everyone has them. Just do not worry and enjoy the most you can throughout your day. Finally stop hanging out with people who are not understanding your problem and who do not care about you. These people can actually make your condition worse if they are encouraging you to take more drugs and do things you know deep down are bad for you. It comes down to you about how fast you get better. I know you can all do it though because if I CAN THEN ANYBODY CAN.  Just to let you all know how bad my situation was. My symptoms incuded Visual distorions, thinking like i was going insane i literaly believed I had skitophrenia because I never had such bizzare thoughts and feelings. I could not connect to life or people I felt like an object in a room. But enough of the negative you can break these feelings like throwing a rock threw glass. Look the other way. Stop paying attention to the negative in the day. And be glad that you are ALIVE because as much as you do not feel it you are just as real and Alive as the pain you are feeling. TRUST ME FRIENDS YOU CAN DO IT!

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Hi Everyone my name is Jon I got hppd a year and a half ago. I am completely free of hppd now. I got hppd after taking shrooms ,lsd , and mdma When I first got it I did not know and just figured it was a bad come down from the drugs but after a few days and I noticed I really had a serious problem. That was a year and a half ago and over the course of the year I took steps to better my health and mentalitly that i know where huge in my recovery process. I just put up a youtube video if you want to watch. youtube.com/watch?v=7S_tCq2WX0w.I think the hardest part about this disorder was the fear of having it and just constant worry about the future and having deep thoughts all the time about life. etc My advice to you would be try and get your mind off of the bizarre and deep thoughts about yourself the world and whatever it is that is making you so scared. I know it sounds alot harder than it can be. Just take very deep slow breath and take every moment as it comes. I good quote from good old abraham licolin " the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"

I also recommend taking all junk out of your diet because the reason you are here is from drugs that are obviously arent good for your body and brain. Just because some people or most people can handle these drugs not everybody can. You will also need time to let your brain heal and your body counts in months not days so it will need time. But if you stress about it the whole time its not good for you and can prolong the recovery process. If you have a very busy schudeule I would suggest if you can to give yourself the most down time you can to just releax and enjoy the things you love about life. Music,movies,tea. If you have a family that supports you tell them everything and that you need help because your experiencing a rough time and everyone has them. Just do not worry and enjoy the most you can throughout your day. Finally stop hanging out with people who are not understanding your problem and who do not care about you. These people can actually make your condition worse if they are encouraging you to take more drugs and do things you know deep down are bad for you. It comes down to you about how fast you get better. I know you can all do it though because if I CAN THEN ANYBODY CAN.  Just to let you all know how bad my situation was. My symptoms incuded Visual distorions, thinking like i was going insane i literaly believed I had skitophrenia because I never had such bizzare thoughts and feelings. I could not connect to life or people I felt like an object in a room. But enough of the negative you can break these feelings like throwing a rock threw glass. Look the other way. Stop paying attention to the negative in the day. And be glad that you are ALIVE because as much as you do not feel it you are just as real and Alive as the pain you are feeling. TRUST ME FRIENDS YOU CAN DO IT!


Interesting video! 


You have/had everything i have! How old are you? Do you take any medication? How can you meditate with CEV's? I always feel when i walk on the street something is going to happen, like someone is holding a gun to my head.. fear like that. I want to let lose of that!


I was a different person, before too much MDMA. now i must read things 4 or 5 times before i even understand! 

My sleeping is so messed up. I slept only 2 hours today, and yesterday too. I am getting tired of this shit.. it doesnt heal! Im getting pissed of every and each day more. 


I am not secure of the things i do anymore. I constantly have the feeling something is going to happen. I have bizzare and weird toughts, sometimes a word shows up in my brain what doesnt even make sense. Its scarey!


I try to run and enjoy my grow in that, but when i walk into the gym, man, enourmous weird feelings, its probably because of the people. If i am alone I feel much better.. 


Also i need, to be more faster in my thoughts, when someone asks me something i want to be more sharper instead of thinking too much!



Please advise! :)

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I wish there was an example of 100% recovery. Not the usual, "im successful but I can still notice some symptoms."


Although this is not an HPPD success story, I do have a brain success story. 

There was a time, after a heavy night of drinking, I developed mild vertigo. (Havent tried mdma/lsd at this point. only weed. anyways,)

It took me about 6 month to recover from it. As one of the other post mentioned, our brain does count in months and years so try to not to worry about it on a daily basis. 

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I wish there was an example of 100% recovery. Not the usual, "im successful but I can still notice some symptoms."

Although this is not an HPPD success story, I do have a brain success story.

There was a time, after a heavy night of drinking, I developed mild vertigo. (Havent tried mdma/lsd at this point. only weed. anyways,)

It took me about 6 month to recover from it. As one of the other post mentioned, our brain does count in months and years so try to not to worry about it on a daily basis.

My recovery was honestly about 100%. I have zero phsychological hppd symptoms and the only visuals i have are floaters (which my girlfriend sees in her vision too...shes never done any hallucinogen) and tracers (but i have to stare intently at the light at is moves past to even see it). Snow can be seen if i REALLY focus on seeing it, and even so the lighting has to be just right for me to even see the snow while intently focusing on seeing it. I mean, yah 100% may not be possible, but trust me, even a 75% symptom reduction is bliss and will have you functioning like your old self. Keep positive, its beatable...maybe not 100%, but cmon, 99% symptom reduction is having your hppd symptoms all but gone...which we all would give a limb for during the REALLY bad days with hppd.

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My recovery was honestly about 100%. I have zero phsychological hppd symptoms and the only visuals i have are floaters (which my girlfriend sees in her vision too...shes never done any hallucinogen) and tracers (but i have to stare intently at the light at is moves past to even see it). Snow can be seen if i REALLY focus on seeing it, and even so the lighting has to be just right for me to even see the snow while intently focusing on seeing it. I mean, yah 100% may not be possible, but trust me, even a 75% symptom reduction is bliss and will have you functioning like your old self. Keep positive, its beatable...maybe not 100%, but cmon, 99% symptom reduction is having your hppd symptoms all but gone...which we all would give a limb for during the REALLY bad days with hppd.


Do your symptoms come back when you stop taking tramadol?

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