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Everything posted by onedayillsailagain

  1. Yeah had some weird nightmares (pre-sleep "flashes" of some scary face.. very vivid and disturbing) 2 nights ago, so I called it quits.. I'll consider cutting a tablet in half (2,5mg). Actually, I'll do that tonight. Yep, learned that while getting my PADI. Oxygen intoxication also causes euphoria. Aparantly some girl freedived(freedove?) 160 meters without dying, so it should be quite high. That strange calm I can relate to, I felt that on Tianeptine. Very unnatural feeling. Dopaminergic enhancement certainly helps me mood and cognition wise. I think Ghormeh was working on a poll/survey? Glad they're not connected for you, sure makes for a cartwheel ride sometimes. One hangover ago I felt extremely anxious shopping for breakfast, totally out of it. Borderline panic attack, but I pushed through anyway. Bacon is a strong motivator. But weed is, trust me, 100 times worse for HPPD. Anyways, getting a bit off-topic here, so I'll go try some 2,5mg Melatonin.
  2. I really have to find a new hobby. Anyway, I'll try to keep this theory short. It is well known that many medications that mitigate (sometimes very effectively) HPPD symptoms, either directly or indirectly inhibit calcium channels. Think Levetiracetam (Keppra), Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Flunarizine, Clonidine.. you get the point. New to Neurology (or Ionic transmission etc.)? Have a quick introduction here, to help you comprehend this theory. Now then.. observe the following abstract: That's right, I was too lazy to type it out. Source "Magnesium can block calcium action" Yep... that's it. Guess that doesn't need further explanation so as to what the possible implication of magnesium might be. Experiences anyone? I'll just chalk this up on my list of research targets for the time being. Ohh one thing though: there seems to be little mention of brain specific activity, and mostly cardiovasculair stuff.. I'm just gonna go ahead and presume that calcium inhibition happens throughout the organism in every structure? Anyone with a little more knowledge on that subject, please feel free to comment. I mean, when I look up CCB's on Wiki, there's little info on brain-specific effects.. Only a short mentioning of anti-convulsant effects. On a side note, I noticed that my dear mother uses Amlodipine, which happens to be a calcium channel blocker... Had I known that earlier I might've experimented with that, but with treatment around the corner it seems pointless. WAIT! There's more. For just 9,99... ok sorry. Ahum. Check out this study. My work here is done
  3. http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/1346-released-initial-results-of-comt-inhibition-study-conducted-by-dr-abraham/ I believe that's the research referred to here, no?
  4. This video in particular explains a bit about neuronal excitability, and also a bit about visual processing and how "noise" is cancelled out. It provides some decent basic knowledge. Note: albeit also having awesome hair, this guy is not Robert.
  5. Ghormeh: I know what treatments are offered. However, as stated before, I really don't know where the boundries of confidentiality lie, and would hate to overstep these. I'll discuss whether I can disclose these things upon next contact. Would hate to "advertize" here without permission, if you get my drift. Even though I really want to help you guys out. For now, all I'll say is that there are multiple options available already known to be effective. Again, Monday I'll ask whether it's ok to go into detail here. I'll also ask whether foreigners are accepted, something I forgot to ask yesterday. Alternatively, you could call them yourself, as most Dutchies speak English to some extent. Syntheso: No worries, I'm glad to discuss other things as well. Modafinil can have a light anxiogenic effect in some people, especially those already experiencing anxiety. This is why many people take a mild anxiolytic concurrently. Nope, no addictions other than tobacco here. I was initially referred to them because they would have more knowledge about drugs. Which reminds me, let me call them in a minute. But anyway, they're just very friendly people. They don't .. well I don't know the English term, but in Dutch they call it "screwing ants". Ahh, "nitpicking" in English apparantly. So yeah, these people don't nitpick as much as the shrink, which is nice. Still wondering whether I should terminate actions with them, because I don't really have an addiction. I just prefer them over the shrink, who just throws cryptic riddles at me. Personally I think SSRI's won't really help much. They did squat for me at least.. Hell I'm biased on that subject.. If you want SSRI's, consider Venlafaxine, which has been used in HPPD before. And yes, many SSRI's require 6 weeks incubation. Preferably just avoid them. Regarding sustainability.. It's a tough one. Benzo's certainly are not, albeit having the ability to allow short-term relief. I didn't know that about Sinemet though.. interesting. But as with most things, there are more ways than one to skin a cat. Enhancing DA signalling can be done in a number of ways, so perhaps research a little more into safer ways of doing so. As far as I know, Keppra is the most sustainable treatment available, which is one of my main reasons of choice. The whole "brain healing itself thing" is a bit ambiguous. I strongly suggest you read this article, and then reasses that theory. Stress severely diminishes the brain's ability to heal, and strongly contributes to cognitive dysfunction. Let's face it, whilst you don't have anxiety in the severe forms others (including myself) here describe, you probably do experience this all as stressful. Glutaminergic transmission also plays a large role here. The novel anti-depressant GLYX-13 is a partial agonist at the NMDA receptor, exhibiting anxiolytic, anti-depressant and nootropic effects. But you'll read about that in the aforementioned article as well. Personally I believe that unless *some* compotent is altered in the pathogenic circle of HPPD, the brain cannot begin to heal. This is presuming the HPPD is of the disabling flavor. Obviously for those with mild HPPD, chances are way better for natural healing. Let me rephrase what I think could happen: Keppra->Less symptoms->Less stress->Restoring of neurological homeostasis->Improved ability to relax and focus->Exercise these abilities->Greater ability to endogonously handle stress->Quit Keppra->Problem solved. It's basically a matter of striking the hammer while the iron is hot. Medication is just heating the iron. However, this is a rough estimation subject to many factors. However the visual cortex might not be as actively involved in relaxation exercises as, say, the PFC. This raises questions to as whether any localized morphological changes could occur there. On the flipside, the same study that proposed disinhibition of the visual apparatus as a pathogenesis of HPPD, also reported that there was a widespread inhibition of cortical signalling upon eye closure, in HPPD patients. Now have a look at exhibit A (always wanted to say that): Now aside from the fact that enhanced PFC DA signalling contributes to mitigating sensory gating deficits, there is also the above. If long term morphological changes were to be induced in the PFC et al by exercises, than route B could become the new (obviously preferred) route. I mean, with inhibition of the PFC, route B could perhaps still be functioning, but at a much lower level. In other words: the long term morphological changes in the PFC, that would be induced by exercises (which were possible by heating the iron), could lead to a solid enhanced ability of processing visual stimuli, at the very least in a stress-related manner. I just noticed the schematic is a bit off, but who cares. Well this was just something I threw together real quick, I'm sure there are many flaws in the design of this theory, and could use some expanding in a scientific sense. But it does provide the possibility that lifelong medication (alterations) needn't be a concern, and that perhaps even one day medication could be ceased without having to experience any HPPD. Anyway, at least you got some things to ponder about now And to answer your wondering: Occasional use of Benzo's won't do much damage for the long run, as long as you give your brain enough time to reregulate its GABAmimetisism before redosing. I now how stressful it can be to not be able to get back on track immediately. Fact of the matter is, you don't want to rush into things. I mean don't get me wrong, the faster you get appropiate treatment, the better (physiologically and emotionally). Just consider that there's a good chance this'll stick around for a while untill you get said treatment. Hence, try to let go of the "sh*t I'm wasting my youth" thoughts. Sometimes in life you gotta take a step back, no matter how bad you want to go forward. Instead, focus more on what you can do to help you situation If I skipped anything, let me know. Melatonin from last night still has me in a cloud.
  6. I know it's available online (everything is), but it would be inappropiate to post a link here. And I know it is not available in the US and Canada.. I can't say with certainty, as I don't know what specific EU country you're from. It's not in "my" country's catalogue either though. Take Tianeptine for example: available in France, but not in the Netherlands. I'd say check with your doctor. Everyone's personal etiology is different. Also, for some people it can take a while to take effect. Sharing that it "doesn't do shit" for you doesn't exactly contribute to the cause. Perhaps some more details could give us insights to your lack of effects. Brendan: Glad you've found a sustainable aid for your troubles. ALA can be quite useful on it's own for some. I don't know about supplementing with minerals. I have yet to look into it further, but my current theory is that if overactive calcium transmission is involved, then supplementing with it would only fuel the fire. That said, I have absolutely zero understanding of calcium's role in all this. I've been procrastinating attempting to wrap my head around that for a long time now. All I now is that it most likely plays a crucial role in the pathogensis of HPPD. Anyways, I digress from discussing NAC in particular, as you seem more knowledgable on the subject, and I have no intention of educating myself on that particular substance. Syntheso: My pleasure. Any updates?
  7. I applaud you for retaining your eloquence through all this. I can definitely relate to social isolation factor.. It's tough. And don't get me started on medical regulations, haha. Regarding the noots you're taking: Ginkgo is ok, just make sure you don't use a cerebrovasculair constrictor concurrently. Valerian... hmm not much words to spill over that. Generally accepted as useless. Ashwagandha could be helpful, haven't tried it myself. Aiding in cognition and having anxiolytic activity, I could see how you came to your choice. Just remember that Ashwagandha is a GABA agonist, and hence could cause GABA downregulation (which you'd want to avoid at all costs basically). Cycling Ashwagandha on/off is recommended. Cycling between Ash and nothing, or between Ash, another anxiolytic (Gotu Kola is a good one for this, also a GABA agonist), and nothing, is common. Kava Kava is definitely a plant to be grateful for. As many anxiolytics merely relieve anxiety, that's really all they do. I've found that in addition, Kava also promotes calmness, which is different. Just remember that Kava can interact with certain anti-convulsants such as Keppra and Clonazepam. Also, initially the effects may seem too subtle or completely absent. With Kava a person can experience reverse tolerance, which you need to break through. There's plenty of information available here. As far as weed goes: try to just not smoke. Makes your life a lot easier. If you do, forgive yourself and regard it as a reminder. Trouble between distinguishing mental states: Yes, very much. There's a strange disruptance of the normal seemless (sensory) experience, which can manifest in a plethora of unsettling ways. I would call it more of a ubiquitous fluctuation. Now then, the loss of articulation is plain and simple freaking horrible. I experience that too. Came to the theory that the strange body feeling (DP) is partly to be blamed for this. I've also noticed how, at times, language can seem like such an alien vessel of conveyment. Hard to grasp, much less to use. Ineffability comes to mind, and no description seems to adequately portray what you're experiencing. Or at least, in my case. Coming back to noots again.. Bacopa has been tested for acute effects. Turns out, there aren't any. It takes 12 weeks (!) to take effect, but when it does, apparantly the effects are quite the profound experience. I have this one written down as well for future augmentation. I recommend you give it an honest shot, at the appropiate doses, be it the brainfog subsides. Remember, sometimes things are just coïncidental. If you want something pro-social, Phenibut has worked for me in that area. But be sure to read up as much as you can on the stuff, there's a few "guidelines" one should adhere to when using it, for it to remain safe. I've never read of Piracetam being useful for HPPD, quite the opposite actually. For me personally, it made no difference. Some other things to consider are: Melatonin (for sleep), L-theanine (light anxiolysis and GABA receptor upregulation), Modafinil (instant cognitive enhancement.. again: do your research)... hmm can't think of more for the time being. If you could give a succinct prioritized discription of what you hope to achieve with nootropics/supplements I might be able to give more specific recommendations. Sorry for the chaotic structure of this post, it's late and all. I feel like I'm forgetting a lot, so if I think of anything more that could help, I'll add it later. I have no doubt you're one to investigate, however I must emphasize to always do diligent research into supplements/nootropics/pharms before taking them. Especially their interactions, as even nutraceuticals can interact in a harmful way. Let us know how things go Ohh! Lastly, if Keppra turns out to be a no-go, Lamotrigine is the next best thing to try.
  8. I agree; if what they claim to have achieved so far is accurate, it could very well be considered a promising potential treatment. However, untill the mechanisms are clearly understood, it remains questionable. Alas, I sincerely doubt the company would have any interest in researching the effects on HPPD. But you never know if you don't try. I would personally wait untill further research has been conducted, and consider other options for the time being.
  9. Thanks Syntheso! I have considered that many times; ordering Keppra online. However I had a few reasons not to do so: If the Keppra had been fake, and it didn't work, I would've never known whether it was Keppra that didn't work for me, or the lack of Keppra. And seeing the many good experiences with Keppra, I wanted to be absolutely certain I was getting the real stuff, so as to ascertain whether it worked for me or not. Also considering it can takes months before Keppra works with some people, so I would have to run 2 trials if the first hadn't worked. And yeah, getting supervised is just a bonus I suppose.. Safety isn't really the priority in this dilemma, effectiveness and speed are (in that order). Regarding the neuroscience.. Nope, your assumption is incorrect. My former profession was sailing, as I have the salt in my blood. Thus my screenname wasn't meant in any metaphorical way I didn't know a single thing about the brain before acquiring HPPD. Didn't even know what Serotonin was, aside from knowing it was somehow involved with XTC. However one of my first thoughts after the catalyst trip, was: "This has got to be something neurological.. sh*t, I'm in for a long ride." I just became determined to recover from this, and have spent most of previous year glued to my laptop screening through endless texts of neurology and pharmacology, hoping to find some answers. Subsequently I became very interested, because let's face it: neurology is awesome. Also very complex at times, which can make it a lengthy journey. Sadly, my cognition does not permit me to study and comprehend at the level I'm used to, otherwise I would definitely have picked up on my biology and started "formally" studying neurology. Nonetheless I like to think I have some logical reasoning left in me, and just kind of gathered my knowledge from various sources. Alas, this also means it could all be wishful conjecture. Nonetheless I hope to regain my cognition, and consider studying Neurology if I can handle it, concurrently getting my Captain's license. It's an ironic paradox: I used to be able to do anything, but I didn't want to. Now it's vice versa. But I would very much like to devote a part of my life to studying HPPD, if I ever can deem myself capable.. Wouldn't want anyone else to have to through all this. I just came back from the HPPD specialist, who also checks this website from time to time. So in that case: Hello, thank you! Won't go into too much detail, but I felt he was very understanding. We discussed Keppra, and it seems highly likely that I will be able to receive the treatment very soon. Just have to send him some info on Keppra, which I will do shortly. I was very surprised, and satisfied, to hear that there was also a person using rTMS with marginal succes, and that he himself (specialist) was also looking into the matter. I say satisfied, because this means my research is actually based on logic. Huzzah! Lastly I was informed that there are also other medications available, should I not find amelioration in my initial treatment, and that we would do anything conceivably possible to better my situation. Suffice to say I'm very content and grateful. I kind of suck at judging the borders of confidentiality at the moment, so I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, and on my way back I got a 30 euro fine (freaking scanner thing doesn't show you whether you're checking in or out at the destination). I'll know more by Monday. Aside from that.. not much too add really. Melatonin in large doses have definitely helped with sleep. Also with vision at times. Sadly not with cognition. I've experienced intermittent anxiolysis from it though. Also, someone gave me a strip of Oxazepam. I haven't used it yet, and don't really plan to unless necessary. I am tempted to try it though, and might do so tomorrow. It is a metabolite of Prazepam, which was too strong for my taste. So who knows, might do the trick. Lets see.. what else.. Ohh almost forgot: Also had some Sulbutiamine in the mail earlier this week. What can I say? Dosed 200mgs, with another 200mgs 2 hours later. No effects on visuals. I'd say subtle stimulation lacking anxiogenesis, which I can appreciate. Actually I managed to relax on the stuff, which tends to be a rare thing nowadays. A mood lift, not euphoric however. Very, very subtle, which is what I like about it. It could've just been the amazing sunshine outside, but usually I have trouble even enjoying that, and with Sulbutiamine I was more capable of immersing myself in experiencing the warmth and the silence. Cognitively.. mehh it's not like I tried some braingames or anything. I'd say best cognitive enhancement I've had so far are still Modafinil and tDCS. Thursday I have an appointment with the shrink. I'm still thinking of a way to say "thanks for nothing" without conveying ingratitude. Hope to somehow tie an end to those meetings, which seemed to be the mutual goal of this appointment. Tomorrow I'll contact the addiction clinic to update them on my situation. I don't know whether I should sever my ties there yet, but I'll see. They were definitely kind people. When I was a kid, my brother and I used to pretend that if you could hold your breath while driving through a tunnel, you could make a wish. No matter how blue in the face we got, we'd never gasp for air untill there was sky above our heads. Hell, even in a traffic jam we'd usually hold out. You can imagine the sufficating feelings build up with time. However, once I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, they would reduce in severity, and I would suddenly feel as if I could hold my breath for another minute if I had to. I hate cliché's as much as the next person, but I make an exception in this case, considering the aforementioned memory. I guess the past few months in particular have been like that peak of sufficating feelings, right before turning the corner and seeing the light. It seemed to take forever (factually it took a year, which is close enough) Finally, now 'the end is in sight' (as the Dutch put it). Seeing as I just drew the oldest analogy ever, I should probably call it quits for this post. I'll update with conclusive news if applicable. EDIT: Wow.. this was an abnormally long post. My apologies.
  10. Anxiety makes the visuals go all batfeces. Serotonin alterations did very little for me personally; 5-htp, fluoxetine, and tianeptine.. The latter of which seemed to mitigate anxiety a little for a day or two, but after that no effect. Regarding the fish: I give up haha! I think the estimation was based on mammals. Melatonin is still working like a charm for sleep, slept wonderful last night on 5mgs.
  11. Hey Puppeteer, just wanted to encourage you to keep writing At the moment my mind is a bit all over the place, but when it settles down, I'll have a good read through your posts. I know a thing or two about nootropics so I might be able to help you with that later. Have a good day.
  12. Because the amount of phone calls you receive in a lifetime is far greater than the amount of toilet time spent (~3 years apparantly). You only notice the amount of phonecalls received on the toilet as being frequent because they are inconvenient. Ever noticed how many phonecalls you receive when having sex? Probably not, cause you switch the damn thing off. Or when you're waiting for something? Nope, because that is convenient. Or maybe you have a pressure sensor hooked up to your toilet seat which calls your phone when you mount your throne. Anyways! Melatonin: Slept great, but indeed feel groggy today. However, I am once more able to distinguish the patterns on my wallpaper, albeit with a little more phosphenery. Also, it makes the waiting for appointments less tedious because I'm just kind of spaced out, in a mellow way. No effects on DP/DR though.. I mean it makes conversation easier apparantly, and has a subtle anxiolytic effect (sat on the bus anxiety free) but that's where it ends. But I think it is safe to say that Melatonin has had a positive impact on my visuals, on the condition I take it right before bed, the positive effects will linger in the morning. All other areas lack change, and perhaps you could say I feel more "fogged out". Anyways this wasn't meant to be a user experience, so all further significant changes will be added to my Keppra Quest log.
  13. 240mgs of kavalactones should do the trick. Next time have them with a gulp of milk. Have a look at Kona Kava's dosage page. Seem 2000mgs is not so uncommon. I myself probably have had 3500mgs kavalactones at a time.. anyways find a maximum dose (i'm tired for googles), and just stay below that. Alternatively make an ethanol extract from your pills, should be some guide to do so. Ebay is also a good source, they sent me some good Kava disguised as Henna, came thru without problems. Delicious! Everyone knows Valerian is crap. Better things to try are: Melatonin (at night), L-theanine, Kava (yes it's worth re-mentioning), Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Bacopa Monnieri etc. Google "Treating anxiety safely and effectively" and you'll find a good scientific review of anxiolytics. You will see that Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, and even Valerian can cause GABA downregulation. However, if you were to cycle on/off between Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, and nothing, theoretically if you find the tolerance-free "sweet-spot" you could enjoy the benefits indefinitely. Have a glance at Dixie Botanicals' Dew Drops. So there's a little stub to start your mission for a sustainable, effective, nutraceutical anxiolytic. Good luck.
  14. Water is considered the least toxic chemical compound, with aLD50 of 90 g/kg or more in rats.[3] 90*0.16=14.4g/kg Conveniently L=Kg, so take an average 80Kg person: 80*14.4= 1152g=1.152Kg=1.152L OK NEVERMIND. Obviously water was excluded from this conversion, haha. Anyways 6-8 liters seems lethal from what I can collect. I have no idea why I'm answering this. Melatonin: Took 10mgs two hours ago. Felt slightly hyper at first, now tired. Will update if anything significant is noticed in the morning. Yesterday I took the 5mgs, and today my appointment with the drug clinic went almost without anxiety. It was pretty awesome. Furthermore I noticed I was able to clearly see the patterns (to surprising detail, my clearest vision in a long time) in the wallpaper across from where I sit, which sadly is now covered by flashy shadowy liney stuff again. Perhaps with Melatonin, symptoms increase after acute dosing, but decrease the day after? We'll see.
  15. Yeah hold on let me dig up a K'pin study... source (from HPPDonline itself!) <-- you can download the entire PDF there. Tofisopam fits the description of the benzo you describe, and is a unique benzo in its MOA. Enhances cognition (mildly), is anxiolytic, no reported addiction, and (could be wrong here) does not downregulate GABA. It is interesting to note that Tofisopam has also been indicated in Schizophrenia, of which the pathogenesis has some similarities with the (speculated) pathogenesis of HPPD. Idk where you are from, but it is available for purchase online. It seems to exhibit a dopaminergic mimetisism. [Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of tofizopam (Grandaxin)]. [Pharmacologic effects of tofizopam (Grandaxin)]. [Excerpts from the clinical-pharmacologic and clinical studies of Grandaxin]. As for Keppra, you might want to look into that for the long-term, as it would be well worth the shot, considering the lack of cognitive effects. Benzo's are quite a tricky escapede, and lack sustainability. That said, many people here have been stable on Clonazepam for years. However, between keeping addiction at bay and memory loss, it would seem quite hard to live like that. Just my personal opinion, I have yet to experience Clonazepam. Perhaps request Clonazepam for initial treatment to help you gather your thoughts, and then procede to look into Keppra or Sinemet, as the latter two are by far more sustainable. Also, have a look at the Keppra study. That's 20 "flashback" free people, plus 4 with symptom reduction = 89% experienced benefits from Keppra. Even if it doesn't completely erase your symptoms, it may be quite useful and allow you to require less Clonazepam. And as for Sinemet, have a look at Dr. Abraham's COMT trial. Albeit co-administrating Tolcapone, there were some decent results. Lastly there are some anecdotes to be found here at HPPDonline. Can't do more for you on that part. If you don't get levodopa prescribed, you could always try taking Mucuna Pruriens extract, with some L-phenylalaline, and some L-tyrosine, with EGCG extract and Quercetin. This will boost you dopaminergic transmission quite a bit, added to that intermittent Sulbutiamine, and you should theoretically be laying a bed of roses for your DA signalling. I'd be happy to answer any other questions
  16. Some more info on Sulbutiamine and its similarity with NAC: From Wiki: From PubMed: And here's an article with some decent info on Sulbutiamine. Seems that their shared Gluthione mechanisms imply that Sulbutiamine is a pretty good substitute for NAC.
  17. I just realized the source link of the study just lead back to this page. Updated it to the pubmed source, should be fine now.
  18. You should be fine on those doses.. alternatively, next time you've had a Modafinil "break", try starting out with 50mg, some people report having just as good effects from 50mgs. If insufficient, you can always add 50mgs later. By the way, Alertec Modafinil is the best brand out there IMO, SunPharma is crap. If you're interested in NAC discussions, check out the Longecity topic on the stuff. There are more topics there on NAC, just do a search. Idk if I said it earlier, but Longecity is definitely the place to be, if you're interested in nootropics. As for the drug clinic: I hope they can help you! The drug clinic here had insufficient knowledge to aid me with my problems, but they were much kinder than the government appointed psychiatrist people. Ha I actually enjoyed talking with them today. Be sure to print out about a kilo's worth of articles on HPPD, treatment options, etc. etc. Especially the recent New Yorker article could help them understand it is not merely defined by the DSM diagnosis. Alternatively you could bring the "What do we know after 50 years?" paper. Good luck Oh and with L-theanine, make sure you get the suntheanine brand. It contains only the pure levo isomer, no dextro stuff. Other products are racemic sometimes, which would lower potency. And regarding Sulbutiamine: I just ordered a sample, so I'll give you some feedback on whether it helps HPPD related issues. Reportedly there is no anxiety, and a nice clean crispy fresh feeling. Anyways, you might want to take that statement with a little metaphorical salt.
  19. qwerty: With Kava Kava you can experience a "reverse tolerance". Some people need to drink Kava daily for a month before noticing the effects, others only 3 or 4 nights of 2-3 shells, and others notice it with the first cup. Ohh also: it is generally acknowledged that simply taking pills, or ingesting Kava powder, will not produce the same effects as having the original brew or a tincture. Many people report that the pills are gunk, but after having tried traditional Kava, they love the stuff. See if you can find how many Kavalactones are in the product.. Then you could make a calculation as to how much you can actually take, and perhaps try it sublingually. I once had Kava pills, but I would just break them open and add them to my root powder, for an extra kick in my tea. Have a look at the Kava Lounge, they have many experienced users who can give you better advice.
  20. Hehe depends. I did have more vivid dreams with melatonin, but recall is murky as always. Indeed I too have noticed "droopy focus" in my eyes, but I guess that doesn't really make such a big difference in our perception! Anyways I thought the prepulse stuff was worth mentioning, recent literature considered. However, rat-to-human dose requires slightly complex calculations. Even if you would take 1/5th of the dose, that would still be 70-90mgs a day, for a period of at least a month. Now, Melatonin doesn't have an established LD50 (the rats just wouldn't die!), but I doubt taking said dosage would really make your day. One person took 150mg in a suicide attempt, only to find he had slight stomach discomfort and a psych evaluation waiting for him. Visuals are actually slightly worse, but I'm less bothered by them. Perhaps tomorrow I'll try 30mg's just for laughs.
  21. Syntheso: I recall reading that vitamin C supplementation is required to maintain NAC benefits. However I also found a lot of negative stuff surrounding NAC so I never really even bother to look into what it does. Regarding Modafinil: use with caution. I never experienced any sort of addictive qualities from it, but there have been several case reports of people becoming dependant on it. Not to scare you or anything, but it would be wise to drop the stuff in the weekends or so. It has (speculated?) dopaminergic effects, so it wouldn't be strange that one could experience a shortlived depletion. If you need instant effects (upcoming exams etc.) and don't have the time to wait for stuff to kick in, perhaps have a glance at a Vitamin B derevative called Sulbutiamine? I dismissed it because it seems after a short period you build enough tolerance to render it useless, but it could help for a few days I suppose. Hmm I had some more potential nootropics and mind but they, ironically, slipped my mind. Anyway as long as you remain to handle Modafinil with consideration, you'll be fine I suppose. For me sometimes taking 400mgs of L-theanine helps me lower anxiety just a notch within a few minutes, but the user reports vary substantially. How much Modafinil do you take?
  22. EDIT: Only nonpatent text I could find on the efficacy of GM6 There seem to be some referances inside the article to other GM6 studies, however these referances link to patent texts. I wish they didn't sugarcoat this text. What I extract from it is that GM6 is a compound with an epigenetic effect? I'd like to see those laymens terms translated to actual neurobiological terms. "Distress signals"? What's that? Neurons firing? Amygdala-specific activity? Disinhibition? A bit too unspecific for my taste. I'll do some searches on this, as it seems interesting. But I find the language used, to be advertising and suspicious. Sounds very multifaceted, so much so that it seems a fantasy drug. Do you really want thousands of genes to be modulated? The whole point of "classical thinking" is the implication of specificity; target specific mechanisms/receptors/regions that are out of balance, and then add adjunctive agents for improvement. That said, let me look further into this before making more accusations. Thanks for contributing hope1
  23. Ahh that sucks! I had a similar problem. However the regular psychiatrist referred me to the addiction clinic, despite my lack of significant addictions. They also knew very little (nothing) about HPPD, but agreed to do a neuropsychiatric test, which will take place.. well probably in 3 months. Anyways sorry, hate to sound demoralizing. I'd say your best bet is the drug services. Otherwise, there's a HPPD specialist here in Holland who I'm seeing in a few days. Seeing as you're from the UK, perhaps that's worth looking into? I wouldn't know how costly it is, if your insurance would cover it, if they would accept foreigners, etc. but I suppose it's worth the shot. You can find contact info here. Be sure to add 0031 before the number, and leave out the 0... that might be confusing. It would be: 003188.... Alternatively I could ask whether they accept foreigners when I go see this person myself. Good luck!
  24. A little update: I quit taking Tenoten, because I've been using all kinds of substances lately, and it would be unfair to attribute any effects to Tenoten. Anyway I've thrown away said substances, because they were making things worse. Now I'll abstain for a week at least, to return to baseline. By that time there's a good chance I'll have a prescription for Keppra, so who knows I might never use Tenoten again. Recently I read that Bacopa Monnieri can potentiate Calcium Channel Blockers.. I wonder if Keppra falls under those, with its presynaptic calcium transmission inhibition (IIRC).. In any case I'd like to know whether it is contraindicated with Keppra, because it look like a very decent nootropic anxiolytic adjunct, with sufficient studies supporting the claimed effects. No updates on the tDCS.. really dropped that for the time being. Besides, my new component hasn't arrived yet. Went to the shrink today with a really bad hangover. I could barely hold a conversation with the guy. I think it was the weed I smoked the previous night (I know, unwise) which caused my visuals and anxiety to go through the roof. I even had phosphenes ever other second, covering my entire vision. Normally it's very light (mellow) and localized. Suffice to say I can't remember a single thing we discussed, but I believe we came to the conclusion that we're both very stubborn people, and that we'll make one more appointment after which we'll cease seeing eachother. (hallelujah) Anyway, when I came home, I was still feeling very anxious, and wondered whether Melatonin would help me fall asleep. I took 5mg (instead of the 0.3mg I usually take, if any) after reading some studies on its anxiolytic effect. Worked/works like a charm, albeit tired, I have calmed down and no longer feel like I'm on the verge of breaking into a psychosis. I've posted another very promising study on Melatonin in the "Research Articles" section, for those of you interested (I recommend you read it). Lastly, before my meeting with the shrink, I passed by the doctor, and he agreed to give me a referral to the HPPD specialist. Free treatment, hurrah. Finally things seem to be getting into gear, all I gotta do now is wait. But the waiting itself is a lot less tedious, because hey, the guy's a HPPD specialist, not some unknowing doctor who has no clue what I'm talking about. Other than that, the Melatonin made me quite tired, so I'm gonna lay back and watch a movie, drift off etc. I'll update on Wednesday, if my appointment with the addiction clinic yields anything significant.
  25. I forgot: Khan Academy is a great resource for free education.
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