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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Id quit bud if i was you, it made my shit a lot worse, goo easy on the drinkin too...i dont know what else to tell you man, i never heard voices will trippin shrooms or acid...
  2. Is that a lot? sounds like a shitton...wish i wouldve gotten to try mescaline...i loved my psychs :/
  3. True..i cant even imagine where id be if that wouldve happened to me...in a way i guess youre lucky man, resilient constitution.
  4. Damn man, howd you accidentally take 40 to 60 hits at once
  5. Ive found that I feel alot better when I undersleep than when I oversleep. Ive found around 7 hours a night to be the optimum amount, anything over 8 makes me feel strangely fatigued. Anything under it, however, does make me feel tired, and it feels kinda what i felt like pre-hppd when id get around maybe 5-6 hours, but eventually the tiredness passes, and i feel as close to normal as I can these days. My DPDR also seems alot worse when i oversleep. Just a few observations.
  6. Oh fuck man, im really sorry to hear, when you said you messed it up, i took it to mean something alot more lighthearted, like the anxiety had made it hard for you to get...um...hard, or somethin. Im sure youll regain feeling though, eventually.
  7. Yeah man, alcohol definitely fucks your shit up, it did for me...a member here actually got a seizure post-hangover and developed fucked up symptoms like seeing in frames, so it definitely doesnt help.
  8. Hahahaha howd you mess up your penis...sorry man but that was so random, i really laughed out loud. ANyway, i never had to take SSRIs, my depression only bothered me on and off for about 2 months, but i feel ya, that shit is tough to deal with. I took tramadol once which i think exhibits SNRI properties and it made my symptoms worse while i was on it so idk...id go with lexapro if thats what people here are recommending.
  9. You must also remember that those who do get better have no reason for coming on this website, and I have read numerous cases of people who do recover normal perception. It does get better, it just takes time. The worst thing you can do is to prolong it, i cant even begin to describe how much worse continued drinking and smoking made it for me. Just stop man, from what you describe you dont have many of the symptoms, if theyre not there, dont worry about it, youll get better. IM gettin better, you will too.
  10. Pretty mumbled, it used to be virtually nonexistent, but it's getting better...memory is bad, concentration, recall, speaking clearly. It all came with my DP.
  11. Don't go to a psychiatrist, you dont need benzos. My shit is a lot more fucked up than yours and i cope fine. Don't worry about it, leave the drink too, at least for a while, you should be fine after a few weeks...and lay off the hard drugs, or chances are youll become a regular here...just try to ignore the disturbances, you dont have many symptoms, the only thing keeping them from going away is you by being so anxious.
  12. yeah me neither haha, although last time i took em apparently i was "responsible" and only drank half a beer...i guess im finally gettiing more inhibitted when it comes to drugs, now that i realize how bad it all is for me...although i did take 6 bars :/ funny how good i felt the day after, although that night is not even a memory.
  13. Stupid suggestion, agreed...glad youre done, good luck man.
  14. Well, id had DP episodes probably while high, not sure, just that being high felt different, now that I know DP, it felt pretty similar to that, but i never stopped long enough to really notice how it was affecting my sober life. Then i drank some caffeine while baked (half a ginger ale) and i became unable to recognize my hands, they just looked like weird claws, and then i got pretty strong cevs and anxiety, then i took a nap, woke up and got really drunk and baked (i was at a wedding reception). Then the next day i smoked and while my friend was driving my mind just went completely blank, like i was lookin at cars but had no thoughts about what they were or where i was...sober i felt a little slower, stayed at this level for a few months, then i went on a pretty bad bender in september and by the time i finished, my DP was full blown, body aches, cog issues, twitches, bunch of shit. DR started in november after being in a room full of people smoking DMT (guess i took a good ole whiff). in another thread you said that youve cancelled aptmnts with doctors because of times youve thought you were better? How so? Like your after images and shit? My afterimages have greatly decreased, i think my trails and stuff too, my dp/dr a little as well.
  15. hey alisa, youre the one who got this after like 30 years right? Howve you been?
  16. Im not sure man, but it has definitely happened, the hallucinations are supposed to be fuckin strong. I dont think hppd from weed is common at all man haha.
  17. Yeah man, that happens to me too, mostly in my head though, because i try to pace myself when i speak so i dont sound like a fucking retard...sometimes ill want to think for example, the cat is black, and itll come out the black is cat...i feel you on psychedelics man, they helped me alot too, even now im not bitter towards em because they i loved them, and i realize it's just that i was predisposed to this man, but lemme tell you, if you do develop DPDR, it's like becoming a fuckin shell of a human being, as close to living dead as there is, so not fuckin worth it. The jumbling of thoughts came along with it, so chances are youre prone to dpdr. It helped me with personal problems too, but then hppd became the biggest problem of them all. I used psychedelics for self-improvement, but if someone had told me that id end up like this then i wouldve dropped em without hesitating. At the risk of sounding like one of hose people, you already opened "the doors" just try to take those thoughts into the world, and be positive about it and try to live without psychs.
  18. shit man do you really think ambien helps? People have been known to get hppd from trippin on it...and nah man, all you can do is wait...exercise helped my head pain
  19. I know youve been through alot, and thats where these feelings stem from, but you don't really KNOW that moving to california will be bad for you. It might help distract you. You wont necessarily be fired, but it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that youre setting up for yourself. Try to work on it man. Take a short term lease, get a rent a car til your confidence boosts, whatever. Ive thought about what youre thinkin about myself, but chances are, you love your parents way too much, do you really wanna put them through that? Youve got no realistic short term chances of goin through with it, so why not try at a job you love? If you already feel like your life is over then fuck it, what do you have to lose? Im lucky my parents caught my drug use though, who knows where id be if id kept on with it. My symptoms were so mild before I kept on fuckin myself up...sigh.
  20. 3 psychs have tried to put me on Antipsychs, one neurologist ran tests, found nothin, said i just need to get my act together and stop drug use, one dumbass doctor said all my symptoms were a result of depression...gave up on em...i realized it was for the best anyway, I wanna cure myself, not become dependent on some drug
  21. Nah, alot of people get visual distortions, but HPPD is fuckin rare man...I cant not recommend drugs just because im predisposed to HPPD, i actually suffered from head pressure in middle school which caused some brain fog, got a bunch of tests done and shit, it wasnt til i started doin shrooms that shit improved...ironic huh
  22. There's been people who have triggered their HPPD on addy, from what ive read stims are BAD as far as hppd goes. caffeine actually triggered my DP so idk, i wouldnt do it
  23. Ghosting was the last visual symptom i developed before DP...I only have floaters out of my left eye...sometimes i feel like my brain has a hard time assimilating what both my eyes are seeing and connecting them into one image, but i only notice it rarely, such as scrolling through my ipod at night, the little musical note begins to form into two, almost as if i were going cross eyed (dont know if i am) and one eye was starting to shift right and the other one stayed... My ghosting isnt too bad, if i squint it becomes more prominent, better with glasses than without.
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