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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Yea cars and plants (leaves especially) look very HD and plastic. This to me is just a symptom of depersonalization. Things at night look like a one tab comeup, imho. It's hard to explain but things (buildings, signs) have this sort of epic quality to them. You know like how in movies they shoot characters from lower to give them a towering look? Kinda like that.
  2. Yeah man i was the same way, for a few months immediately after gettin HPPD Id literally have to pass out from sheer exhaustion in order to sleep. Valerian Root was my solution for that, it really saved me a lot of heartache. Although be careful because if you take valerian root, even when youre a little tired, itll make it near impossible to fall asleep, it's got pretty bad paradoxical effects, at least for me. I can sleep without it now, i actually use it sometimes to help me wake up a bit.
  3. Yeah, i was wary of tryin it, but luckily it didnt affect me. Gingko didnt affect me either, although granted i only took it for a few days, as supplements im not sure of kinda sketch me out, but i felt like it was adding to my head pressure.
  4. I took rhodiola for a while, but it would only give me a headache toward the end of the day, i didnt really notice much effect apart from that.
  5. me...my story's right about the same as yours, except my hppd was pretty mild...even the timeline is similar
  6. Medical journals, forensic analysis on cops whove been exposed to it breakin down labs, etc...modern medicines's knowledge of drugs is iffy at best, but i dont see why it couldnt be true, i guess from the anecdotal evidence ive read ive kinda come to believe it. http://www.metrolyrics.com/2009-jamie-foxx-recalls-terror-of-pcp-poisoning-news.html
  7. Did you get static from weed, or have you always had it? There have been cases of people gettin DP from just weed (dpselfhelp.com) but it is highly uncommon. I never had problems with weed before i got HPPD, and i dont think i ever would have. My dad smoked for about 10 years and never had any problems with it, but he never tried any psychedelics. But honestly man, if gettin high makes you so paranoid and not feel good, then whats the point? Just do yourself a favor and dont trip, sounds like youd have an awful time.
  8. Oh true, haha yea thats a bit redundant aint it...i meant those knock off mdma analogues that they sell at head shops and shit. But yeah, i actually do remember reading about methoxetamine. Idk, i didnt see myself goin past shrooms, dmt, and acid, and maybe a line or two of molly a few times just to see what it felt like. Sucks that i was responsible about it, and aware of the harms and still got this, shit sucks.
  9. Most drugs arent but PCP actually is, (lipid soluble or something?) Jamie Foxx actually got spiked with PCP when he was 18 and hes had flashbacks into his 30's...it's also stored in the kidneys i think. Whatever, i try not to think about it. And that datura experience is crazy hahaha i always thought an experience like that was a drug myth, like seeing unicorns on acid. Oh and i never rolled...i wanted to try it, but im not really a big techno guy, id rather eat 4 grams of shrooms and listen to All Along the Watchtower. But the whole, girls rolling head and gettin nasty scene did have an allure to it.
  10. Yeah man, fatigue has been one of my most annoying symptoms, brought on when i got DPDR. If i sleep 10 hours, the fatigue is pretty bad and i feel very spaced out and i could stay in bed all day if i really wanted to. If i sleep say, 5 or 6, i feel less fatigued and more tired, know what i mean? That normal kind of tired, but i do find it easier to get out of bed, and i do function better, less detached etc. Optimum amount for me is 7 hours, though i rarely get em. I dont really have light sensitivity. How long have you had this? And id never expect methoxetamine! Sounds sketch haha, isnt that the synthetic MDMA? BUt yeah man, you got the right idea, ive never had the sensation you describe while drinkin, but maybe it triggered a ket flashback like some people get from DXM? Like it just put you in that state. All in all, how many trips would you say youve had and how often did you trip? Glad that you knew to stop man using man, i didnt when my symptoms were mild and now this is really intruding on my daily life.
  11. Yeah postal, PCP is shit...whyd you try it so many times? hahah...what do you mean by PCP flow? one of my biggest fears is the fact that pcp is stored in the brain, and that flashbacks are actually chemical in nature. If i ever were to get a flashback...which is more than likely...my DPDR would probably go through the roof...I try not to think about it, and hope that it's nto the case, but considering the dose i took, i sometimes feel like im just being falsely hopeful. And yeah i tried salvia once, it was horrible too haha, i hit it, next thing i know my arms are being pulled down by the ground and im stuck to it and i cant get up and my friend is telling me "chill man you smoked salvia" and all i said was whats salvia whats salvia like 10 times until i came down...i would have tried it again though
  12. had mild hppd symptoms since september 10th 2010, mild dp since may 2011, pretty bad DPDR and cog issues/fatigue since november, so all in all, not too long...things are better, some days feel better than others but all in all, im confident ill get past it, even if i have mild lingering visual symptoms...i hope....and yeah im tryin to avoid alcohol, i figure the less i strain my brain the quicker ill heal, plus ive read too many stories of people whove recovered only to have hppd return after one drunken night, so im tryin to get used to a life with as little of it as possible i was more of a smoker than a drinker anyway, iim not lookin to pawn off one addiction for another.
  13. what are tongan kids? haha...yeah man, unfortunately i liked flavored blunts and mint gum around this time :/ if it tasted funky i had no idea. I was proud of myself for being able to control myself so well, but all in all, horrible experience.
  14. I didnt do it willingly, i bought weed from some sketchball i knew which turned out to be laced with it...id smoke a tiny bowl and be blasted out of my mind...this went on for about a week or so, when i finally decided to put all i had into a blunt and smoke it...tripped balls for 10 hours, took 6 months for the feeling to go away, i developed hppd about 4 months after this occurred...and i tested myself so i know thats definitely what it was...yeah, i tried to enjoy the trip, but it was just horrible, i could literally feel my brain frying.
  15. Yeah ive heard that k-holes are insane...my friend whos a massive cokehead did a gigantic line on accident and went into a khole for like 30 minutes or so, but when he came back he thought like 8 hours had elapsed, he was freaking out about a paper he had to write and shit, it was hilarious. But idk, i took a MASSIVE dose of PCP, and i fought it the whole time so i didnt dissociate which was good, but it did trigger my first 6 month bout of depersonalization while it left my system. Now is nothing compared to those horrible 6 months, i basically spent em all in bed, with the most horrible fatigue imaginable.
  16. I didnt know you could get addicted to ketamine, nor did i know that its usage was so widespread...i never tried it, but i thought it just floored you the fuck out like DXM, i dont see how itd be a rave drug...wish i wouldve tried it though hahah
  17. Yeah im really not guilty about my drug use, since it really wasnt that much, i do feel bitter sometimes though that this would happen to me, and that im not able to trip anymore because i fuckin loved it and for a while there it really helped me. I started doin drugs at 18 and i only tripped 2 weekends in a row once, the other times waiting accordingly. It sucks because i know how much fun a depersonalized me wouldve had in college, i actually had the girl of my dreams in the palm of my hand right before all this happened, and it really does suck to think about, but now my only concern is gettin better. I think im past caring so much about what couldve been, ive resigned myself to a peaceful life, as opposed to the semi-wild one i visualized myself having, and if i get better, it really doesnt sound so bad.
  18. Yeah man it was probably the WDs, i always found that opiates made my symptoms worse (better while on em, much worse after the come down)
  19. Oliver you said you stared using drugs like around 12 right? Whered you get the money man hahah, you had some expensive habits. And Jay, i always thought youd gotten it from like 10 or so trips...thats a pretty extensive history, sounds like you had some good times at least haha
  20. Unless you consider the occasional B-complex a med, then im not on any
  21. 10 shrooms trips, 1 on LSD, quit all drugs because of a horrible experience with laced weed, 5 months after my last shroom trip (4 since the bad experience) i got hit with mild hppd. Did nothing for 3 months, started smoking, drinking, and takin pills (somethin which i wouldve never considered before all this) symptoms slowly got worse, then got hit with mild dp about 5 months into drug use, a bad bender sent me over the edge...all in all, it took almost a year from the time i got HPPD, to the time i got DP, all due to my inability to quit drugs for extended periods of time
  22. Yes, it is possible, I HAVE seen the reports of people having it go away, some who have been on the site but who have left us as their symptoms got better. You gotta help your brain by being healthy and positive, but it can go away on its own.
  23. Yeah, i guess it's uncommon and id never heard of it, but i suppose it's possible. Sorry youre goin through this, just stay sober exercise, and try not to dwell on it...not much else to say :/
  24. Between weed, opes, and alcohol, opiates are the one kind of drug that made my symptoms noticeably worse. In fact, after taking 3 oxys one time, my trails got worse than theyve ever been, this lasted about 2 days. Opiate antagonists have been reported to help DP, so it doesnt surprise me that opaites themselves could cause somethin along those lines.
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