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Everything posted by brendan

  1. also get good absorbsion with magnesium chloride applied topically "magnesium oil"
  2. because i am a total cheapskate i buy magnesium ribbon and dissolve a length (maybe about 20cm) into a teaspoon of malic acid with a bit of hot water
  3. does liposomal glutathione do anything beyond what nac will do?
  4. tried it, didn't notice any effects.
  5. given how cheap it is in powder form there is no reason to not take it. I take a teaspoon before bed but more for its purported long term health benefits rather than its short term mental effects.
  6. i discovered nac by accident about 9 years ago now. I took it as a hangover preventative. It didn't do much so one night i thought fuck it, lets give it one last proper try and took 14 x 600mg pills. I woke up with a hangover, but was not expecting (so it took me a while of pleasantly surprised reflection to work out it was the nac) the massive drop in brain fog, fatigue and anxiety. I have never been as bad, tho it didn't touch my hppd as such. I am in uk and get my nac from bulkpowders.com which seems cheap and high quality. It doesn't seem to be a direct drug effect as the fog only starts returning slowly after days and weeks, so my guess is that the fog and anxiety are sequelae of hppd or predisposing condition that generates a lot of oxidative stress that the brain can't clear fast enough to prevent accumulation. Also bear in mind if you are having a bad reaction that nac makes fat soluble toxins water soluble, so you may get a herxheimer reaction as the toxins mobilise due via glutathione. Try a lower dose and drink water more, 2400mg seems quite high for a start dose, tho obviously nothing on my 14 pills! Now i just take half a teaspoon before drinking and half on a hangover; as i drink quite a lot this amount is enough to keep my fog down. I also do vit b (also from bulk powders) and d, and make my own cheapo magnesium malate by disolving magnesium ribbon in malic acid, which all seem to add a bit of extra pep to the nac.
  7. kb fante, i missed your previous post on this. Are you sure this lid effect does not occur with all hppd-inducing drugs? Would it not be possible that these lids are on multiple receptor types, thus explaining hppd being induced by multiple drugs?
  8. "... There's also the science of coming out of unconsciousness to consider. A new study shows it's not simply a matter of the anesthetic "wearing off." Researchers from UCLA say the return of conscious brain activity occurs in discrete clumps, or clusters — and that the brain does not jump between all of the clusters uniformly. In fact, some of these activity patterns serve as "hubs" on the way back to consciousness. "Recovery from anesthesia, is not simply the result of the anesthetic 'wearing off' but also of the brain finding its way back through a maze of possible activity states to those that allow conscious experience," noted researcher Andrew Hudson in a statement. "Put simply, the brain reboots itself." Relatedly, a separate study from 2012 suggested that post-surgery confusion is the brain reverting to a more primitive evolutionary state as it goes through the "boot-up" process....." from http://io9.gizmodo.com/how-does-anesthesia-work-doctors-arent-sure-and-her-1592809615 suggests hppd may be failure to reboot. ".....Researchers discovered that when LSD latches onto the brain cell’s serotonin receptor, part of the receptor folds over the drug molecule like a lid, locking it in place. “We think this lid is likely why the effects of LSD can last so long,” said Roth, who also works at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. But, while lengthy, acid trips aren’t forever. Some LSD molecules pop off their receptors as the “lid” part moves around. And brain cells eventually respond to the drug molecule by pulling in its serotonin receptor, along with the drug, where the drug is then degraded or disassembled....." from http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/education/article129016534.html suggests hppd may be some disruption of this mechanism, perhaps a constant recycling of the drug at the receptor?
  9. when i first discovered nac it was a revelation. Never had the sense of vertigo/anxiety or brain fog that i used to have. Improved further with vit b and d.
  10. i saw that, llooked interesting. I had bad brain fog before i tried shrooms and got hppd. Not sure what caused brain fog or whether it predisposed me to hppd but one thought was that it started around the time of tb jab so possibly immune related.
  11. Yeah tmg seems to have a very significant mood enhancing effect. Cheap too.
  12. trimethylglycine is another methylator to consider. I think it also improves my mood.
  13. someone (jay?) previously suggested a hppd dating site called loveatfirstfuckedupsight.com tee hee.
  14. have you tried benfotiamine, which is meant to raise thiamine pyrophosphate levels, and is a bit cheaper, and has some other benefits?
  15. nac sorted my anxiety. Worth an £8 punt. Take a heaped teaspoon and see what happens. If not it sounds like you may need to ditch the testosterone, or try natural ways of increasing it- high intensity exercise, sex, and various supps .
  16. anyone tried it? Quackery? Worth a try?
  17. or indeed i may have a mild allergy to some protein like gluten or something which serrapeptase helps break down
  18. my pills are quite strong, maybe yours are weaker? Or given that ibuprofen makes me perk up suggests i may have an inflammatory issue, which if you dont have then an anti inflammatory like serrapeptase wouldnt do much.
  19. thanks, i'll keep an ear out for it. I read syntheso benefitted from it. I do get very great benefit from supps for the secondary effects of hppd (anxiety, low mood, brain fog, fatigue).
  20. actually having said that i think i may have lost some sensitivity to it, so will give it a break for a few days, use ibuprofen to bridge the gap.
  21. just bought this: http://www.powdercity.com/products/uridine-monophosphate-powder however, bear with me for any results cos it needs to be imported across the atlantic
  22. still good. nice andclear but no effect on hppd itself.
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