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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. It could be possible that the validation email is getting blocked with certain email accounts (eg, gmail). This is a common problem with no easy fix. If people are reading this, please check your junk mail.
  2. According to my doctor, you can stay on it long term without any problems or tolerance. Good luck, Jay
  3. burn out might not be the right word... but I seem to remember reading that the gaba-A benzodiazepine receptors sites get overworked and are never the same again, even after full withdrawal. This is why you can't take a break after withdrawal and then get a similar effect as when you first started... from my understanding... if you start back on a benzo, even after some years after withdrawal, you will only get a similar level of relief as the end of your last long term treatment. Don't quote me on that, i'm paraphrasing and my memory is shot! There are probably people here with more insight into this than me.
  4. I'll be trialing it in 2 weeks.... i'll report back.. fingers crossed
  5. Actually, I think they have to validate themselves via email... this doesn't look like an admin task
  6. If you have a decent doctor... see if you can get on Keppra, it is low risk and has worked for a good number of people. If you go down the Klonopin route, just take it 1-2 times a week.... unless you are suicidal, I don't see the point in getting addicted and risking burning out your receptors even more. Klonopin really is a magic bullet for most, but if you want relief with it for the rest of your life (or until a better treatment is found) then you have to make sure not to get addicted. Once your addicted, you lose that magic bullet forever.
  7. I'd help, but don't seem to have the ability. Any other mods can help?
  8. Jay1

    Hi All

    It is hard to gauge whether visuals decreased or not.... for some time, I thought they had, but if they did, it was possibly by 10% maximum and I believe now that it was more of a placebo effect. Where it most helped was with DP/DR. People ask why I gave up Keppra, if it was helping.... basically, I weighed up the pros/cons and realised I did not want to take a strong medication everyday just for some small benefits. Of course, other people have seen huge changes, and it would be much more worthwhile to stay on it. Keppra is a pretty safe drug to stay on.
  9. Has anyone heard of, or tried, Etifoxine? It sounds promising in hppd treatment. No mention of addiction/tolerance building. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etifoxine http://www.brupharm....s/title/stresam
  10. Jay1

    Hi All

    If you are strong headed... you can do what I do and just have a couple of klonopin per week to have a break from the stress. I actually think it is helpful in recovery too, as long as you can control yourself. Keppra is a good idea... I had some success, not quite enough to continue with it, but it is well worth a shot... certainly does something for hppd.
  11. Great post... so glad to hear you have found something that really helps, and especially a drug that is not addicting. Glad to see you back on the new site. All the best, Jay
  12. Jay1

    Hi All

    Hi, welcome to the site... it sounds like you are doing everything right so far.... try to lower you drinking, smoking and obviously stay of drugs, especially MDMA (this is the culprit of your problems, for sure). I am glad the doctor has not got you on klonopin straight away. 9 months is a relativly short time to have these problems and masking them up so soon might just lead to an addiction, as well as further problems when you have to stop. Just keep on going with the plan you have... eat healthy, exercise, minimize drinking, stop smoking, no drugs and try to cut out stress... if you can find a cool sport or activity that you can do outdoors, that will help, fresh air and exercise really brings down stress levels. Good luck, Jay
  13. Work up slowly... I'd maybe even try and split that pill into 1/4s... 125mg x 2 per day. Then onto 250mg x 2... x 3... then 500mg x 2 if you are not feeling any side effects. I was side effect free, but I know other people had a bad reaction. If you do get up to a high level and want to come off... remember to taper slowly, I got some very bad effects from stopping too fast. Good luck, Jay
  14. I put it down to tunnel vision... when we stare at a fixed point, it gets worse and worse until unbearable. I try might to focus on a persons left eye for a while, then right... maybe it looks weird, but no one has ever mentioned it.... people are usually caught up with themselves.. just like we are.
  15. I'll add one to that list..... The most boring thing anyone can ever write is "I'm bored"
  16. Although i'm in no way cured... my visual are severe and have a big affect on life. I did manage to kick some sub-effects, to a large degree. I did this by very slowly confronting every aspect of my life that bought about anxiety or paranoia. First was eye contact, I had major problems with this and it made me anxious and paranoid (and people probably did think I was very shy or weird). I forced myself to keep eye contact more and more until the point came where i was back to where I was pre-hppd. I realised this could probably hold true with alot of other issues I had. I started to force myself into situations where I would have to be sociable and talkative.... day by day, a little more... until again, I was back to my normal self. I did the same with being in large crowds, speaking in public, playing music to crowds etc. I think i'm now more confident than I ever was.
  17. In case you don't get it (I don't understand US law) Is there some way you can freelance from home (or change career where you can work from home)?..... It is a godsend for m. Good luck mate
  18. Was the trial medicine thought to be addictive/tolerance building?
  19. no one has said anything about banning, so let's calm that talk down. have the posts been removed?... no. It seemed to me the posts were not just giving an opinion, but were written to push people's button... I just asked for a more controlled opinion to be given so that people could better understand his point of view.
  20. A forum is a controlled area.... you do not have free reign over what you say here. That is why we have moderators. We are pretty relaxed on what is posted (we also have hppd, you know, and don't need the stress) but once your posts start to look like being antagonistic, they will be gone... just read your posts before hitting the button, see if they will be taken the right way. I don't know anything about the Dr in question, so have no problem with people airing negative views... but do it in the right way You seem to demand negative attention, i'm not interested in that type of contribution. Why say "I prefer to talk shit" and then actually go on to give a fairly reasoned reply? Just give the reply, simple.
  21. Putting "IMO" doesn't give you free reign to say whatever you want. Either put up a real, reasoned argument as to why you don't think people should trust Dr Abraham or stop posting. Paranoid ramblings don't help anyone. You seem to be upset that he charges money... have you seen how much it costs to become a doctor? I guess architects, pilots and the like should also give you a free ride?
  22. thanks mate, i'll chat to my doctor about it.... hope you continue to see improvements
  23. Any news on this Gill? I have a doctors appointment on the 12th and might recommend it
  24. thanks gill... very interesting, keep us updated.
  25. thanks guys... i've tried valium, it is good but it never seemed to have the "magic bullet" effect of klono (for me) so, as long as the klono is working at peak level... it is really a miracle to have around. It seems that, with regular gaps in taking it, the potency stays the same. 1998, do you recall the barbiturate you were taking, did it even relieve visual symptoms?
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