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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. As some of you know... David is forever struggling to pay for server costs for this site. I have a dedicated server and can provide free hosting, but we need someone technical to help transfer the board and mysql data (he even has the old board data!) http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/521-hppd-message-board-cost-in-time-and-money/page__fromsearch__1 Thanks, Jay
  2. Unfortunately, I am very non technical. I know how to set up the space for a new domain and add mysql etc.... but as for transferring data, I am at a loss. Does anyone here know? I'm sure we have a few technical people on here... but can't remember who. Is there some way to make this post more visible?
  3. I have a dedicated server.... no need for you to pay for web hosting... I've emailed you
  4. I can host it... David, email me
  5. I agree with you, at least in terms of HPPDs visual symptoms. I really did see an improvement with Keppra, for a short time... and then it went. I can think it was the placebo effect. The other aspects... dp/dr, anxiety etc... they are probably more treatable and also more changeable, case to case... so perhaps Keppra/Levodopa are helping those things more.
  6. remember that upping the dose is not beneficial in the same way as upping your klonpin dose.... if you are feeling sick, it may be worth lowering the dose, but taking it more often
  7. Good luck mate... can you let us know if you are on any other meds... most importantly, klonopin?
  8. Thanks Visual... yea, i've said before that my results shouldn't put anyone off... obviously I wish it would have helped me, but I'm happy that it is helping other people and seems like a pretty safe med to try. Hopefully a few more people will try it without klonopin so the community can build up a better understanding of what it does on its own.
  9. No good or bad effects.... I will stop once the month's prescription ends.
  10. Without wanting to sound negative.... I think 3 of the 4 people who have had a good response are also on Klonopin.... maybe they work well together?
  11. Sinemet doesn't help or hinder my anxiety.... but I don't have much anxiety anymore. Hopefully some of the other guys can chip in. Completely agree with 1998.... be cautious of benzos. As much as it was hell for me to go through hppd without meds for 10+ years (when I found out what hppd was)... It has forced me to overcome things like anxiety and social nervousness, med free.
  12. Thanks, you sound like a great mum... make sure he knows that the community is here for him and that there are plenty of people on here who have gone on to lead successful and happy lives... I think sinemet will help him with the out of body symptoms... it sounds like it is really helping people with that particular symptom.
  13. While saddened to hear about your recent battle... i'm glad that you have come through it with some positives. Keep on fighting, we will all beat this shit one day
  14. Hi, from my experience and reading about others.... I have heard of no serious side effects... I think Sinemet could be worth a try for him... but, as ever... better to ask your doctor. How is he going with the Prozac?... I tried that when I was a similar age to your son and it made me alot worse. If it is giving him side effects, perhaps look into more natural anti-depressants like 5htp or inositol. Good luck, I got hppd at a very early age too, so I feel for him... it sounds like your son has a great support system around him. I am sure it is heart breaking to see him suffer like this, but know that,like most difficult things in life.. it does get better over time
  15. Just a quick update... Unfortunately, nothing really to report, from me. At 1st, I thought I noticed a small reduction in after images, and this may be the case... maybe a 10% reduction. Other than that, I have seen no good or bad response. Those of you who have followed me on the old board will know that I very rarely respond to medication, positively or negatively... so don't let this post put you off. It might be a case that I have had my hppd for so long that alot of the chemistry in my brain is actually pretty well functioning and perhaps healed... as I have said before, I don't suffer as much anxiety as in the first 5 years and strong disassociation went after a few years (with no meds),,, I am just left with crazy visuals and trippy feeling that only Klonopin has been able to diminish, so far. I have said in posts before that hppd shouldn't be considered as one illness, rather a collection of illnesses that can be fought, one by one.... Sinemet might be the one that fights disassociation and makes your life that bit more bearable... even if other symptoms stay the same. Anyway, I will keep on with this and maybe experiment with dosage. All the best, Jay
  16. My neuro said I could stay on this low dose for life, if needed. No addiction, no tolerance, very little side effects. I will post in a few days about any changes... to make sure their is no placebo effect or "anti-placebo" (I am so used to things not affecting me, that I think it could almost work the opposite of a placebo.. if that makes sense) I have two stress tests in the next two days... today, I have language school, which brings about some anxiety and added dp/dr.... and Saturday I have a concert with my band... which is also a good test of anxiety (I usually drop 1mg of klono, but will try without)
  17. Unfortunately, yes.. they probably will... and by worse, I mean worse in a way that could pretty much ruin years of your life. I had all those early warning signs, but that was about 18 years ago, long before the internet... so I just assumed it was all part of the druggie life and would soon go away once I stopped experimenting. You should be ok smoking a bit of weed, here and there.. drinking and enjoying partying... so be thankful for that and forget about pyscedelics (and ecstasy etc).
  18. Classic, severe visual symptoms. snow, sparkles, 10 second+ after images, constant blue/green geometrical shapes, warping, constant strobing 5 times per second, closed eye visuals, poor depth perception, tunnel vision Thanks for the good wishes... i'll post again soon
  19. Get some Vitamin B supplements to help with any "Keppra rage" As Phenomenon says, be patient... this drug is not really like a benzo, where you see instant effects If you have to stop, taper down. Good luck, Jay
  20. I have been prescribed Sinemet and have started a 3 month trial as of today. The dosage is 50/12.5mg x 4 I will keep you up to date on any progress, good or bad. http://en.wikipedia....bidopa/levodopa
  21. hi david..... if you want to get to #1 in google.... try and get the site linked from other medical sites, it will quickly boost the SEO
  22. Cool, I might ask about it... do you recommend a specific one?
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