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Everything posted by brake

  1. I really hope that`s not the case lol.
  2. There isn`t THAT much caffeine in white and green teas. Coffee is a different story. I drank 2 cups of large coffee at work the day of my onset of full blown HPPD and ever since that day I never touched coffee again.
  3. Brain fog and anxiety. But I feel like it does more lol. Its like over time my DR/DP went away but that could be from a combination of factors.
  4. Haha at least 3 cups of either green or white. Mix it up, one cup of this or that. Celestial sells a green and white tea combo. I suppose any brand is good. Brewing tea leaves has more health benefits than tea bags but tea bags have been working fine for me. I either drink it with raw honey or nothing at all.
  5. Hey everyone. I`ve been drinking at least 3 cups of green and white every single day for like over a month now and I have seen improvement in my overall well being. I highly recommend it for everyone!
  6. I bought a lutein with zeaxanthin supplement a week ago and have been taking it every night since. 20 mg lutein and 800 mcg zeaxanthin. Its been somewhat helpful but definitely nowhere near a cure.
  7. I had it since April. If you continue taking supplements, exercising, and taking care of yourself plus understanding that you are still the same person on the inside you should be okay.
  8. The first 4 months of my HPPD I just felt generally bad but after I started exercising during the 5th month I started feeling more like a normal person again. I would say exercise has caused me to have more ups and downs whereas prior to exercise I usually had a baseline feeling.
  9. A lot of people with schizophrenia actually see animals, insects, and/or people that are not there. HPPD is not like that.
  10. But I am not a professional at diagnosing schizophrenia lol. Just my opinion based on my experience.
  11. Yeah it could be. I know the fear and anxiety from HPPD has made me very obsessive, hypersensitive, and less confident... leading me to be terrified of any thought that is out of the ordinary. So instead of taking a CEV, after image, movement in my visual field, or a trippy thought for just what it is I go into a negative loop filled with anxiety because I`m basically thinking "OMG I must be going crazy!"
  12. Well it should help you judge how serious your intrusive thoughts are. Check this out too: http://m.psychologytoday.com/blog/am-i-normal/201110/intrusive-thoughts-normal-or-not
  13. For some reason I can`t reply with a link but google "intrusive thoughts" and read wiki and the other links. That should help.
  14. This should help: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thoughts
  15. This should help: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thoughts
  16. This should help: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thoughts
  17. This should help: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thoughts
  18. I have the same problem Shaman. The more I exercise the more intense my visuals get although my DP and DR goes away. Exercise helped with restoring my bodily sensations. But the visuals get so intense sometimes it almost feels like I am tripping but my pupils are completely normal when it happens and I don`t experience any psychedelic euphoria. Its so confusing lol
  19. Hey does anyone know of a doctor in the New York area that has heard of HPPD and is willing to try and treat it?
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