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Everything posted by mgrade

  1. Hope, we should get this thing going 'cause we have a lot of debilitated, devoted people who could afford some valuable time and insight.
  2. Sure......i think this is based solely on my own experience: i'm not as good as at math (while as I had been a very good math student), I feel stupid, "brain damage", can't think straight, etc. Just my opinion, at this point.
  3. Well, I think weed has been historically (when laced) laced with PCP. My experience with this dissociative is that it almost felt like it took days for it to kick in. The problems felt like they were getting worse by the day, everyday after i had smoked the stuff. Smoking weed can induce some hallucination as well as some psychosis. My hallucinations are slowly going away, but still linger. I was getting like: flying comets coming in from the sides of my vision, peripheral hornet stripes, things would look like they were constantly getting bigger in my sight but in reality never changed, you know liquidy, breathing, curved space, stuttered, trails, halos etc: visual disturbances, bad.
  4. Jay is right. Take it when you need it; not every single day, if you can. Eltrigor is right, i think Klonopin can be sedating and it is longer-lasting. Valium isn't used as much any more and it is one benzo that has been for a long time, like about 30-35 years. While i only have an RX for Klonopin, I felt that the best benzo for me was Ativan. The starting/regular dose for Klonopin or Ativan would be like 1/4-1/2 mg. With Ativan, you could be a little more generous 3/4-1 mg. If you are "losing it" or having a panic attack or the visual disturbances are "crazy", you could take 1mg Ativan or,up to 2mg;; and about ~1mg for Klonopin.
  5. For me, the weird leg sensation feels like you need to stretch but it's like you can't stretch enough (lol). Again for me, the weird leg sensation seems to go hand-in-hand with the HPPD; and I think it goes away when most of the HPPD/flashbacks go away. Sometimes, it feels like i wanna punch the sht out of my calves. Some people have said of Requip as a treatment for HPPD w/ RLS but I know there are most likely no studies yet. Man hp sux.
  6. I've been on SSRIs for years and since i got HPPD the first time, I eventually got onto Wellbutrin as well (this was about 5 years ago). So i have some experience with these drugs. One, I refuse to take "regular" Wellbutrin. Regular WB was making me, like, almost manic-feeling: hyperactive. I think, for me, the extended-release Wellbutrin XL is the way to go, and that is what i am on these days. Make sure it is the right brand too. Try to get the one's with smaller looking pill. Some generic drugs seem/are different than others. For instance, generic ativan seems too be half as potent as the real deal A. Also I am on Lexapro and before that I was on Celexa. I've been on one of those 2 probably for 12 years or so. These two seem to be the better SSRIs around. And Lexapro seems to be the better of the 2 in normal circumstances. Perhaps Celexa would be better for HPPD; I don't know though 'cause like I said I am on Lexapro. Depending on your level of HPPD, these drugs seem to work differently. If you are really messed up and are "hallucinating" 24/7 hard, the best for me was the SSRI low level and some benzodiazepine. If the HPPD gets a bit better, than I started introducing the Wellbutrin. But if the HPPD is really, really bad, none of these drugs will seem to help and they may make the symptoms seem worse. I also have ADD and i smoke cigarettes. And HPPD was a big hit to my ego, concentration, skill-set, and my progression as a growing adult. I found that ADD meds should probably not be taken with intense HPPD. This is my experience.
  7. I have come to the conclusion that HPPD and hallucinogens can affect cognition. I would say that asking if HPPD effects cognition is like asking if a bad-sprained ankle affects walking.
  8. Some of the most common antibiotics compete with benzodiazepines, at the GAMA-A receptor. If you are not 100% dependent on it (little ativan, klonopin), I don't think it should be a problem. But i think i heard that there are instances that can be dangerous. Before doing anything, Talk to the dentist about antibiotics and benzo use. Also, there have been cases of toxic psychosis with the use of some of these antibiotics; and the psychosis can be irreversible and permanent. I would assume this is if you abuse the drug, but it may not be limited to only abuse. I do not know. Is it a wisdom tooth? All that being said, you should be fine. It would probably be Amoxicillin or maybe penicillin. -check out some of the references: quinolone and psychosis and benzodiazepines.
  9. How do you think the hallucinations compare to LSD?? And if you had taken a smaller amount, how long before the "after effects" (ie: visual disturbances, flashbacks, etc) were virtually 100% gone??
  10. My friend had prostatitis and hydrocele; I have a varicocele and HPPD and i have had urethritis and Epididymitis (and had surgery for it as a kid); my father has slipped discs So I feel your pain man, literally. Now with your prostatitis, stop having sex for a bit, do the saw palmetto thing, cranberry juice thing. Once you get over the prostate thing, things will look much better. Just concentrate on getting that better, and guaranteed you will feel a lot better. My friend had this and was f'k'n nutty for like 2-3 months. Stop having sex for a bit and do those other things. Also get on some SSRI or something. But make sure you find a good neuropsychiatrist/psychopharmacologist first.
  11. Drinking won't help you. It's almost guaranteed that it's not going to make you feel better. I used to smoke a lot of pot and drink like 3-6 beers a day; soon after I got HPPD, I had to stop everything. I think your drug days are over (alcohol included). It may take a few months or up to 5 years or so; but I think things will get better. And this is a BS-sounding statement because every person that you have talked to about this has told you exactly the same thing. But I have been through the HPPD/flashback/psychological break thing 2X now. So I am saying is that I understand. We would not be here now if we didn't want you to get better. The first time I went through it, I drank some and smoked weed the first 3 or 4 months. Since than I have not touched alcohol or any illicit drugs. You probably just not going to be able to handle it. Because it will intensified all the symtoms. At this point, you are going to have to maintain any semblance of sanity that you can grasp on to. Hold on and wait this shit out. I, to this day, smoke cigarettes, and while i feel like I am dying from all the tar etc., for me it has taken some of the edge off. Get someone to show you some affection or massage the base of your skull. You could also go outside and beat some sheet metal with a baseball bat. We hear you brother !
  12. I was wondering if anybody has been diagnosed with HPPD from the effects of one of these drugs???
  13. Dancetrooper......i think the bromoLSD would be like an antidote for taking LSD .....BUT as you were on drug, mainly. You WOULD be blocking the receptors but, if this is long after the LSD is out of your system, you would inhibit binding of serotonin by taking this antagonist. <----My take....
  14. yeah .......you know if you go a night where you went to a concert or was wearing loud earphones, and you feel you have redamaged your ear, take some asprin immediately. NSAID i believe can help to make sure the tinnitus doesn't get worse, right after a damaging event.
  15. I think that 2cGotme has a point, though: In that, depending on the intensity of this disorder, it's virtually impossible to ignore very, very intense hallucinations. Nevertheless, there is merit to what Gill is saying if you are able to slowly crawl out of the quagmire that is HPPD. Acceptance of the symptoms of HPPD may or may not be your bag, but forgetting can be a good remedy, esp. in terms of panic and anxiety. I think, this is only for people who have had somewhat a remission from their usual intense distortions.
  16. Yeah......spice is bad stuff. Stay away from spice, bath salts, PCP, RC chems, khat, nitrous, K, scopolamine, especially those. And stay away from the rest too. With spice, It was legal in the US because the active chemicals used were analogues of chemicals found in pot. They were able to get around the law with that. But instead of with pot, you have a balance of different chemicals and it may be not an unpleasant experience, when you are smoking this spice stuff, you are only using a couple chemicals somewhat similar to peripherally active chemicals in pot. So perhaps the chemical in pot, let's just say for speaking, that makes you feel crappy and gives you some visual disturbances, well they have singled out that chemical, changed it around a little chemically and sprayed it on some organic material and now they're selling it to you as fake weed, Spice: bad stuff.
  17. I've had tinnitus for 15 years........while i don't follow this advise 100% always, staying super-hydrated is the key; eventually you will see a change for the better. There was some supplements that i had, that worked, somewhat, but I'm not a huge supplement person. It was like COQ10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, you know antioxidants, B vitamins(12), magnesium, oh yeah and some asprin. Be careful with supplements though, you could wipe out some organs if you are not careful.
  18. I believe, HPPD is partially caused by the response to trauma and the idea that you will never come back. I know bad LSD trips and traumatic events are linked to memory and the remembered feeling associated. Well we know that HPPD is like a "brain injury". And lots of times, you will see people with HPPD and sort of a quasi-psychosis. Psychosis, anxiety, panic, visual disturbances, they certainly can't help too much with cognition. Plus, I've felt "retarded" from this disorder and flashbacks and that didn't go away for months. So I can tell you first hand. Also, the ability to concentrate seems to be impaired, as well. Considering all neurons are kind of all linked, I can't see how this doesn't affect most of the whole nervous system. I also feel that it hinders executive functions, fine motor skills, and creativity to certain degree. I understand that you can blame some of these bad dissociative feelings and visual disturbances on raphe neurons, trauma-established pathways in one or more of the brain's memory-areas, i don't know, GABA, A-H axis, whatever. But what the area is that is affected, it may possibly, and most likely, have an effect on the rest of the brain and body. And eventually, ends up cerebral.
  19. while i agree with the physical......... what is physical about one's opinion more true than another's?
  20. I think you would better off with an agonist as opposed to an antagonist.........If you consider the drug, that caused the HPPD or flashback, has been metabolized long ago. In essence, you wouldn't be counteracting the effects of LSD (past-taken); Plus, i think you really want to go back to the normal action of serotonin binding with its own receptor; or if that is a problem, a drug that will encourage serotonin-binding or actually bind itself to those receptors. my 2 cents
  21. The best thing is to tell the truth. ....But you could totally lie and say you have incredibly bad migraines or you got PTSD and say some creep put something in your drink. If they really love you, tell them for real; if they are ready to throw the dogs at you, try one of the other options. ~just what i think.
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