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Everything posted by mgrade

  1. Listen, adderall/concerta/ritalin etc. will make your visuals worse but will probably help with cognition esp. if you have ADD. How much will it make the visuals worse? Well I am prescribed this kind of drug and have been taking it for much of my HPPD. It all depends on: the intensity of the HPPD, what drug caused the HPPD, how much you took, the other basic circumstances involving how you got HPPD (mind frame, lack of sleep, dehydration, drug frequency etc), and how much Ritalin/Adderall you take, etc. For instance, if you take 126 mg of Concerta, you might end up in the hospital with a panic attack and hallucinations. In large doses, Amphetamines can cause psychosis. Otherwise, at much, much lower doses, these drugs may cause headache, more visuals, little more anxiety perhaps.
  2. I agree...........but I know people who have acquired mental illnesses (pre-drug latency) after drug use. The thing is: is that all these things are not concrete but certainly nebulous. While I have never experienced a schizophrenic's hallucinations, I would guess that I am not in any position to judge one hallucination from the other because all I know is what I have observed in my experiences. The "perpetual flashback phenomena" are not all the same for every person inflicted and may include one or all the symtoms (and more).
  3. I don't know....... but you don't want any degenerative brain damage (that's for sure).......I was looking into that (not really related to HPP) and once a neuron breaks off it spews out neurotransmitters all over and starts a chain reaction killing cells..............don't know, just trying to shake this thing off
  4. That's interesting. Damn! Good thing you came outta that one unscathed. ....I hope you are right, for the good of all of us. ..........Like 10-12 years ago, i used to do LSD. I kinda got tipped off as to how much LSD I was on that gave me this HP...........Does 1 to 1.5 mg sound like a massive amount?? (I know, usually these things should be in mics)
  5. Nuroeone? Hope youre feeling a bit better. ......As for me, I'm speculating as exactly what drug I was given: I think it's LSD. I think it was about: 1 to 1.5 mg. Does that seem like a real lot??
  6. Yea, they have Functional MRIs, that do that kinda stuff, I think; but you think someone would already done it, somewhere.
  7. I think that anyone can be broken, given the amount of torture one endures.
  8. I'm not sure if you are talking about smoking pot or smoking spice. My thought is that if you had never smoked spice you'd be better. Your visual stuff almost sounds like you are on Agent Orange (even though I'm sure it's not). But I wouldn't be surprised if you could use some of the chemicals in spice as a herbicide. lol You don't want to have the idea that you can always fall back on xanax or valium; while these are great drugs, i think you can get to a point w/ HP where these drug seem virtually ineffective. And then what? The end results may be a doctor prescribing you small-dose atypical antipsychotics (even though I probably doesn't help). I think if benzos really, really help you with HP/flashbacks than you don't have HP/flashbacks really bad. Between spice and pot, B.C.-->HPPD, pot would be a better evil, now A.D.-HPPD, they are both pretty evil. Stop smoking spice buddy.
  9. funny.....i just put a photo up.........not sure but maybe your photo is too big
  10. Hey Guys, That's how is goes with this thing.......I've kinda reached a new better stage with the HP thing......My visuals and anxiety are tailing off but........I look like shit, I feel like i've been through a 6 month teeth-grinding ordeal, i haven't been eating well the last few months, and for some reason feel like i have the testosterone level of a 85 year old woman. lol It's weird though one day you may feel OK and the next day, you feel like sht........But I can say that while I feel the brain-chemical-based depression going away, the external things that make you depressed are starting to kick in. I have not done much for the last half-year. I was unable to work. My muscles are weak and sore. And I am getting kind of fat. I have accomplished little in my life and my family shares the same view. I've spent most of my life studying and studying and studying and studying in hopes that I can keep up with the perceived loss in cognitive ability, creativity, basic executive functions, wellbeing and soul. It's almost like quicksand but i have forced myself to create new networks in my brain. I started my life very adept at math; I am forced to develop my skills in the doldrums of semantics, since a great deal of my creative math skills have left me. I look in the mirror and I don't see my face melting, but I do see a man grasping onto a thread: a man-child. I think it's like that movie Carlito's Way; at the end it was all supposed to work out .......well you gotta see the movie to understand what I am saying. I understand that a lot of people here are quite young and in there early 20s or so. Sometime I think that you reach a point in your life where your brain is like a stiff wire: you keep bending it back and forth, trying to adapt, and eventually the wire wants to break. Many good and smart people have lost their chances because of bad luck, drugs and life in general. Life can beat you down, and sometimes people definitely do not have your best interests in mind. I wish I just knew some truths on this earth before I go on to bigger and better things. There are tons of truths, I'm sure, that may reveal light and some conspiracies across the world of which we may never know. I just feel lucky enough to keep my nose clean for now.
  11. ECT is scary. I believe it only helps like 20% people who have had it. Other stories include people who have been irreparably damaged: Lou Reed, girl from Baywatch, the Kennedy girl, the NYT journalist, etc. People who supported this therapy would suggest it sometimes for people who did not need it. And as far as I am concerned, most Drs. who would advise this treatment, I would put in the same category as Dr. Walter Freeman, the inventor of the ice-pick lobotomy. Einstein looked a little crazy, maybe we should have used a little ECT on him, to make him a little more simple.
  12. Word up Mike; keep writing buddy; Bless
  13. Now you are at a crossroads. From this moment on may be the most important part of your life in forming who you are and what subsequently happens. There are a million different levels of depression. The question is if you can solve your problems with street drugs. Tell me if this sounds like the right thing to do. Most people would offer you little information, guessing you may join them in their misery. ............HPPD is to the mind what STDs are to the penis. Genital warts and herpes do not ever go away, 'til you're dead.
  14. i would have gone ape sht ........ but pussies like that would immediately call the cops .......i think for these guys they would just have to disappear ......if you know what I'm saying........Instead I took the Ghandi/Jesus route, let karma catch up to them........I think taking the high road is the best action for my situation: leaving me with a clear conscience.......Trust me I have had to face lots of issues, and had to keep anger from internalizing. If I acted on my rightful angers, they would have to scrape him off the sidewalk. But Avoiding these people seems to be the safest remedy. .......I know who these people are and one day I may see them as I'm walking in the woods. And there let the truth to be told. .......They did know this had happened to me before and that was the "novelty" about the "joke"........sadly I was the one who has been hurt. ...........Karma
  15. Schizophrenia does not have to include voices/auditory hallucinations. Also HPPD, in my experience, can include periods of "manic"/hyperactive behavior as well as periods of depression. And based on my own experience, ADD is made much worse. Clinically, I am not bipolar or a schizophrenic, but I have ADD. 2muchMandy, I agree that stigma does make me ill too. But when you come to terms with the reality of the situation and face things head-on, there are a lot of grey areas between these disorders, whether it's HPPD, schizophrenia (and the similar), bipolar, ADD, depression, general anxiety, panic, and brain injury.
  16. yeah.....well acquaintance
  17. Somebody put something in my food and drink.........In between, i was virtually 75%-100% COMPLETELY cured. But it took me nearly 2-3 years to get better.
  18. Join the pack, buddy. I'm currently on my second "HPPD" bout, I'm f'cked up bad, and I'm only 6 months into it. And basically I have been messed up for the last 5 years with this stuff. I've been watching severely deformed people, cartel-slayings, and schizophrenics on youtube. This should put some perspective on to you. Things can alway get worse. Just open your heart now, forgive, and realize the time will come when you will clear the haze. It's ok. Take a step back and observe. If you have depression, take a step back and say "Man, that is some bad depression". And perhaps you can laugh about it a bit. For now, just lol
  19. Amoxicillin are often given to younger people (kids and teenagers) and are seemingly mild but quite effective, in my experience (even in most adults).
  20. It is a fact that some people have taken drugs such as LSD, and have become schizophrenic, bipolar, etc. Perhaps these disorders were only latent before the hallucinogen use. But Can a person who doesn't seem to have a predisposition to mental illness, in terms of personality and/or genetics, acquire these sorts of disorders after, long-term or short-term, the use of hallucinogens? And how much does worry, helplessness, anxiety, panic, "mania", and the lose in fulfillment of the first few steps on Maslow's pyramid, affect the onset of these disorders (esp. after such drug use)? For instance, perhaps some of these homeless people with schizophrenia would have been in better shape today had there been food, shelter, help, support etc. now and in the past. Tell me what you think. HPPD can't just be a visual disorder; Can't HPPD be so bad (lasting for many, many years) that schizophrenia and HDDP are indistinguishable?? It's not like their are urine tests used as a measure of diagnosis.
  21. I wasn't being sarcastic.....I know it is hard to express yourself online without things being misinterpreted but I was being honest. Thanx.
  22. Screw the girlfriend, if she ain't stickin' with ya, she should go f-herself. Just know that when you get better, you will be better than you have ever been. It's like in America, baseball players warmup by swinging 2 bats. When you get to the plate, it will be easier to knock it out of the park. Once this extra weight is lifted off you, it should be somewhat of a revelation.
  23. I don't think these hallucinations are real, esp. considering I'm not schizophrenic. lol I have encountered tons of people (including my own parents) who believe that I am paranoid and have been somewhat delusional. I think I really comes down to if you truly can look beyond all the bad long-term symtoms of hallucinogen/dissociative drug overdose. I felt like I could tell for the most part, but my parents and a psychologist here and there might have begged to differ. Them, I can't trust. Me, I can. Thanx brother for making me feel a little better.
  24. I'm sure given the right genetic and brain makeup, antihistamines could trigger HPPD-like symtoms lol.........but yeah with MJ i do believe it is plausible.
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