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Everything posted by 2muchmandy

  1. Snortin vicodin. U mad mother fucker haha! Im glad this symptom went. Proper scared me spineless
  2. stop posting dodgy pictures u bastard! i clicked this page to load, looked away then back to see a cows mouth, just about shat myself
  3. those pictures definately arnt as nice as the iceland one
  4. Our brains are fucking fried we gotta have something going for us ha
  5. I managedto get zinc. Will start taking it tomorrow. Not got magnesiun yet
  6. Heist is a hero. I love windrush and his mix of warhead by krust. Hazard is still on form man. Rollin out absolute stompers. Coirse dnb heads exist outside germany, dnb is from london I fill the typical junglist look pretty well, short hair, adidas jacket, nu era cap, old low black bmw with murderous bass pouring out U should listen to ticka tock by decimal bass, iv been rinsing that lately
  7. Im lucky I dont get migraines, but I do get head pressure and great discomfort that can last a while
  8. il give some a listen man. i like the old prodigy stuff, fat of the land was a great album.
  9. nicolas jaar the koos, 2 door cinema club, all thumbs up. should be good man i hope u enjoy it. my friends are big 2many djs fans, supposedly do put on one of the best live sets around
  10. Ebm? U mean edm? Like marek hamman and maya jayne coles sorta stuff?
  11. Music festivals jay? Or just general artsy ones
  12. Yeah techstep is too hard and noise like. I prefer jump up and bassweight, bit of liquid. Who is ur favourite producer? Im into spy, need for mirrors and dj hazard. I need to hurry up and buy decks so I can mix. Ha I was so drunk in that photo,my eyes dont even focus
  13. Thats a fucking sweeet throw up there man. I agree. 170bpm or bust. Kinda dnb u into? Im guessing noisia and spor, most europeans are into that techy stuff Is it just the visuals that make running bad for u cs? I can see how it must be bad with the constant light disturbances. Atleast skyrim saves u for a while each day
  14. I wanted to go to innovation in the sun butmy mates bitched out again. Might go to hideout festival
  15. Definately gunna get me some metal suppliments then
  16. Il keep my fingers crossed man. Im hoping this is just a big life lesson for me not a new way of life u know. Keep us updated ferret
  17. Wow man thats amasing. How long did that take. Looks like it took alot of time I need to get a new ps3 and get on battlefield 3 it looks amasing
  18. haha heres mine this was a couple year ago at new years, id been drinking days in a row. this photo was used in my school yearbook....tbh i think i was an acoholic for a matter of years
  19. sounds terrible man :/ u think ul start making an effort to go out more? or has it killed all want/motivation? iv had a good couple days there but the previous 2, jeesus man. wanted to die
  20. yeah man germans are cool, i want to move there or austria. is that a big ass winter hat or a hood in ur display pic? i have a sweet russian winter hat thats similar
  21. i quite agree, if u can work from home, why make home an ex council flat in a shithole make it somewhere nice hope i can a job doing similar and bugger off to austria or something in a year or so
  22. that looks amasing man, sooo nice that. how did it come about u moved over there?
  23. haha my names euan i agree, i wish where i stayed was that nice. aberdeen is famous for being grey and emitting radiation from the granite, just living here is cancerous :/
  24. Its like looking through a crap television set. I know I have hppd in my dreams now but theres no snow which makes me think its filter or visual damage
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