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Everything posted by 2muchmandy

  1. brilliant thanks man. my doctor is a bitch so im pretty much gunna go in and say this is how it is and this is what ur going to do about it meds-wise. she didnt have a clue what hppd was which is fair enough, so after i explained she told me to go and get an eye test. she said shed refer me to a drug addiction specialist ( wouldnt help but she didnt do that anyway ) my appointment is tomorrow afternoon so il let u know how i get on
  2. Does xanax affect visual snow or other symptoms negatively? Addiction shouldnt be an issue.i have the will power of steel
  3. By the sounds of it ur the closest to being healed on this site. Then me I think. I just need to get my anxiety under control again
  4. not sure star but il definately be trying. have u been prescribed meds for hppd before and is it hard? im up in scotland and my local quacks have no clue about hppd so im worried they wont let me try keppra senimet etc...
  5. na man, thats balls. there is cases of people being cured. theyr just not on these forums cos they have no reason to be here
  6. see i dont get the festival thing. inno in the sun or hideout is my festival ideal, electronic music and hotels. i dunno what ur music taste is made up of but im just a drum n bass and minimal head plus hate camping and not showering.
  7. see iv never taken lsd. but i just think its bad trips freak us so much it tweaks summin. we gotta find out what, get over it and then itl heal
  8. i think il get valium to use as a safety line. if i feel a panic attack il neck a vallie, thatl cool me down. and try that for a few months and see how it goes. if its gets worse then il think about senimet and all that shit.
  9. what artists do u like alice im a huge damien hirst fan ( waits for hate )
  10. also im background 2 flicker rate 6 density about 18 to 20 on the norm, sometimes worse. my visual snow is mild as hell
  11. harry ur a fucking nutter man, im too prang to drink a beer and ur partying all day. please be carefull dude. congrats on graduating but. dont fuck urself up
  12. i dunno theyr doing alot, possibly download, leeds i think, rockness theyr doing. il find out what company theyr with, theyr buying a convertable and just driving round the uk doing the festivals.
  13. its been 2 months now and iv noticed vast improvement in visuals and anxiety, and DR DP. all im left with is tinnitus, visual snow thats ok but worse at night. CEV vary in intensity. the text still moves around a little but i can live with that. after images but theyr not too bad. anxiety is mainly thoughts of getting worse, i had a panic attack the other night but that was a one off and usually i can live normally. the brain fog is a bastard but i was always forgetting shit anyway so its not a big deal anyway, after the other nights miniture seizure and anxiety attack iv decided i need some form of anxiety releif in the cupboard incase i need it. i feel iv learned how to handle hppd without medication and got to know my condition and how to live with it. i do not have an addictive personality. iv also read input from members using flurizine,keppra, sinemet and ofcourse klono. i was wondering if i should just get valium for now ( does it help hppd anxiety a bit ) for when i need it or should i push to try get sinemet or something else? i also read what alice said about it being like a drug enduced PTSD and i agree, iv had atleast 2 absolutely horrifying trips and now i dont like discussing drugs or thinking about those trips...i think i will try get to a shrink and see if i can discuss these issues and over come them, hopefully getting rid of my hppd as i have healed well so far.
  14. Yeah I figured out the less sugar I have the more anxious I am. But too much sugar and my snow is brighter. Its a balancing act
  15. Visual I wish I hadnt read that it sounds fucking horrifying. Im sure il be fine. My visuals are very very mild.
  16. I used to think id prefer visuals to go but once uv had an axious or paranoid attack ul soon see visuals are easy to live with. Control ul mind and keep relaxed and the visuals will dampen. Eat healthy, try not to consume too much sugar. No cigarettes or caffine.limited or no alcohol and just try stay stress free
  17. Im with jay on that. Great its healed but u might just have hidden it. I like to think doing it without meds I have an accurate day to day idea of progress.
  18. Also ul probably see my mates. Theyr doin stewarding again this year.
  19. I was considering outlook aswell, nice edm line up. Theres another one in croatia thats like 30 quid for 3 days. Spy is going im tempted
  20. Tbh I dont think it was a flashback. My visual snow got dense and bright like when I wake up, it was all really just pysical and mental. Think it was just a panic attack. Once I got to sleep after it I woke up to 50% reduced vs compared to normal
  21. I really take my hat off to u guys who are going to school and uni classes with this. I couldnt handle that
  22. Thats what freaked me with sleeping pills apparently its like lala feel fine. Slightly drowsy...collapse. Il try get to holland and barret and see whst they have to offer. Aah right. How come they wont give u it. Was gunna say add my fb and I woulda helped u out but if u can already buy it no point. I hope my doctor listens to me. Hes a fuckin idiot. I broke my knee bmxing and he told me to take paracetomol and rest until 7 weeks later he sent me for an mri
  23. Zopiclone is some mad sleeping pill my mate gave me haha. I never tried one, was too scared. Where would u go about gettin valarian root? Iv heard of it. Thatd be amasing haha. Im lucky my mate has a silkroad account so it was like free access to any drugs we wanted..probably why im in this mess tbh. Are u not able to get valium?
  24. Na my visuals during and after returned to what il call waking up level. Bright bright flashing visual snow upon waking that over time has reduced. It used to be like haf an hour now its like 30 seconds before it fades. In saying that after a nights sleep after the attack iv had like hardly any visuals, just felt weak and a bit paranoid as u would ha. Yeah well I did wonder if the fact im scotlands answer to ian curtis has effected my hppd or gave me it. The depression from hppd is mad though, iv been suicidal many a time but hppd...depressed me beyond suicide where I felt soo bad death wouldnt even help. Getting to sleep causes me some trouble sometimes, I feel vunerable when drifting off and get pranged out sometimes and the cevs piss me off. Need to find a spoon haha...or just bucket loads of valium. I have tramadol and zopiclone I used for fun before hppd but iv heard they have negative effects
  25. This is fantastic news! It sounds like u have ur life back. So kind of u to share aswell man. Thank u. U would recommend flunarizine( spelled wrong by me no doubt) and keppra?
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