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Everything posted by ludwig80

  1. I was always wondering about this. Since being on the Ketogenic diet, I eat serious amounts of red meats and fats. Mostly good fats like olive oil but I won't lie, if I can't have cereals and carbs then Bacon is my vice. Love bacon with a passion. Always wondered how my blood test would look after being on this diet for a year. I have gained some weight, but I was always too skinny and never could gain a pound before, so i'm happy with it.
  2. Good for you man. Wasn't feeling Santa Barbara?
  3. Never heard of it either, but agreed, definitely seems compelling based on what I read. Nice find.
  4. I think Jay's advice is right on. If you can bury your head and just keep plowing through you'll eventually be in a better place mentally. If you want to try something Keppra seems to be of help to quite a few (I am trying it soon too), therefore it might be something good to try. Clonazepam is best for when you're in a really bad place and need some short term help. As you already know, long term can cause issues.
  5. Beyond happy for you friend for finding something that works. I read your story, I know the nightmare HPPD can be and passing through those tribulations to see dawn takes a seriously tough person. So congrats. Did it happen to help any of your visuals or just cognitive side? I wouldn't be too surprised if the Keppra rage presented itself. Most people would label me as the calmest person they know because I'm rather lethargic but I must be a good actor too. There are times when HPPD gets me so annoyed and frustrated for a week or so and anything makes me angry, although I never show it, which likely isn't healthy; I'm trying to get better at expressing emotion though. I'll defiinietly be supplement some B vitamin in case.
  6. Thanks everyone. Really good information. Penny- Heard about this, so I will definietly be supplementing this. Probably need a B-complex with everything anyways. Positive- Good to hear, Seems like it is worth a shot. Jay- Thanks for the heads up on tapering and building up. I think this is a great plan and will be sure to follow it Visual- Actually I do have definitely have visual snow all the time, but doesn't bother as much as trails/slow frame rate stuff. Pretty sure I've had the majority of HPPD symptoms at one time or another. Markan- Great info- I"ll be starting at 1000mg, tapering/building as Jay said. I'd say 6 out of 7 days a week i'm on a pretty strict Ketogenic diet. Probably under the 15 g of carbs(Though I thought 100g was pretty strict, guess not). I usually end up being late one day and not having time to cook something so end up blowing my diet for a day. Really I've been doing candida diet(very similar to keto) since last august, pretty strict for about 8 months and fell off for a bit to see if it helped. So i need to get back to being serious. Such a pain in the ass though. Haven't started cause have school finals/ longg road trip and a gig very soon and just in case it effects me negatively I don't want to have all this stuff under my belt at the same time. Soon though.
  7. I just got a script for Keppra. I have it filled but I'm still slightly apprehensive about taking it. Mostly cause i'm worried cause I really don't want anything to get worse. I haven't taken any real medications since 4 or 5 years ago when i first got hppd(few xanax and about of month of paxil). Didn't feel right on the paxil so ditched that asap. I know this worked well for Merkan and Eric so I thought i'd give it a run. Been on the ketogenic diet for a long time(occasionally messing up but fairly strict) now so hopefully this will supplement ok. Anyone have any advice as far as when to take them, splitting up dosages(said to take 1 x500mg a day for a week then two after that), supplements that may decrease side affects, or anything to pay attention for? Thanks in advance friends.
  8. haha ya, woah.. I don't know why I couldn't remember that! I knew it was one of my instruments!
  9. Commodre is the Big D guy you're refering too, he'll be great for that area of depth that we were missing. I'm definitely excited to see smith and some other Grand Rapids guys play some more. I loved seeing those young guys Tatar and Mursak during last season, they put some real energy back in the game.
  10. Agreed, What do you think of the off-season line up changes? Personally, I think commodore and white are a probably a good addition to help us gain some bigger guys. Not so sure about resigning Ericsson but hopefully since he's getting paid really well now he'll start to step up his play. I hope we can get past the second round this year and get LIdstrom his final cup.
  11. Good to see ya back around Brendan. I think you and I spoke quite a bit on the old forum involving detoxing and theories around it. I still believe detoxing is huge as well candida diet. I forgot my old name somehow, memory is not great. but i remember you recommending NAC to me cause of my poor liver functioning. Glad it's making a difference for you! I need to order some more actually.
  12. This sounds really intense.. I've know i've read tons of horror stories about symptoms when trying to get rid of candida, so don't feel like you are alone. There's all kind of crazy shit that people have said happen. Let me know what the doctors says and hang in there penny- it'll all be worth it soon.
  13. The very few moments of clarity i've had used to end up like this.. Mostly because of how excited I would get, even though I know it would likely be short lived. I think now I don't get nearly as excited because you never know how long it will last.
  14. 415 thanks for the feedback. Ya trains possibly not possible, nor do I have the money to take much stuff. So I"ll likely be renting a Uhaul trailor for my suv or just get rid of most of my stuff. I don't really need that much, really just want my instruments and some essentials. I definitely understand how stressful It can be and that's what worries me. I"ve never been good at planing though so I need to focus and get this done to make the transition easier. Penny man, thanks for the encouragement. Being a in a proper band is really one of the few things that I totally get lost in and forget about my worries for a bit. Plus it's nice to being pursuing something you really care about. You're in the UK right? From what I hear, that's a great great great place for a musician. I've been there once, if I could afford it, I'd consider it hah. Larry- totally, I've spent some time in San Fran and had family there as well as Los angeles. SF is a total trip though, completely unlike where i come from but really refreshing to visit. I loved it but I doubt i'll be able to afford it there, additionally I think I like the beach weather of southern california more. I lived in outside west LA and will likely try for a similar area. Do you live in California now? It's probably twice as expensive to live there as where i am now, so I"ll be making some drastic fiscal changes. Just trying to stay focus and poised so I don't chicken out at the last second.
  15. Hey 1998 I can relate very much to your energy levels. Except I'm only 23. Used to run cross country and track and be really active. Now it takes me 3 hours just to actually wake up afters sleeping and then i spend the rest of the day shifting between tired and exhausted. I think it's just the effects of years of chronic and relentless stress. Could have caused CFS, most doctors I've talked to about this blow me off though- not mainstream recognized yet I guess.
  16. Just to clarify something, as I finished writing I meant to add that I honestly think I'll be fine once I get there. But I have this habitat of basically just stressing myself over stuff until they happen and then it's over and I wonder what the hell was the big deal. Thinking way too much about it and this is what I really want to stop.
  17. Long story short, it's my last semester in college and I've grown very tired of this town I've grown up in. I'm considering moving about 1500 miles to the west coast/california area. Too be honest for the first time in my life I'm very nervous about moving away from the nest. I've lived in dorms/ lived in my own apartment which I payed for, and actually have even lived in California for two seperate 3 months stays while interning, but this time it's permanent and that seems to bother me. You know, plus leaving family, friends, everything I find normal. Before HPPD/DpDr I was a rambling kid. I'd pick up and go whenever/wherever without a fear. I just had the self confidence and I never knew why people were scared of such things. So naturally, here I am nervous about such a thing, I guess because in a way HPPD kicked me to the curb and stole alot of my self-confidence. Dp/Dr doesn't bother me anymore and neither does most of the HPPD anymore... Just the fact that my vision is like watching a slow rate camera everyday and missing frames in my perception of movement, all day it's extremely taxing/frustrating on me. Trying to accept it though. You never know with this disorder if things will get better or worse and this is my fear. Things could alll of sudden get ridiculously worse, which is actually what happened to me two years ago. But. I live healthy and don't fuck around anymore with shit I should not be involved with. I want to do this though, I'll be graduating with a business degree and I want to do something with my life. I don't want to be a causality to myself. So I want to get into the entertainment industry if possible, I also want to follow my dreams of being a muscian, however unlikely. I don't care, If i'm going to be faced with HPPD I might as well be doing it while trying to follow my dreams. I've been in and out of bands for 8 years and they all fall apart because most people aren't very serious about making anything of themselves here. So I'd like to go where like minded people are there to make something of themselves if at all possible. I'm realistic though, it's a long shot, but what I do k now for sure is that I will never forgive myself for not trying, especially because I held myself back. The truth is I could have an ok gig here, you know get a job, meet someone whatever- but I think i want more. I love the weather, the culture etc. of California, i've spent tons of time there when younger and older as well. I feel it's time for me to make a move deep down but I have this extreme nervousness about the whole thing. I just don't have the confidence in myself I used to. Which is bullshit, after all I've been through I should be more confident having battled non stop for years. I know the next 6 months will be really stressful trying to figure everything out and come to terms with it all so I want to start doing whatever I can do better myself now. So that being said, I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of feelings down, upset, angry, annoyed, bitter, sad, just a perpetual malcontent in general. That being said, I'm looking for those who have been here or have an understanding of how to really find pure content with themselves & their conditions. Be it spirituality, counseling suggestions, or anything. I don't want to let anything hold me back but I want to try now and prepare myself going through with and not backing out at the last second. As well as any advice on making a move like this. Thanks everyone, this forum is a blessing.
  18. To be completely honest i can realte to this. I'll have a week of alright and then a week of hell. My symptoms don't change too much during this period but just how I am emotionally. I haven't really felt great days yet but I'm hopeful after a good amount of time and healing things will come around. Keep it up man, whether the turning point is now or a bit later you're doing the right thing. I am still hopeful that David will chime in and continue on what he was mentioning earlier! Still waiting on my damn results for this EEg for some reason.. I don't know what the deal is and unfortunately the first available appt isn't until the 30th.
  19. Penny i didn't know you had this problem as well.. to be honest I thought I was pretty much the only one here with it.. How long did it take? was it continuous or episodic?
  20. Larry I can relate, I suffered from the Slow frame thing still. Everyday all day for two years now. Although the first yr was a much lower severity. So i know how unnerving it can be, as well as frustrating.. I have been speaking with a guy over at the Dpselfhelp site who had the same problem as after much time has made some headway in understanding why he was inflected with it. He never did drugs etc but at his job they were using some kind of chemical that ended being damaging to him(as well as a few others). He saw in frames from 1/2 sec to 1/4 a second. He is seeing vision rehabilitation expert that is part of the NORA to help him although he said the worst of it improved fairly quickly thanks to a few pharmaceuticals. Specifically Dopamine agonist( his first was Wellburtin i believe, and when he noticed it really helped his doctor and he did some research and found out that many parkinsons patients suffer form this visual problem and so they tried a very very low dosage of a Parkinsons drug.. don't quite remember starts with a S though)- this may be where you are insufficient due to withdraws and it's causing this vision. The expert he sees says that seeing this is due to a problem with dopamine receptors of some kind and it cause the frame-like vision and also can cause trails. I would suspect that your vision problem will likely subside or get better as things level out from the withdraws. I have no idea why i'm two years out with not much relief but judging from my last EEg the doctors think I have some minor brain trauma to my occipital lobe from a long while back,. that's not the case for you so rest easy.
  21. At first I missed them, or just being part of my group of friends doing them. I started doing drugs because I enjoyed the insight and I thought they would help me understand and become one with the world around me. Rubbish, all they taught me really was that my body is not invincible and to not take for granted the life I have now. It's important to realize that there's worse than things just not getting better, if you continue them, than things can easily get much worse and that should be larger concern. Find solace in other things - instruments and music is my outlet now. I can't recommend them enough.
  22. That's interesting so they believe that a cause of candida can be a defiiency in interleukin-17?
  23. Hey Larry, What do you mean by " and have things on choppy tv movement." Hang in there bud. I know 1998 will chime in with some good benzo insight. Hopefully everything will pass soon.
  24. Ya I heard Scandinavian schools are rather relentless- however, they are free correct? That would likely make it worth it. Half my friends graduating are 50k+ in debt some even past 90k. I'm about to finish up my degree and I can attest to the first two years being complete and utterly pointless. Just random classes that your forced to take it and pay significant money for. On the bright side, Santa Barbara is a gorgeous city with great weather year round and good beach. Might even be cheaper cost of living than Sweden, although it's super expensive compared to most of the rest of the US.
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