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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2014 in Posts

  1. Tired of seeing a lot of people not getting the help they want/need. I don't know if it is against rules or shouldn't be done but was wondering if we could post our locations and Doctors/Psychiatrist etc. etc. names and locations that have helped us out to give people on here struggling to get help a hand if they happen to be in that location. It would be better for people to get help this way rather then ordering the stuff online or wherever. Just a thought, was tough for me to find the right Doctor and took years but I got a great one now and wish everyone could have a great Doctor. Thank you
    1 point
  2. It would be interesting to me to see everybody's living conditions. Just a picture of your rooms to see if anyone has a clean room or if they just don't give a shit about their living conditions due to the stress of hppd. I personally try to keep a clean room ill post a pic soon.
    1 point
  3. Has anybody taken amoxicillin before? I just had my wisdom teeth removed and the surgeon prescribed this. Im afraid to take it and was wondering if i should risk it or not. Thankyou
    1 point
  4. Thank you for the advice China. I'm not exactly a newbie on these forums but it has been a long while and i couldn't remember my old username. I have taken benzos and it makes a world of difference to me. Too bad cause my doctor just does not want to prescribe them. He thinks they work "too well" for me and will just cause me problems down the road. At this point I am just too frustrated to try other techniques. It kills me to know that there is a "cure" but I just can't have it. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. I'm sorry you are dealing with HPPD as well and I sincerely hope you find relief.
    1 point
  5. Visual, sorry I did not reply to your PM. I'll get back to you this evening. Didn't look into that any more.. am reading about other things at the moment. I'll get around to it. So it seems that the COMT gene is not a hugely determinative factor in HPPD... Back to me and Sinemet.. have been on it at <2 pills/day for the last couple of weeks. Not really getting the success that I initially had, although things are okay. I am not getting consistent results. Some days I will drink a cup of coffee with the Sinemet and be good for the whole day. Other days, I am still fairly unmotivated.. which manifests itself in laziness (going to sleep.. although I am not sure I would call it lethargy, just anhedonia). I am going to try what you recommended to me privately. I added in Gabapentin 300mg before bed recently, just to take the edge off things. It's my last month of studies (exams etc.) so want to be on good form. Once completed I will do a washout, including supps, for 1-2 months, let the body do a bit of its own healing. Then I have plans to try some other things.
    1 point
  6. The best diet for a person has a lot to do with their genetics. If digestion isn't very strong, then cooked is better than raw. If you are Parasympathetic dominant, then you need pleanty of meat. If you are fully Sympathetic dominant, then you are a true vegetarian (about 10% of population). One thing for sure, common food is now of poor quality and tons of processed stuff. Growing meat in a factory is cruel and the animals are not healthy. We are what we eat. Quality food in the USA is not easy to get, depending where you live. On the short term, people often feel better with dietary changes. Long term takes more time to figure.
    1 point
  7. i think i will have both cooked and raw, maybe give raw til 4 a go, and then i can have a delicious cooked dinner yeah there isnt really much evidence but it makes sense to me! i am lucky have the UKs first all organic and 99% vegan supermarket (i live in chorlton, hippy central of already fairly hippy manchester haha) at the end of my road so im going to head there later, theres a holland and barrett round the corner too. if i cant get everything i need between those two places i'll be very surprised i will certainly have a look for bee pollen sounds incredible but how do you eat it? does it taste nice? do you use it like a kind of sauce/topping? or is it horrible and you just have a spoonful of it like you might do with fish oil?
    1 point
  8. i tried this spring break but the withdrawals were to much. getting off cigs was hard, getting off my gallon+ of mountain dew a day habit was harder. my head was throbbing but i went 2 days. during summer after i wean off cigs and caffeine i will do a 25 day fast. btw for all you energy drink consumers, i just found out that monster has ginko biloba in it so watch out for that
    1 point
  9. Yeah it definitely has to do with detox. I have a pretty vague understanding of it myself, but from what I do know, the body heals itself at a much quicker rate when fasting. Most of the energy consumed through food goes back into digesting more food. With the absence of food, all of that energy can go into healing the body. That's why when you're sick, you tend to not have an appetite. So when you fast, your body starts restoring itself. This also applies to the brain. Fasting has been shown to cure schizophrenia, and help battle cancer through autophagy, which means the body starts eating away bad cells for energy. It produces neurogenesis by restoring older pathways the brain used to use. This is a caveman instinct the brain utilizes to help find food, because it thinks that without food it will die, and it also knows that it used to get food when utilizing these older pathways. It's all really confusing XP, but there have been studies on the topic of fasting and neurogenesis. I posted one on the first page, and I also posted a success story an ex-hppd'er shared with me whom I chatted with on Bluelight.org. If you search "fasting to cure hppd" you'll find his post all about it. This guy is the first person I've come across that claims he got rid of his hppd without the use of medication, and he had it for like a few years or something like that! Haha, you totally have the power Alice, I believe in ya! Like I said, it didn't cure me, but I didn't do it right. It helped ALOT though! You should definitely try it during the summer, I highly recommend it. I'll post on your topic in a second, I'm going to do some research on it first Even if it doesn't cure hppd, it's still really good for your overall health.
    1 point
  10. Hi there, some of you might remember me from a few years back and some might know me from my past posts on this forum. I'm back here to answer questions for this community, give out documents, advice & ect...whatever you need, I'm here. My email and tumblr have been overloaded with questions, please forgive me for not having the time to get back to everyone of you. Anyways, how's is going?! -Rene
    1 point
  11. i had a pretty bad time on codeine, it made me feel so sluggish i thought i was falling through my matress. but this was when i was going through my initial terrified stages of HPPD and i was incredibly hungover, so it was a bad day anyway. i also took about 4 times what i was told to because i thought i was clever |: ive also had it once or twice since and taken the correct dosage and its made me feel better if anything that slight sluggishness was fairly calming lol
    1 point
  12. Now that's using MDMA the right way! If I'm not mistaken wasn't MDMA first uses in psychotherapy? Or was that LSD? Either way I believe this is a great way to work through past experiences.
    1 point
  13. Sorry to hear that, alice, hope it's been a learning experience. jimmyb84: True, it was a stupid move, but willpower isn't always available when you need it
    1 point
  14. Hey Alice, as you said you considered yourself HPPD free at some point. You HAVE to remember that your brain is fragile, and can't handle drugs the same way anymore. If it went away before, it'll go away again. Keep your hopes up and I promise you'll feel right as rain again.
    1 point
  15. So shoving scissors up people's noses is completely redundant? I don't understand. Surely the proof that something was done would be that you'd be healed? Apparently he's making $400,000 a year from the herbs- seems a lot to grow and maintain them. Then again presumably he needs to cover the costs of the nose scissors and eye scalpels. As for the spirits...well, I won't go there.
    1 point
  16. Also posted in "Introductions": Hi everyone! Ive been a longtime observer of this and the old forum. I was struck with strong symptoms of HPPD about 11 years ago after a heavy dose mushroom trip. Had all sorts of nasty symptoms(indoor rain/snow/static, floaters, trails and halos, tracers, light blobs, geometric patterns when eyes closed or in darkness/dark room, periphery vision movements, negative image retention, etc., etc., etc.). This went on for years. It affected every part of my life. About a year in, it was so bad that I contemplated suicide daily. My grades struggled, my relationship fell apart (she began thinking i was losing it--she was correct), my life was a complete mess. I honestly didnt even feel human. I felt like this messed up walking mind fucked brain in a body that doesnt even belong with it. I never could pull the trigger on suicide (no pun intended) and just dealt with it all the best i could. Things werent getting any better, but i was getting better at dealing with it all. Yes, it was 5 years of hell. A hell i wouldnt wish upon anyone. I thought my life was essentially over, that i would be this weird/disturbed socially awkward person with crazy visual anomolies that drove me nuts. Well, after that initial 5-6 years, things did start to dramatically change. I was noticing sever symptom decrease daily. I was actually feeling less detatched and not just by ignoring the feeling of detatchment, but legitimately feeling more like a person, not some detatched body imprisoned brain. I really didnt do anything special, the symptoms just faded over time to where i had no symptoms at all. I still have no symptoms. Well, none is a stretch, but they are soooooo mild that they arent noticeable unless i seek out noticing them. I have been basically symptom free now for 6-ish years. No flare-ups or setbacks whatsoever. The only thing i did differently at the time of symptom decrease was that i began taking tramadol daily for an injury i suffered in a car wreck (herniated discs L3-L5 lumbar region low back). I found it very helpful with my anxiety/depression mood swings that HPPD brings with it. I am not recommending/encouraging everyone go get on tramadol, all i can say is that it undoubtedly helped me during that time. Hell the tramadol timing with symptom subsiding may have just been placebo or coincidence, but either way, it had a marked effect on my visuals and mental state especially. Anyway, i write this to show everyone that recovery can happen. It took time, and alot of it, but it happened. It happened for me and my hppd symptoms were so strong/bad they were ruining my life. Stay strong everyone, (i know...thats easier said than done) the symptoms can subside and even disappear altogether over time. It happened to me, and i assure you all that i am nothing special. Good luck everyone. If anyone wants to know more detailed info on my journey through and out of the HPPD mess, just let me know. I came on here to provide hope and to help anyone that wanted my help. Again, good luck everyone, and have a wonderful day.
    1 point
  17. Number 2 is particularly hard...........
    1 point
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