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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2013 in Posts

  1. Hi! Some of you might remember me since i was fairly active about a year or so ago. It's good to see some familiar faces. Anyhow, i'm just checking in and saying hi! I haven't been active lately since i don't feel like i need to, in my opinion i've won the fight with hppd and it took almost two years. Safe to say, it's far from gone and i still have all imaginable visual symtoms, the only symtoms i lack now would be dp/dr and thank fuck for that. Although they have 0 impact on my life anymore, i can function like any other human. I work six days a week and exercise when i have the time for it and i hang out with friends so my life's all good. I just want to say that if you're new to hppd, the only thing that can make a difference is yourself. It's too late for regret and what's done is done. You are still in control of your life although it might not feel like it if you're impaired due to anxiety and whatnot. The world is your oyster, you just have to open it and dare to see what's inside. Take care you all. Best regards, Morbide
    2 points
  2. I started smoking cannabis at 15 years old. I smoked it for a year without any after effects. After a few hours all the effects would wear off. But after around a year of smoking it, I started to get permanent visual disturbances. (mainly visual snow). And it always felt like visually, I was always stoned. I did take some MDMA at the time when I was about 16. I took it quite often too. But the visual effects I got, and still get are exactly the same as cannabis causes. I've had Hppd for about 7 years now. I went to a doctor when I was 16 and she referred me to an eye specialist. And he gave me different eye tests. And looked into my eyes, and looked at my retina. But the tests showed my eyes were fine and I had 20/20 vision. So I began to believe it was something to do with my brain. But I haven't been back to the doctors since as I believed I was the only one in the world with symptoms like this. Because doctors didn't have a clue what it was. It was only recently I read online about hppd. Because even my medical dictionary didn't have hppd in it. And once I read that it was pro-longed drug related sensory disturbances I knew this is exactly what I have. I constantly have visual effects from cannabis even though I haven't probably got any trace of cannabis in my system now. I have smoked Cannabis since I've had hppd though. Trying to escape my reality. Thinking that it wouldn't effect my condition anymore as I didn't fully realise at the time that it was cannabis that caused all this. Even though deep down I knew as the effects were the same. And it did make the visual effects get worse. It's been 7 years now that I've had Hppd. And it's been about a year and a half since I've last smoked cannabis. (And that was only down to peer pressure) as I've only ever told my mum and doctors about this. I also suffer from derealisation. Nothing around me seems real anymore. It feels like I'm walking around in a dream. Hppd is really getting in the way of my work, my relationship, and my studying. I really need to find a good treatment, other than just staying off drugs. So I need to know is there anyone out there just like me? With my kind of hppd? If so are there any treatments that work for you? Thanks for taking the time to read all this and I hope I get some answers soon. As hppd has really destroyed my life for the past 7 years.
    1 point
  3. Please reference thread http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/688613-Fasting-to-cure-HPPD Hello folks. I've been suffering from mild HPPD for a few years now (snow, perceptual distortions, "sometimes feels like I'm starting to trip"). I've been fasting intermittently lately to attack other problems (mental fog and stress mainly). But as a side effect, I also noticed that it makes the HPPD symptoms disappear, in as little as a few days. One thing I've noticed that really makes the symptoms go away fast is fasting (as in, caloric restriction of food). In fact, fasting is even purported to cure schizophrenics http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1974/pdf/1974-v03n04-p301.pdf Fasting is known to be incredibly effective for improving the brain: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/20534972/ http://www.marksdailyapple.com/fasting-brain-function/ Fasting may even help restore the brain from other forms of drug abuse. Give it a shot and let me know what you guys think. I did an 11 day water fast, and I have not had any symptoms of HPPD since, and actually totally forgot about being bothered by it earlier I think overeating wrecks your brain simply because it causes dopamine to be released, and your current neuronal state (of which if you have HPPD, has some kinks) to be reinforced. When you stop eating, AS I UNDERSTAND IT, your brain starts falling back to more previous, earlier versions of neuronal states and networks (healthier ones BEFORE YOU HAD HPPD), in an attempt to "remember" where food was/could have been (and that's why your dreams become so vivid... your brain is deconstructing the less beneficial "HPPD-tainted" neuronal connections and reactivating/reinforcing your older HPPD-less connections. I support my theory by presenting the following article (and all others on fasting seem to be similar): http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/feb/18/fasting-protect-brain-diseases-scientists "When resources became scarce, our ancestors would have had to scrounge for food," said Mattson. "Those whose brains responded best – who remembered where promising sources could be found or recalled how to avoid predators — would have been the ones who got the food. Thus a mechanism linking periods of starvation to neural growth would have evolved." "The cells of the brain are put under mild stress that is analogous to the effects of exercise on muscle cells," said Mattson. "The overall effect is beneficial."
    1 point
  4. Has anyone ever used lutien or zeaxanthin? I read peoples reviews saying it has helped them with eye floaters, photophobia, afterimages, halos, eye sight etc. etc. but I really don't trust peoples reviews on Amazon. I was hoping I could get some good reviews from people here if anyone has ever tried these 2 together. Thank you
    1 point
  5. Hi, I'm new to this site, but a veteran of hppd and it's associated symptoms. Anyways, I've been down the traditional routes with little relief; I am now trying a different approach. At the request of my neurologist (a smart guy in his own right) I am going into vision therapy. After reviewing the site -- http://drmccrodan.com/brain-injury/ -- I am fairly confident that this will have an impact. The overlap between hppd symptoms and traditional brain injury symptoms cannot be ignored. If you read that webpage you will see that he is talking about exactly what we are dealing with and I hope that his treatment is effective. Here are the symptoms of a brain injury (chemical imbalances are brain injuries in their own right) Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to patterns Double vision Swimming sensations or moving backgrounds Moving objects appearing to have a trail behind them Not being able to focus for periods of time Difficulty changing point of focus Headaches or Migraines Poor hand-eye coordination Reduced peripheral vision Dizziness/nausea Poor depth perception For me this is very exciting after being static for so long. In my opinion I think the "cure" for what we have will come from retraining of the brain, not retaking of a pill. I will update this thread as the therapy progresses. Wish me luck - Mike ps. A link for the users who wish to read studies on the effectiveness of such treatment http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18156092
    1 point
  6. So, these past few weeks ive gotten desperate enough to attempt supplementing with aniracetam again, as it has improved my worst symptom in the past, (my brain cannot properly filter out the presence of my nose in my vision.) So this time Ive decided to cycle on and off the drug. One day on, one day off, one day on, two days off, etc... This is to possibly eliminate the increase in positive and negative afterimages that I experienced in the past due to daily dosing. So, I a now 5 days in and my positive/negative afterimages are largely unaffected, any visual snow that I may have had is pretty much gone, (May I add, it was very minimal to begin with), and the symptom where my brain does not properly filter out the presence of my nose is almost gone/greatly reduced. I believe that my visuals increased with daily dosing because as I am sure some of you know, aniracetam affects the 5ht2a receptors in the brain, which is the site that is strongly agonized following ingestion of lysergic acid. We do not yet understand how aniracetam specifically affects the 5ht2a receptor, whether it be modulation or antagonization, but I believe that with staggered dosing we can largely eliminate negative side effects on us hppders and maximize the benefits,( reduced visual snow/floaters/blue field entopic phenomenon.) Well, enough rambling. If you do indeed want to experiment with aniracetam, it is a legal nootropic availabe for personal use.
    1 point
  7. Hey everyone. I`ve been drinking at least 3 cups of green and white every single day for like over a month now and I have seen improvement in my overall well being. I highly recommend it for everyone!
    1 point
  8. Hello! Yea I just wrote a whole topic but then it got deleted so I'm just gonna skip straight to the question.. I wanna get rid of my HPPD eventually. But not necessarily right now, since I wanna experience life at my young age and I wanna continue to trip with my friends until I feel like drugs are not really necessary anymore in my life. (Once I maybe start a family etc.) So my question is, would it be okay to trip in moderation and take the complete 1-unlimited year break from drugs later when I feel it would be more appropriate? I don't really care how much HPPD I got right now, as long as it eventually and I mean eventually disappears if I don't do drugs or anything that would make the HPPD symptoms worse. Peace and Happiness to you all!
    1 point
  9. Hey does anyone know of a doctor in the New York area that has heard of HPPD and is willing to try and treat it?
    1 point
  10. Ok so very brief run threw since I've already said it many times. Have been on klonopin for 4 years and was at 3 or 4 mg a day(cant remember). Got down to .25 a day and have been there for a few months to a year.i was hoping for better memory etc. never happened memory was still shit and cloudy so a couple days ago I added a quarter of a .25 pill at night. So not much total for a day but upped to like .28 or something Absolutely fuckin hate my brain being fogged up and memory is awful. I'd love to be able to not have to read or listen to things like 5 times to remember. Can't see a psychiatrist until December and thinking maybe continue at this dose and wait for the side effects of upping the dosage to go away and see where I'm at. I was doing fine with my taper until I had basically a spinal tap and got a spinal headache where my spinal fluid was leaking. They did 3 blood patches so I'm thinking I'm sealed up cause no major headaches but ever since then I've been feeling more detached and visuals were a little worse so going with the idea coincidence or me leaking fluid effected HPPD somehow a little So much for brief, fuck. My bad. Wondering what your guys' thoughts were on continuing at the dosage or have any other ideas. Thanks
    1 point
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eSfcUzGTdk Enjoy guys!
    1 point
  12. Is this a common thing?l i can't comprehend many things at once sometimes and just feel confused.like I had a mini stroke or something lol. Or is this just a different description of brain fog
    1 point
  13. So I havent been active lately on this website. Mostly because im just trying to live my life with as little reminders as possible about hppd. So lately ive been taking st johns wort and it has helped immensly with my depersonalization. I feel closer and closer to the person I was and now am. Reality is now within my grasp. Im getting motivation again and im so happy about that. Ive been going on long bike rides every day,eating organic food, and taking tons of healthy good supplements. I believe my depersonalization was due to a serotonin deficiency. I should also mention that I got a little carried away and thought I could smoke some weed again. Strangely it did not affect my depersonalization, but it drastically affected my visuals. Thankfully the geometric patterning I was seeing while high did not stay, but the weed did make my trailing of lights and pisitive after images slightly worse. I do have hope though that they will diminish again with healthy diet and exercise. So to conclude this thread, i highly suggest st johns wort for depersonlization. Give it a couple weeks or more though. It could take a little time to kick in. Stay healthy and happy guys. You can get through this.
    1 point
  14. Hi I am a brand new member greeted with this code whenever i click the 'edit profile' button. I cannot share any of my personal information... Also cannot click on any of the sidebar options on my page or anyone elses without clicking 'open in new tab'... Is this just me or are others experiencing this also??? €äªë£‰èšè“²î­»í›µíŽï»·á¨³è“”ç¹®ë¶¡å¨‚êŽ ä–’ã´£åŽ£è°ˆë¾¡î°‘ã²µì—†ã«Šì’¢è‡²ë«éŒ¨âŽ¤ë™–゚醳⼜ᛚ븸ᦆ㲿㈞᪘媔諭讽废东á˜é˜›å–‡ä«Žæ´Ÿì­µåŸœé¦»â•å·¢ë¹›ê©»á€©î›¦ä¼ŒîŸ¯æ€·íŸ‰Ð²êš©ê‚˜ä£™Âˆé¼…詷摛䎙౜褷è»á—¥ï¾ˆæž”榷å’á™¿é ¸ïœìŒç¢œæ³¢èœžï»çƒ·å°œá´à¾”ȉீ剆낖ᴼ硸ãœë»žå’¸å»ê…³å¾©ì©¢ëŠ²ãºžá½Žê¸¸ã…˜å¹˜á²Žï¦¿ì°­ê¸œá¼­á¯Ÿä­¨â†˜å¹§å‡’㩸﷮à«éŠ·á™¨é·¤ì©˜é˜¿â¯á•Žå˜µë¶„᧠྽ꀯ웿ä¯é”៷涚囚⩒ë•ä¦ç‹®çµå§§ã°œç¦£ç©¯åš±ë·‰á½î£žæ“¥â½—î—¶î…‘ìž¨æ˜ºç«ˆîˆˆì‡‚æŸ¥çš¨ì›™ä…™æŠ¡á©«î¹¤æ¥ äœ²íš‰å¾?驸ãŒã¿æ¸¶è¼¥ç’‚æ·è„·ì­½ç µæ±ƒå«î°‹å‡™î‘‡ì£”訉簪䞥舽鯧뤌弤矮鮱ë¤å¤«ï™¹åˆŒéœ†ê…è›é¤—ì›æ³…?☜閇å£è§¡è¶“ã½ ìš©ê«å˜¯ã©•è£­à´¦è¨­ëŒ«î›‚타⿩駡੃繵⋞ꮯ뻶陛౴ꯇ伶埶䡱⑻ᰴë¸î¬‚벵즶쀗狧䕛웎୔çƒè±¿á¡œë€—鞨☔ä¤é®Œå´ˆã½Šîªªâ£€ì½¡ç¸•Ë‡â¡§â¿±à®¨äŠ¹å»ç¥—瞬騧飂늷쨤ë«é¿¿æ¬¡âˆŒè¹²ë½Šä™‹ï¢‘ᛂ֚쿂ì¨ç‹ì‰Ó¤èž­í‰æˆ“ä“¼ä£‡ê·™à°°ç‡ ê¶¯ì‹¡ÊŸëµ©ç‚—çš·éƒ¿ïž¾?⊌꣺⇞涿佽镔염險飭둨✗輧羘뉋闻玢穟퉄ﴭ씦䮗⺸┪äˆè—…í‡²á´“ë†„äª¶äŒ¦ìŒµíƒ‰á›¼ë€ Ö„á¡›é¾¬ê´¬àµàº—祔㊈?柽ۗ玕⭲憸㢄ܙ숆?凢剌뎘æ¼î¦£â¦€ì˜Žæ™½á”¬ê²”?鬂⠫ä°ê»µë»‚â·’ï¡¨å¤©á šï…¯ç„“äžŒï 嘿䒺乡땚⬴æ²êŒ“㸣ြ曎凉Ⱓ脉兇í‘ãšŽêšŠíŠ’ç†½æ›‡ã”†ë‰ƒì‰ºå·¾î€ è—µë„§á«²á£¨î‰
    1 point
  15. Any post promoted to an article needs to be restored. Or have an active link that takes you to it. The private messaging function doesn't work (for me anyway). And what the hell is this? No one wants to see that, get it out of here. This site is a great tool and helps a lot of people but the bugs need to be fixed.
    1 point
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    1 point
  17. thanks for posting the report David, so where does the study go from here? Timeframe wise will the placebo tests take place soon? Is there any further areas of study that you are looking into?
    1 point
  18. Hooooooooooooly shit. Thanks David. "YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE HPPD IN YOURSELF than receiving a correct diagnosis by a clinician." So true. My Harvard trained psychiatrist attempted to, while contradicting himself at times, tell me I did not have hppd. I will try to dig into these as much as I can, as I am taking a class on the neurological basis of learning and behavior, so this might be just barely what I can comprehend. You're a knight, man. I don't know if everyone realizes it, but you are.
    1 point
  19. "comfort the desperate" as i said before.. glad you can goto other practitioner's now without the evil eye. hope your well.
    1 point
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