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As some studies directly suggest, HPPD is probably a very minor brain injury in which some selective cells were affected, that unfortunately give the strange symptoms of HPPD like visual effects DP/DR etc. but this doesn't mean it's end of the world! You can make a great improvement or recovery on your own. If it still bad, then know that it could be reversible in the future. Research is already getting a lot closer to improving/reversing brain injury

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thanks everyone, have just been in a traumatic situation "cannot share exactly"

that has really made things alot worse..

has been the darkest time in my entire life

im concerned about my klonopin usage now risen to aprox 2.5 mgs  / day to assist in coping etc

the trauma of the situation has given me quite bad depression / isolation / suicidal idealization etc.

I even spent time with "acute care team" in hospital explaining the ordeal and symptomologies etc as was not coping. 


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