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Moha Kdci

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"When we stare at a static image for too long, the cells responsible for processing the stimulus from the static image eventually turn “off". The stimulus isn't enough to induce firing of chemical signals any more. So instead, the LGN cells responsible for relaying motion take over to signal according to the stimulus. Thus, we perceive the image to be moving even when it's actually static. Vice versa applies for the optical illusions where staring at a moving ballerina makes you see that she's actually moving in the opposite direction to the first time you saw her, or staring at a moving picture then looking at a static picture makes you see a wobbly picture instead."

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My opinion is that the human eye has many flaws and oddities. The normal person's entire visual system does an amazing job of filtering out such flaws and is only noticeable in extreme situations, like staring at a light or some kind of pattern that creates an optical illusion. It seems that the use of hallucinogens breaks down these filters and shows us those flaws in all their glory (and further enhances them). Most people seem to recover from this as the drug leaves the system, but it seems for us unfortunate %, those filters no longer work as they should.

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@Hppd13 I may be a little dense, but how does this apply to hppd?  The human mind can be "tricked", that I understand.  Are you saying that static objects can appear to be put into motion through this mechanism?  

Being one of the unfortunate percent, it's clear to me my condition has nothing to do with my eyes.  CEVs in a dark room with eyes shut for example.  Seeing patterns where nobody else sees them is another.  I think it's deep in my weird brain.

That being said, I think it's fantastic that you're thinking about and expressing these ideas.  Someone, someday will hit the answer.  Only through curiosity and persistence will that happen.

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