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Im lost, my symptoms seem to keep worsening.


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Hey everyone, 

I've had hppd for like 5 years now. Weird thing is I didn't notice the hppd until a few months after I stopped psychedelics and my after images came around 2 years after I initially got hppd. I have all the normal symptoms that are: visual snow, halos, light sensitivity, after images and tracers. The only thing that bothers me is the afterimages and tracers. I dont know why but they still seem to be getting worse even after 3 years of having them. It is really starting to stress me out and scare me. There are times for a few months where I feel fine and dont worry about it, until it gets worse again. Im to the point where Im scared for the future to come. Im only 22 and I want to have a happy and successful career as I just graduated college. Although, this is scaring me that I will become completely debilitated from the tracers as time comes. 

I have tried multiple things such as NAC, magnesium, black Seed oil, clonazepam, ashwaganda and a few others I cant think of atm. If anyone has any recommendations on how to help afterimages or could tell me why the still may be getting worse it would be much appreciated.

I also dont smoke, only drink alcohol. I have quit drinking for a few months and still noticed it gets worse. 

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Hi, what dose of clonazepam did you try? It's unusual for that not to have any affect on visuals. 

If you are staying sober but seem to be getting worse, the problem is usually either stress or a medication. Can you pinpoint anything stressful in your life (aside from having hppd)? Maybe covid or just the lockdowns in general... Change of job? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you have hppd for that long and it continues to get worse, you likely have another condition as well. Hppd usually stabilizes within the first few months and then proceeds to get better— until recovery or plateau. 

1) mold

2) lyme, bartonella, babesia,

3) candida 

4) sibo/sifo

These are things I would look into that can exacerbate or mimic hppd enough that people end up here through self diagnosed symptoms. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/15/2022 at 10:50 PM, Onemorestep said:

If you have hppd for that long and it continues to get worse, you likely have another condition as well. Hppd usually stabilizes within the first few months and then proceeds to get better— until recovery or plateau. 

1) mold

2) lyme, bartonella, babesia,

3) candida 

4) sibo/sifo

These are things I would look into that can exacerbate or mimic hppd enough that people end up here through self diagnosed symptoms. 

how can you get tested for these? i did a lot of tests for mold and everything came up clear

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