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Has HPPD changed the way you dream?

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I was just curious because ever since I got HPPD my dreams have been very vivid, but weird. Before HPPD my dreams were normal, they made pretty good sense and were through my eyes. And now my dreams are wild, sometimes it feels like I'm watching a movie, like I'm having an out of body experience in my dream. And the weirdest thing is that my dreams usually don't make sense, at all. They're like a billion random movie clips put together as one, and sometimes I'm the main actress and sometimes I'm not.

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I've had crazy dreams post-hppd.... but I think a had crazy dreams beforehand too..... I get alot of recurring, nightmarish dreams.... but also some dreams where I know i'm dreaming and can go flying about and stuff... pretty cool.

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yeah since the onset of my hppd i have flash backs in my dreams, like full on hallucinations its as if im on lsd and theyre never nice dreams, theyre usually hectic nightmares that make no sense and are usually followed by sleep paralysis

yeah iv tripped in my dream before...then had sleep paralysis, that was a fucking terrible dream

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yeah mann well i have mild visuals, and when this first happened to me i woke up and went in to my bathroom, turned the light on to find patterns all over the walls. the nightmare triggered it for me, i wont even go into detail of the dream, scares the shit outta me!

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Yeah that's why i was scared shitless until i found out what hppd was, can't say i aint scared anymore though :/

haha innit! iv had hppd for over 2 months and im still fucking terrified. its kinda funny but horrifying at the same.

i dunno man, in the dream i thought id woken up but had taken loads of ket so couldnt. then i realised i wasnt dreaming anymore i was awake and couldnt move. lasted like 10 seconds. freaked me out HAAARD

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The jaw tension is wierd. Its like uv been out on mandy all night, jaw clicks and stuff. It aint nice

bruxism at night and your jaw hurts the next day^^

had it in my first HPPD weeks think it was stress related.

Yeah the jaw tension started going away in about maybe a month and a half, wouldn't be too concerned about it. It should dissipate once you stop stressing at night about your anxieties, if it doesn't go away, buy a mouth guard.

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