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Keppra works, so far at least!

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Hey guys, I've got some really good news! I've been on keppra for just two days and already there's been a 95 percent drop in mental side effects and 70-75 percent drop in visuals. This seems a little bit too good to be true. My brain feels almost as sharp as it was before I got HPPD, memory is back, stutter is gone, emotions are back, and most importantly NO MORE ANXIETY!! This is great, my life has been given back to me.

The quote bellow describes my feelings before medication.

Ok, so here's the run down. I've had full fledged hppd for two years after having a terrible trip on LSD. I rather not go into the details of the trip because it will give me a panic attack. The drugs I've done prior to LSD were: 2ce, 2cb, 4fa, mushrooms, cocaine, k, mxe, MDMA, various ADHD medication and a few benzos. That may sound like a lot, but all that was done over a span of 5 years and nothing was done habitually. The only "drug" I did weekly was pot.

Back to the hppd, after the trip was over it became very hard for me to think and talk. It was as if there was a wheel in my head, but the furry animal who kept the wheel going had died. The sad thing is that when I got hppd I was in college at 17, getting a 4.0 and on track for med school. Now, I think I'm one of the most ignorant people out there. I can't go back to school because it's hard to read( lose my place, a lot!), remember, voice my thoughts and the visuals are very distracting. I really don't know what to do, as I've tried everything from meditation to nootropics. Ever since hppd hit me in the face it scraped me bare of my pride, brains, ego, friends and practically my life. Hate to sound so depressing, but It's true. I've tried holding my head up for years but brain fog/anxiety mess will not go away. I would be fine if my only symptom was stuff moving around...this social anxiety is killing my brain. I was never an out going person at 1st, but I came around eventually. And, once you got me talking it was hard to make me stop! Is that person still there?

Guess I rambled on for long enough. Thanks for reading!

Oh yea! I forgot to mention that I'm starting keppra tomorrow. It's kind of my last hope/resort, if this doesn't work who knows what will.

Everyone should give this medication a shot if you're out of options. I have the actual keppra research study if you want a copy as it helps convince your doctor to give you the medication. If you want it just send me a msg. I'll report back when my current dose of 1000mgs per day boosts up to 1500mgs in two weeks.

Have a good day!

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are you on any other meds or supplements?

The only reason why I want to increase my dosage is because I want to emulate the study, but if It's too much for me I'll cut down.

And I'm taking k'pin as needed (2-3x per week) and I sometimes take nootropics, they seem to boost the positive effects of keppra. I'm taking noopept 15mgs, aniracetam 700-800mgs and a choline + inositol supplement.

Here's a picture of the other stuff i take, misusing a general multivitamin and vitamin b drops.


I take 2 of the gaba, 1 fish oil cap, 1 ginkgo 2x per day and 2 choline/inositol.

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Hey R.Trudeua,

That is such awesome news .. congratulations .. i am really happy for you!

I can relate to lots of aspects of your story, i got HPPD around 17 years old too, also doring school and was my reason for dropping out. Thanks for shareing.

I am really intrested in going on Keppra.. will be seeing my docter early next week so i will start on it then.

I would love a copy of the medication trial to help convince your doctor to give me the medication. I will send you a message.

Great connecting with you, happy for you!

Have an awesome week :)

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What visual symptoms did you have?

The whole 9 yards! When I first got HPPD the carpet would move, geometrical patters would appear on white walls, stuff on tables would swift around and peoples faces in the dark had either an orange or green glowing neon color outlining their face, cheeks and eyes. Had those and below symptoms for about 5 months I think

Had these symptoms until I started keppra: VS, CEV, halos, trails after images, the area where the wall met the ceiling was "wiggly" and sometimes color hues would look off. The only symptoms I have now are the snow and light closed eyed visuals.

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Congratulations on your success with Keppra, I envy you :) Please tell me, did you suffer from light sensitivity before Keppra? And do you notice any side effects from it? (Keppra I mean).

Thanks man, hope you make the decision to try it for yourself. And to answer your question, yes, my eyes were very sensitive to light when I first got HPPD, but the sensitivity slowly got better in eight months, I would say.

And nope, I don't notice any side effects from Keppra, unless you consider a self confidence raise as one. ;)


Did you have ghosting? Or starbursting?

What do you mean by "ghosting?" And yea, there was a lot of little black stars bursting in my visual field. I don't know if they became less frequent or if I just learned to ignore them, but I haven't noticed any since I began the medication.

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This is sounding really good. Very happy for you.

Please keep us up to date with progress and let us know when you stop other meds, especially klonopin

Thankfully, you can stay on Keppra for life without tolerance or addiction. I'd call that a HPD cure!

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This is sounding really good. Very happy for you.

Please keep us up to date with progress and let us know when you stop other meds, especially klonopin

Thankfully, you can stay on Keppra for life without tolerance or addiction. I'd call that a HPD cure!

Just been taking the nootropics, vitamins and sometimes I'll take some etizolam or k'pins, if I'm having troubles at night. (3x a week, roughly)

I'm feeling about 70 percent back to my old self again, so a big WOOOPIEE for that, but the only side effects of Keppra so far is a suppressed appetite and little drowsiness after I take the first dose in the mornings.

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Probably about 20% to 30%, it was quite good, as I rarely respond to meds....

unfortunatly I lost my bag on a flight to new york and had to go from 1500mg to zero for 2-3 weeks and it made me really, really ill (like electric bolts going through my body).... After that, I decided not to go back on it. Something to keep in mind if you ever go travelling.

But overall, it was a good experience and I might try Keppra again some day.

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That's too awesome! I really hope it continues to work, there's nothing I wouldn't give for these improvements. I still do pretty good, but I really wish I could show my wife who I really am. GL!

I know what you mean, my family is so happy to have the old me back. Have you thought about trying Keppra, at all?

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Ya I've def thought about it. The main problem is I'm bipolar and worried about keppra rage. Plus I take so many meds already I really don't want to try anything else till I get off of most.

Tramadol, nuerontin and zanaflex for sports injuries, depakote for bipolar and a high dose of klono for hppd. I just don't feel comfortable adding anything else.

No doctors have a clue I have hppd, I tell them my probs are anxiety related. (Hate the way they react when I mention hppd)

So I really don't think any doc would prescribe keppra anyways.

That's great your friends and family get the old you back, Happy Friday!!

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Ya I've def thought about it. The main problem is I'm bipolar and worried about keppra rage. Plus I take so many meds already I really don't want to try anything else till I get off of most.

Tramadol, nuerontin and zanaflex for sports injuries, depakote for bipolar and a high dose of klono for hppd. I just don't feel comfortable adding anything else.

No doctors have a clue I have hppd, I tell them my probs are anxiety related. (Hate the way they react when I mention hppd)

So I really don't think any doc would prescribe keppra anyways.

That's great your friends and family get the old you back, Happy Friday!!

Yeah, I'm bi poloar too, it got past down to me by my father. The keppra actually helps with that though, as it is also used as a mood stabilizer, as well. Do the other meds you're taking besides the k'pins make your hppd worse, or can you not tell because the K'pins block out their side effects?

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"Do the other meds you're taking besides the k'pins make your hppd worse, or can you not tell because the K'pins block out their side effects? "

Good ? I often think of this here's a little breakdown

Tramadol- helps alot because it's binds to the opiate receptors. It makes me energetic, takes pain away, plus wipe's out headpressure ect...It does increase visuals but the euphoria makes me not care.

Zanaflex- (italic won't stop:) helps a great deal w/ headpressure and that feeling of tightness in my muscles from hppd (my favorite med to combat hppd)

Depakote- makes me tired and kills motivation but helps alot w/ bipolar, I force myself to exercise everyday to counter this drugs side effects, does increase visuals alot but helps anxiety so it's a wash.

Nuerontin- I'm not sure if it makes hppd worse cause the kpins and the other meds that help my hppd.

The fact your bipolar and this keppra has helped you so much makes me really want to give it a go.

BTW you look identical to my good friend Hillary crazy but a good thing lol..

Time to enjoy the outdoors, My Wifey and I are going to are families house to go swimming, bbq and have a few beers. Time to chill and forget about hppd Take care everybody, I appreciate your concern you're a nice person ;)

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Wow Keppra sounds almost perfect!! My doctor wants to put me on Lamictal, but it seems to be second to Keppra in positive effects. I'll try to convince her to give me Keppra instead, qouting from what I've heard here if it's ok?

I really get some hope back from reading this thread! :)

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