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Brainfog and head pressure

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Have anyones brainfog and head pressure subsided? Of all the symptoms these two are without a doubt the worse! If just this head pressure could subside and i could get my cogniton back (feel clear in my head/awake) i could learn to live with the rest, but these two completely cripples me and makes me feel like a vegetable.

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1 hour ago, cosmiccharlie said:

The brain fog definitely cleared for me after some time.  I'm convinced it was from anxiety.  Just hang in there and try to be positive, do everything you can to keep your brain healthy ie: exercise, sleep and eat well, and meditate.  

You're going to be fine. 

In my case it's not from anxiety, it's been real low to none the last couple of days but all the symptoms are the same. The head pressure is literally driving me nuts! It feels like someone has pumped up a ballon in there.

But i started Lamotrogine today, i really hope that it can give me some relief!

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  • 2 months later...

These are my worst symptoms too, they've been gradually getting better.

I'm 4 years in and very much still impaired but it's still way better than the first year when it was really extreme.

How long have you had the pressure and fog ? 

Edited by Lucas
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  • 1 month later...
On 6/27/2021 at 10:18 PM, Lucas said:

These are my worst symptoms too, they've been gradually getting better.

I'm 4 years in and very much still impaired but it's still way better than the first year when it was really extreme.

How long have you had the pressure and fog ? 

The head pressure and brainfog is completely gone, most likely thanks to Lamotrigine. My worst symptom today is the disgusting visual snow and derealization that varies in intensity day to day. God i hate this shit.

Edited by Hall89
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/1/2021 at 4:04 PM, Hall89 said:

The head pressure and brainfog is completely gone, most likely thanks to Lamotrigine. My worst symptom today is the disgusting visual snow and derealization that varies in intensity day to day. God i hate this shit.

For how long did you suffer from brainfog and headpressure before taking lamotrigine ? 

And how long did you take it and what dosage to see this effect ? 

Please answer as I am desperate to find somethign to relieve head pressure I would be willing to give lamotrigine another try...

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/9/2021 at 6:57 PM, Lucas said:

For how long did you suffer from brainfog and headpressure before taking lamotrigine ? 

And how long did you take it and what dosage to see this effect ? 

Please answer as I am desperate to find somethign to relieve head pressure I would be willing to give lamotrigine another try...

It started to fade when i got up to 50 mg after one month and i'm still on it, but 125 mg. It's taken away the head pressure, brainfog, hallucinations and a big part of my derealization, but sadly it hasn't done anything about the rest, like visual snow, light sensitivity, astigmatism like vision etc. I can't say for certain that it was the Lamotrigine, maybe they would've subsided without it, but i doubt it since a part of the pathofysiology is that the dysfunction or destruction of GABA interneurons causes an excessive amount of glutamate, which i believe is the cause for the head pressure and brainfog, and Lamotrigine stabilizes the levels of this.

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  • 1 year later...

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