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I find any kind of upper gives me crazy anxiety. Maybe if you are drinking as well, you wont notice the anxiety as much... I can have a couple of coffees, if I am on the beer.


There's been people who have triggered their HPPD on addy, from what ive read stims are BAD as far as hppd goes. caffeine actually triggered my DP so idk, i wouldnt do it

caffeine triggered your DP? That's scary. Had you had episodes before or was it a sudden onset? And you said you were high too? (i think i read that in another thread). I've gotten short DP episodes from weed but i completely abstain from that now. Sucks.


Just wanted to say that a crackdown on individuals who distribute stimulant (schedule II) and benzos not just selling, but giving away freely to friends/etc is underway and is almost assured if results in an adverse affect on one member then results in felony distribution of controlled substance and with the latest high profile cases the doctors are at risk as well. Be careful what you post. We do not want physicians afraid to prescribe medications that are necessary fearing that they will result in sharing/etc...

- dk


Well, id had DP episodes probably while high, not sure, just that being high felt different, now that I know DP, it felt pretty similar to that, but i never stopped long enough to really notice how it was affecting my sober life. Then i drank some caffeine while baked (half a ginger ale) and i became unable to recognize my hands, they just looked like weird claws, and then i got pretty strong cevs and anxiety, then i took a nap, woke up and got really drunk and baked (i was at a wedding reception).

Then the next day i smoked and while my friend was driving my mind just went completely blank, like i was lookin at cars but had no thoughts about what they were or where i was...sober i felt a little slower, stayed at this level for a few months, then i went on a pretty bad bender in september and by the time i finished, my DP was full blown, body aches, cog issues, twitches, bunch of shit. DR started in november after being in a room full of people smoking DMT (guess i took a good ole whiff).

in another thread you said that youve cancelled aptmnts with doctors because of times youve thought you were better? How so? Like your after images and shit? My afterimages have greatly decreased, i think my trails and stuff too, my dp/dr a little as well.


well i wanted to book appointments after a couple of DP episodes. and after my tracers started getting worse. but they seem to have stabilized now and dont bother me too much. as long as DP doesn't come back im not going to worry about it. but there's a few eery symptoms that come and go and i cant figure out if they're trying to get worse or starting to go away....

last night i did a couple bars drank a few and took a couple bong rips after 3 months of abstinence.... nothing bad happened immediately but it remains to be seen if its gonna make things worse. i dont make good decisions on xanax...


yeah me neither haha, although last time i took em apparently i was "responsible" and only drank half a beer...i guess im finally gettiing more inhibitted when it comes to drugs, now that i realize how bad it all is for me...although i did take 6 bars :/ funny how good i felt the day after, although that night is not even a memory.


yeah. its been a slow process convincing my brain that i dont need to do drugs. temptations still there. but its getting easier i guess. minus the slip-up last night...


For me, if you take a good dose of adderall but not too much (I took 30 mg for a short bit of time) it makes your depersonalization go away for a little bit and you don't notice the floaters or other visual symptoms because of the stimulation it does on the brain. However, when I crashed off it I felt like I was living in hell...static got worse, more floaters, back and neck was cracking and aching, and more DP. I would just recommend to stay off of it. But dude try some opiates! I bought 30 percs from this dude and it lasted me about 2 weeks, my vision symptoms drastically dissipated and depersonalization...GONE. I'm off of them now and I just feel normal like life is supposed to feel like. No withdrawal or anything or any increase of symptoms while i'm off of it.


I have taken my dexedrine as prescribed for years now... And I was taking it before I got HPPD. I only take it as prescribed, and it seems to help with many of my symptoms. The visual stuff, which I'm most concerned with, doesn't necessarily get better, however, I am much less distracted by the constant glowing and fluidity of things. According to different therapists, I have a fairly severe case, and sometimes when I am tired or anxious or it is late at night, I find it quite hard to read small text. Like that in a normal paperback book. Dexedrine, an enantiomer specific form of adderall, whereas adderall is a racemic or equal mixture of the chiral isomers, is probably more useful in this case because I have pretty severe ADHD issues that stem from in-vitro exposure to methamphetamine due to my biological mother... So there is a good chance that my input would be entirely useless to anyone reading this. But it helps in a lot of ways for me, and that is my two cents. Keep in mind that I am saying these things in the context of prescribed doses, not recreational use. I don't dare abuse it because I'm a heroin and everything else addict in recovery, and I am almost sure it would make my symptoms worse. I hope this helps and if I broke any forum rules please point it out to me!

Also, I don't mean to be critical, but I would highly recommend against using opiates to treat your HPPD. I have been severely addicted and dependent on opiates (heroin, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, oxycodone, etc.) for years and years... For me, opiates brought me NOTHING good in the long run... I know these are my experiences, but I can't help but feel angry when someone recommends the use of opiates. I know my experiences are my own, but I couldn't help chiming in. I have just had too many close friends die from OD to keep my mouth shut.



Dexedrine, an enantiomer specific form of adderall, whereas adderall is a racemic or equal mixture of the chiral isomers, is probably more useful in this case because I have pretty severe ADHD issues that stem from in-vitro exposure to methamphetamine due to my biological mother... So there is a good chance that my input would be entirely useless to anyone reading this.

Your input is helpful, so don't feel depreciated. Like to point out that Adderall (and the like) boost dopamine. And at least for a significant percentage, dopamine is a key neurotransmitter involved in HPPD symptoms. Meth is well know to blowout dopamine systems, so it is no wonder moms behavior has caused you difficulty.

How did you get HPPD? What are your symptoms?


I got it through both chronic psychedelic use combined with one night of excessive use combining MDMA, LSD, psilocin/psilocybin mushrooms (prob. spelled that wrong) in large amounts. I had relatively minor symptoms up until an incident with 2C-E which severely aggravated most of my symptoms, especially visual distortions... I detailed my symptoms in the introductions post a couple days back. I just want to say thanks again to everyone who gives input and everyone who makes this website possible! I have already learned a lot and I have more hope than I did a few days ago!

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