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Hey guys I am completely new to this website and psychs in general, but I have been experiencing some symptoms of hppd and I think I could use some advice.

I have taken LSD probably 6 times over the course of about 2 months. I took my first tab about 2 weeks before I "got into it" you could say. I tried it again about 2 weeks after the first time and then again later the next week after that. The next week after I had taken LSD twice in one week. Took a break for a week and a half or so then did it again. Then again 3-4 days later. Very irresponsibly, yes I know.

That might have been confusing to read but the main point is that I did it probably too much in a short period of time. At least for someone that is new to it.

I am 17 now, was 16 when started experimenting with LSD, and I do have prior mental health issues. Including depression, anxiety, and not fully diagnosed ongoing psychosis.

I am a very heavy weed smoker and have been for months. It helps with pretty much everything, the depression /anxiety /psychosis.

Now to get into the symptoms and what actually happened. Pls help

About a couple of weeks after this I started noticing when I smoked i seemed like I was tripping, not the feeling but definitely the colors being vibrant and if I were really baked I could get a tiny bit of visuals. That went on for a while and it didn't bother me, I actually kind of enjoyed it. Didn't stop smoking even one day.  And it started to get stronger over the next couple following weeks.  It has only been a month since that last cluster of LSD I dropped. And now it has gotten to the point where if I smoke, it feels like I have taken at least 2 tabs. And when sober I have visual snow, and floaters, ATLEAST. When looking at things with patterns or a lot of texture mixed with the visual snow it is definitely too much. All of this has happened very fast and that's more the point of what is scary to me. I hear about HPPD coming on slowly, maybe months after your LSD dose, on top of heavy weed smoking making that worse. But mine has just happened so fast and that is one of my highest concerns. I have been researching about HPPD and all of my symptoms as much as I possibly can. Maybe you guys will be able to help me out or maybe I just fucked myself. And just to note I have never had a "bad trip" and all of my experiences with LSD have been positive, well of course other than what came after wards.




And just to note, I have slowed down smoking and am in the act of trying to stop completely. And also the entire time frame of this started in January when I first tried it.

Hello !
Your story is very similar to everyone here, including mine. When I had HPPD, I also got the symptoms very fast and only noticed them after smoking marijuana days after my trip with LSD.
What matters is that as quickly as the symptoms came, they left. This is because I did psychiatric treatment, initially using paroxetine for anxiety, risperidone for visual distortions and clonazepam for anxious seizures. Risperidone is an antipsychotic and a major antagonist of LSD as well as quetiapine and chlorpromazine (I have taken all of these, but risperidone was the most effective). In a matter of two months the false hallucinogenic perceptions were gone. With you it would not be different, but for this you need to look for a psychiatrist and explain what happens to you, as he will know the right medication to apply. Please do not self-medicate, as these medicines can have horrible adverse reactions. I for example had facial spasms when I took quetiapine (this I only took for 3 days). I recommend that you do not look for it on the internet, because it is still very vague, unfortunately it is difficult to find information about it and almost all are scary, as it comes from a sensational and anti-drug media. Rest assured, what happens to you is nothing serious and has a cure. Avoid using drugs at this time, including marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee.
Stay in peace ! 

In fact the big problem is that people report worsening or onset of symptoms after being stoned with some other drug, usually marijuana, this is usually a "trigger" common to people with HPPD, so you'd better stop using only temporarily until your anxiety lower and you notice improvement in symptoms. The great evil of coffee and cigarettes is that they tend to increase anxiety, causing you to focus your attention on visual distortions. Alcohol makes you vulnerable to taking other drugs, so I think it's best to avoid everything.


When I was dosing, I used to dose frequently.  Sometimes for weeks at a time.  I also never really had a bad trip.  You say that dosing so often over a short period of time was irresponsible.  Learn from what you've experienced and don't beat yourself up.  The important thing is you've learned that, for you, perhaps lsd isn't doing you any favors.  As for your experience with cannabis, it's very common.  I used to smoke all day every day.  Quite suddenly it made me feel dosed, after that I started getting panic attacks.  I had to quit all together. 

I took a pharmaceutical  free approach to dealing with this disorder.  Then again, I discovered I had a problem back in the 70s and you just couldn't talk to a doctor about using psychedelics.  The one time I did the doctor basically told me I got what I deserved.  

As others have mentioned, take some time off from using cannabis.  Let your mind level out and assess how you're doing.

Hang in there and take care of yourself.


As you read through this site you will likely hear similar suggestions from people who have been dealing with this disorder.  First off, from what I have experienced and read visuals are not a reflection of 'brain damage' they are likely some optical disorder that we have yet to pinpoint; a sensitivity to light or whatever you want to call it.  However the cognitive impairment that I have experienced I am almost certain that it is due to anxiety.  Anxiety brought on by the visuals and the regret and guilt they bring.  Anxiety is a powerful driver that can be debilitating.  So my advice to you is to cut back on the weed (trust me it's only going to exacerbate the symptoms) and make yourself busy.  Find a hobby that you can throw yourself into, could be school, instrument, anything healthy.  Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise regularly.  All of these things will reduce anxiety.  If the visuals don't go away immediately it's okay, you have to give it time.  The important thing is to not dwell on it because there's nothing you can do but try and get better, you can't undo the past.  Plus you can take solace in the fact that you're very young and from what I can tell mature since you've identified the problem early.  I myself took significant doses of LSD around your age for extended periods and didn't realize I had HPPD for a few years.  But once identified I followed the above recipe and eventually they diminished greatly.   Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat.  Take care and be well. 


One more important fact is MORE PSYCHEDELICS WILL MAKE IT WORSE! This makes sense and most people here will tell you this.  I'm not trying to tell you what to do but you have to be careful.  I love tripping but I have lost my right to because I overdid it and that's okay.  Trust me on this one; you want to stay away from mushrooms, DMT and LSD.  I made the mistake of recovering pretty much completely then years later I started taking mushrooms again and it brought back my old symptoms.  Anyway good luck and take care!

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