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Cured hppd 100% full recovery


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  • 3 weeks later...

Check the symptoms:


  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Agitation
  • Euphoria or dysphoria
  • Respiratory depression
  • Memory problems[13]
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Wandering thoughts; inability to sustain a train of thought
  • Incoherent speech
  • Irritability
  • Mental confusion (brain fog)
  • Wakeful myoclonic jerking
  • Unusual sensitivity to sudden sounds
  • Illogical thinking
  • Photophobia
  • Visual disturbances
    • Periodic flashes of light
    • Periodic changes in visual field
    • Visual snow
    • Restricted or "tunnel vision"
  • Visual, auditory, or other sensory hallucinations
    • Warping or waving of surfaces and edges
    • Textured surfaces
    • "Dancing" lines; "spiders", insects; form constants
    • Lifelike objects indistinguishable from reality
    • Phantom smoking
    • Hallucinated presence of people not actually there



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  • 11 months later...

Hi! I'm new here. I've been experiencing HPPD for 8 months now after my first and only trip on LSD last spring. The anxiety and depersonalization it brought with it led me into months of sleepless nights and subsequently a complete 'psychotic break'. Before all of this I was a fully capable, grounded, and happy person. I am navigating day by day but feel as though my nervous system is fried. Everything looks HD and fake especially nature and scenery in the distance, which is very disheartening for me as I am an herbalist and would normally seek solace and peace in nature. For a while I had extreme afterimages and halos but those seem to have subsided a bit. It hurts to breathe in through my nose...like everything smells like chemicals. I am very sensitive to sound, lights, even touch. I'm always 'on' like never tired and have been taking benzos to sleep. My brain buzzes, my train of thought is completely out of whack at times, hard to remember things, PTSD, and I have a really dismal perspective on life now whereas before I was a happy little butterfly lol. I am soon to be 29 years old.

I've been doing meditation, trauma release exercises, taking magnesium, chamomile, skullcap, hops, passionflower, doing a little dancing (but too much exercise causes my nerves to become inflamed like a sunburn), listening to music (music is like EXTRA fun for me...like a heightened perception of it).

If any of you have any suggestions or would just like to share your experience, it would mean everything to me!

Big Love


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8 minutes ago, TryingToHelp said:

@dasitmane. "Why is it that so many other can not reproduce the same effect?"

The same effect is reproduced in every case of recovery from hppd. Deal with mental health issues. Deal with hppd.

Then you must have tons of evidence to support these claims.

Please, do post and publish them....

Otherwise you're just making false claims, which wont be surprising lol.

Edited by dasitmane
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On 2/27/2020 at 6:39 AM, TryingToHelp said:


Read the success stories thread on here. The consistent theme is recovery from mental health issues.

Something which I think you yourself really need to think about.

Have you actually read them? I don't think you have, otherwise you wouldn't be saying that.

The majority of posts claim:
Not full recovery
Significant recovery, but lingering symptoms that do not appear to be resolving
Accepting said symptoms as a new part of life
Using various medications and supplements(physiological)
Relapses in symptoms

Most of the responses claim consistent prognosis of HPPD
Most do not claim using ANY type of mental therapy
The few that do are typically for things unrelated to HPPD and usually for past emotional trauma

Are you aware that the body has natural healing capabilities, that have nothing to do with the mind? If there are even any cases of complete recovery with using ONLY mental therapy in that thread, which I was unable to find, they will likely account for 1 to 100 posts, if that, which is a 1% recovery rate, which means in medicine, its not a cure. You been proven wrong multiple times with massive amounts of evidence, but you fail to actually provide any solid evidence what so ever, your theory even has no real theoretical foundation, most mental health conditions and their etiology also prove you wrong, as schizophrenia, bipolar, depression etc would then under your examination be classified as mental health and curable by mental therapy, but has successfully been proven ineffective. Almost everyone on the forum disagrees with you and I am certain that if you talked to Dr. Abraham, which I think you should do, he also will disagree with you.

As the famous 2 time nobel prize winning master and professional chemist Linus Pauling said, there is not ever seen mental health issues in a healthy brain.

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You dont need to take mental therapy to recover from mental health issues. Time, exercise, healthy living, change of lifestyle all good cures.

A question for you @dasitmane. Can you truthfully say that you yourself are completely free from mental health issues? I seem to remember seeing posts talking about depersonalisation and derealisarion from you in the past. How can you be so certain that I am wrong if this is the case? Seems like a very strange thought process. 'Here I am with some fairly serious anxiety issues and i also see these weird things in my vision. BUT THEY ARE 100% NOT RELATED.....OK!!!!!'

Very odd.

I suspect that your levels of aggression and abuse stem from being told by some doctor in the past that it is 'all in your head' and you took it badly. Am I right? 

Any way I have been asked by mods (in my opinion unfairly but I respect them) to refrain from carrying on this debate on various threads so I invite you to go onto the thread I just started today regarding the effect of anxiety on vision.


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On 2/27/2020 at 2:02 PM, TryingToHelp said:

You dont need to take mental therapy to recover from mental health issues. Time, exercise, healthy living, change of lifestyle all good cures.

A question for you @dasitmane. Can you truthfully say that you yourself are completely free from mental health issues? I seem to remember seeing posts talking about depersonalisation and derealisarion from you in the past. How can you be so certain that I am wrong if this is the case? Seems like a very strange thought process. 'Here I am with some fairly serious anxiety issues and i also see these weird things in my vision. BUT THEY ARE 100% NOT RELATED.....OK!!!!!'

Very odd.

I suspect that your levels of aggression and abuse stem from being told by some doctor in the past that it is 'all in your head' and you took it badly. Am I right? 

Any way I have been asked by mods (in my opinion unfairly but I respect them) to refrain from carrying on this debate on various threads so I invite you to go onto the thread I just started today regarding the effect of anxiety on vision.



I can say for sure that you are wrong based on the observation of evidence provided by the real universe in contrast to what you say. 

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  • 3 years later...
On 10/28/2018 at 3:08 AM, LethargicAcid said:

My hppd and dp went away today. I used thianine and valerian root and my meds.


meditating, I resolved a lot of unresolved issues after therapy. Meditated for 5 hours to deal with some ptsd and psychosis and dp and straightened my posture

What meds did you take?

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