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The thread about Keppra (general discussions about levetiracetam)

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Keppra did diminish some of my hppd, but more so dp/dr perceptions. I decided that the side-effects eventually outweighed the benefits and stopped it. However, I do think the med is on the right track, which is , that hppd has to do with disinhibition, therefore, drugs which increase inhibition generally, and which I've tried, have diminished hppd to a degree.

Of course though, this med like most, does not discriminate for the areas of the brain which need the effect and which areas do not, leading to the common problem of whether the side-effects, (which are generally manifesting from an effect of areas which do not need the effect), are worth tolerating for the benefits, the areas which do need such effect.

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Keppra has helped me quite a bit. It's made DP/DR better, but i still get it from time to time. It also helped cognitively, critical thinking, and my memory. Visuals it really has not done a lot for, but I can live with that.

There are side effects that got to me these first couple months, though. The worst being depression, which I've struggled with even before acquiring HPPD - so if your not prone to that already you may be better off there. Also, it has been effecting my libido. Yep.

taking 1500mg/day.

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Keppra had also helped me pretty much for 5-6 months.my dr was lessened and my brain felt much more normal again.

Emotions and energy came back.

Now since 2 or 3 months the good reactions to keppra faded away and its quite depressing. What Do you think is it possible to cycle it and see if the positive reactions come again ?! Or shall i just keep waiting?!

Thanks a lot


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Keppra has helped me quite a bit. It's made DP/DR better, but i still get it from time to time. It also helped cognitively, critical thinking, and my memory. Visuals it really has not done a lot for, but I can live with that.

There are side effects that got to me these first couple months, though. The worst being depression, which I've struggled with even before acquiring HPPD - so if your not prone to that already you may be better off there. Also, it has been effecting my libido. Yep.

taking 1500mg/day.

This has also been pretty close to my experience. It's helped the dp/dr a bit and cognitive abilities. But not so much visuals aside from slightly less visual snow. Fatigue was the worst symptom I had at the beginning. That abated after some time. Depression is probably slightly better than it was before keppra.

I take 1000 mg a day right now by the way

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  • 3 months later...

I have a gigantic compilation of people's testimonies of the beneficial effects of Keppra. You can email me if you want that (Locrian4@gmail.com). It helped convince my doctor to prescribe me Keppra.

Note: I believe the benefical effects I get from Keppra are attained in conjunction with Lamictal and Seroquel. I have no idea the pharmocologic interaction of these drugs, but I have a feeling it's not Keppra alone that's 'fixed' me. Unfortunately, I haven't had the courage/desire to stop Keppra, nor any other of the medications I take, to get a better idea of which drug is doing what, and if they are indeed interacting.

Keppra saved my life. I suggest everyone try it at least for a while, if possible.

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HHB, I would be very interrested in obtaining that gigantic compilation og Keppra testimonials that you are mentioning. Could you please mail that to me at borupsteen@yahoo.com. I am going to try and get Keppra myself, and thinking that something like that would really help me.. Also, if you don't mind telling me, how much Seruquel are you taking a day? And in your case, what do you think that Seroquel is helping with?

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I take 1500 mg of Keppra, 150 mg of Seroquel, and 200 mg of Lamictal. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic designed for usage for patients with schizophrenia and/or bipolar disorder. It is also a massive sedative, so it will damn near knock you unconscious when it takes effect, so you take it at night. If you have trouble going to sleep, this is a major benefit, though I suppose it would be considered a side-effect. It's also used in conjuction with other medications to aid in other areas, such as reduction in OCD or anxiety, etc. I actually have a post of the list I compiled on this website. I'll find it. I will send you the file.

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HBB, be careful with seroquel. I had been taking it for 5 month 150-250mg, and it pushed hppd to very extreme level. Visuals signficantly increased, dp/dr was unmanagable if i was trying to quit.

Also i took clozapine, but in very thresold dosage.

Now i m on 1mg klono and everything is wonderful, except lack of imagination.

Gonna try some levodopa.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, can't image what that felt like!

Has anyone experienced withdrawal problems or problems reducing dose?

The patient presented mild blurred vision and mild ataxia that rapidly subsided

within one day with supportive care

Also had slightly low white and red blood cell counts for two months, which then turned back to normal.

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In pre-clinical studies, brivaracetam demonstrated a 10-fold higher affinity for synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) than Keppra®. The clinical significance of these findings is not known. Brivaracetam also demonstrated inhibitory activity at neuronal voltage-dependent sodium channels whose abnormal function is understood to contribute to electrical discharges associated with seizures. These differences may be important for the antiepileptic activity of brivaracetam, its clinical efficacy and its tolerability.

Sounds interesting.

One phase 3 trial did not acheive statistical significance, but another one did. Additional trials are taking place...

A new Phase III study evaluating brivaracetam as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults with epilepsy has commenced with the first patient first visit recorded in December 2010. It is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, parallel-group study with more than 700 patients to evaluate the efficacy and safety of brivaracetam 100 mg/day and 200 mg/day on seizure frequency. The headline results are expected in the first half 2013.

But sounds like it won't be on the market for a couple of years, at least.

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