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Things that affect your life more than hppd

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Lets just say I am depressed. Not from being unable to perceive a straight line without a skew, mostly because I am lonely for much of the time and The people I associate with are callus and dramatic. Social/personal issues have be-fronted me for the past few years to the point that my visual stress has been on the back burner for a good while now. being distracted from my sensory milieu has been "peaceful" but the distraction is damaging as a medication. I tried to kill myself with a bottle of meth/molly/vodka a couple weekends ago and lets just say that supportive friends are really a good thing to have. Pursuing Biotechnology and botany and shmoozing with the local minds about such ideas and projects has helped but a lack of personal companionship leaves me an empty craftsman putting all of his love into artifacts to time. So thats what keeps me from going to this site and complaining about my symptoms. What keeps you from stressing over knowing that you wont ever see things the same again?

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Lets just say I am depressed. Not from being unable to perceive a straight line without a skew, mostly because I am lonely for much of the time and The people I associate with are callus and dramatic. Social/personal issues have be-fronted me for the past few years to the point that my visual stress has been on the back burner for a good while now. being distracted from my sensory milieu has been "peaceful" but the distraction is damaging as a medication. I tried to kill myself with a bottle of meth/molly/vodka a couple weekends ago and lets just say that supportive friends are really a good thing to have. Pursuing Biotechnology and botany and shmoozing with the local minds about such ideas and projects has helped but a lack of personal companionship leaves me an empty craftsman putting all of his love into artifacts to time. So thats what keeps me from going to this site and complaining about my symptoms. What keeps you from stressing over knowing that you wont ever see things the same again?

What keeps you from stressing over knowing that you wont ever see things the same again?

First off, I see a lot better than in the past – so don’t know if I will or won’t. I’ve worked damn hard to get this far. Get so tired of it all, so take breaks. Find other topics…

Perhaps trying to help other people has helped – but this is the opposite of what you asked as the topic of this thread: "Things that affect your life more than HPPD".

Can’t really think of anything worse for me. The fatigue from it is the worst part – can’t work which is humiliating.

But the rest of crap in life (which is plenty) is so much more manageable – you CAN do something about most of it.

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  • 3 months later...

. What keeps you from stressing over knowing that you wont ever see things the same again?

Thinking that someday I just might. Molly aint helpin man. Keep positive.

I break down on some days too, but you gotta push on. My dad's got cancer...thinkin about becoming a burden on my parents makes me desperately want to get and feel and look better.

Loneliness doesnt have to be so bad man, we are creatures that need companionship, but a year or two of loneliness while you start feeling capable again is not the end of the world.

Find some hobbies. Get a cat. Get healthy. Stop using drugs. I too lost alot of friends, and im an extremely social guy, but in the end it's helped me realize who mattered and who didnt. It doesnt have to be a bad thing. The ones who are worth it will funnel through.

We're here for you bro. Next time you feel bad just hit up the chat section or leave a rant about how it all sucks. Weve all wanted to do it at some point, and someone will answer and hopefully make you feel better.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

lol honestly I have been seeing my hppd as a pleasure in comparison to a social engineer I pissed off, kid broke into my house and stole porn I made with my ex girlfriend while we were drunk and is showing it off to guys of influence in my life (teachers, bosses, classmates) in order to make it out that Im an Evil person, (my personality doesnt help) its is good social proof i must admit. what guy doesnt like secret smut, but he attaches a connotation of malice to it that no matter what I do or say only makes it seem true. elequent. I beat him up because of it and now he just spreads the lies more fervently. does anyone know how to deal with such a situation?? Beware of the friendly stranger!

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Not sure if it's possible for you... but maybe just get out of your town/city for a few months... travel and see new stuff, meet people on the road. Alway helps me, you can be as sociable or secluded as you want when you're on the road.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The flowing river of words, my streaming mind conjures. Eating stimulants and pearls, grants me mental worlds. Sent as rants and hurls, reality comes at worst. Though reality can be restored, a dose of pearls restores.

Now the past is forgotten, the future I hold. I master the present, by leisure I fold. A god at creation, a pinnacle sensation, king of temptation. Vanity by nature.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

"Loneliness doesnt have to be so bad man, we are creatures that need companionship, but a year or two of loneliness while you start feeling capable again is not the end of the world."


Gotta agree. The first year or two I wasn't capable of maintaining relationships, and human interaction just made me compare and contrast myself with unaffected people.


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