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Fellow hppdrs and potential girlfriends.


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Has anybody ever physically met a fellow hppdr? If so how was it. Did it feel weird lol. In a way it's like we've got more in common than anybody ever could. You see these folks with one in 10 million outlandish tumours meeting up and I would imagine they'd be awkward as fuck cos atthe end of the day it's just a tumour-a-like connection. They'd be two completely different people.

I've been irrationally thinking the last wee while how could it would be to meet a hot hppd bird who totally got me n vice versa. In reality we'd murder each other before 6 months was up. It's so hard to explain it to potential girls you wanna get to know better though. You could keep Schtum but even if your in a good place when you meet it'd justbe a matter of time before it reared its ugly head. Nobody I've mets been strong enough. Wimps lol.

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I'm 60 yo and pretty much out of the loop, but I relate to what everyone has said here. I think I would really be happy to meet another Hppder. It's kind of a lonely place to be at times. I have met very few people in my life who are truly understanding about the human condition. They are definitely out there though. The good thing is you have a chance to meet a more sober and together girl, because I think most of us don't party like we used to. Hopefully with a clear mind they have evolved to a place that is non-judgemental.

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ideally you want an ex-hppder. Someone who is sypathetic and patient without being indulgent, but not retarded, so at least she can pay the bills on time for you when you are too busy gurning at wood veneer. Actually, why dont you ask rene out? She looks quite hot (from what can be gathered from her thumbnail pic), and is a mostly recovered hppder. I seem to remember a girl on the old forum who looked quite cute too, but maybe she got lost in the transition to the new forum. Also, given this is a worldwide forum, prepare for some long-distance lovin.

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She bats for the other team. (Rene not your wife). Maybe I should start spiking random hotties with acid. Bit unethical though. It is 99% men on this site. But only because we indulge and are steeped in the culture more. I bet for every man and woman who indulge or overindulge in drugs more women would have hppd than men cos women are more prone to depression etc. think I read that stat somewhere anyway.

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I've also thought often about how nice it'd be to be close to someone in real life who's also familiar with HPPD from the inside looking out. It definitely has a huge impact on one's personality, so it seems a guarantee that at least some aspects of your lives and your outlooks would be similar enough to afford a good relationship, romantic or not. Unfortunately (for us), sufferers are few and far between to the point that even an HPPD support group in a major city or something seems like an impossibility, even if all the resident HPPDers were switched on to their condition and in contact with one another.


So, I guess outside of sheer luck with someone's geography or traveling, the Internet's our only option for connecting. Sucks.

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I still think there are alot more sufferers than ever find this board. If you are in a big city, i'm sure you can find group for support of the recreational drug scene problems and find like minded people, even if they don't have hppd, or don't know what hppd is yet

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