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My ma calls me tonight and informs me that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm super bummed for her and feel rather helpless now that I picked up and moved 1500 miles away not to long ago. They luckily caught it really early so now it's just waiting it out and finding a proper treatment.

When she was explaining the situation to me, I realized I know so very little about it and the treatment process.I felt bad I couldn't offer any advice except offering support, understanding and care. I was literally speechless or in shock- I don't know. I just wish I could have offered more. They want her to start on some pill treatment first and see how that goes. My ma is a bit resistant due to side effects and I can understand but I imagine it's imperative to treat earlier rather than later.

I'm sad about the whole thing. On top of that my dad's battling his own health issues. Even though they supported me leaving and following my passion/dream, I now feel really bad for going and pursuing. I hate all these health issues, they're so damn frustrating.

If anyone has any advice, I'd be more than happy to lend an ear.

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It looks like your mother's best bet would be to look into a lumpectomy or mastectomy. I feel bad when i see people hit with radiation or chemotherapy [..and often they are healthy-cell-destructive, make you sick, and are painful]. It's better if you can do something while it is still early because once it is too far gone it can spread to vital organs. .....I just don't know enough about cancer to really give you a definitive solution. I think if you are supportive, I don't think you should feel guilty for pursuing your own life. Prognosis is very good for catching this thing early.

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Sorry to hear that dude cancer is a terrible disease but when they catch it early the chances of beating it are really high they caught it early with my grandad who had radio therapy and got it sorted he still has check ups every year or two it treatment might not be the nicest to experience but if it's life saving then that's what really counts all the best

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Read this:


My mother and grandmother, both died of cancer. So, I feel for you, man. Anyways, the above link describes an old therapy that has yielded some incredible results. Maybe your mother can supplement this with her treatment.

And I honestly wonder if this could help with HPPD. . .

Also this is a testimonial from a breast cancer survivor who used Gerson's therapy.


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Thanks for the info and support guys. I know she's going to have a lot of tough decisions to make soon.

If she want to do the 'alternative route', it takes serious commitment and is not cheap. Chemo isn't cheap either but insurance pays so people are isolated from the real costs (some shots are 10 grand a piece).

If it is earlly (stage 1), then conventional medicine will do a lot. Once it spreads, then it is about buying time.

How old are your parents?

While it is good to test the validity (and reality) of one's dreams, it is best not to feel guilty about moving. You are always free to move again if that is what you decide. It is also good to test the waters and explore while young ... like your trip to South America.

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