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Corn and HPPD


7 members have voted

  1. 1. Does eating corn or corn oil change symptoms?

    • Symptoms a little better
    • No change
    • Symptoms a little worse
    • Symptoms notably worse

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Forgive the strange title (and poll) but it is actually to the point and important [ besides, we already have a Porn & HPPD thread :P ]

Corn is known to cause inflammation issues via COX-2 metabolic processes. COX-2 affects both dopamine and GABA - two known players in HPPD. Certain COX-2 inhibitors help prevent neurodegeneration and lessen some symptoms of PD. Notably, we recently had a member have a major flareup of HPPD from taking Betamethasone, a major COX-2 inhibitor that one would think to be beneficial (however it messed up his equilibrium).

So I ask member to participate in an informal trial. I already know that corn makes my symptoms worse even though I am not allergic to it. Since I am in the 'dopamine responsive' group, this makes sense. Whether it affects others would depend on their type of HPPD and their sensitivity.

Provided you are not allergic to corn, please try this:

Get a bag of corn chips cooked in corn oil. Organic is even better. The ingredient list should be simple: Corn, corn oil, and salt. [ there are lots a different oils used, so just shop around ]. Then enjoy your chips as much as you wish and see if it affects how you feel today or in the morning. Then fill this poll.

This trial is seems strange, but it may yield useful info. At worst you will just enjoy another junk-food binge :D

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I dont eat crisps cos they noticebly make snow much thicker and brighter

BINGO! I presume this include Corn chips?

So, if corn makes snow worse, then take a week or two and avoid like a plague anything that has corn or corn oil - it may be surprisingly difficult. [ Imagine curing HPPD by living on meat and potatoes, lol ]

As a note, Soy causes me problems too (and used to even show allergic to it in skin tests). Soy is everywhere: salad oil, mayonnaise, many chips ... Soy increases COX-2 (though is may suppress some of its expression) - but this is a different topic.

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as strange as the topic sounds but maybe this would explain why the symptoms of a few people here me included have fluctating symptoms.

i dont mind what iam eating or drinking but maybe there is more influence on the symptoms as we know

only forcunderstanding corn means this yellow small ones right? iam asking because in german corn could mean alot like this for example^^


and i guess that would make symptoms worse^^

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Yeah iv thought that too. Some weeks im cured almost some weeks like this one I have snow eye pain. Depression. Iv decided to try an epeleptic diet. Morbide mentioned it, I was also thinking seen as epelepsy and hppd are linked it may help. Theres not much i.can eat but steak bacon the odd hot dog nuts rasperries and whole grain cereal. No bread no pasta. Il try it for a while

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Visual maybe we should conduct a diet experiment. Me and harry are trying the ketogenic epelepsy diet. maybe you could try potatoes and meat. Someone else could try veg only or, I dunno

Yes, diet can make a difference. It gets complicated because of the quality of food in different areas. Also, peoples genetics affect diet.

Hopefully we can conduct a number of diet experiements over time.

I've always done well with meat and potatoes. And can eat lots of oils and fats. The only problem with carbs are a few foods and the temptation of "Carbing out". I tend to eat the whole bag at a time so avoid buying the stuff


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Did the ketogenic and candida diet for almost a year. It's hard, real hard if you don't cook. I like to cook though and followed it as much as I could; I'd say nearly 90% of the time.

The visual weren't immensely better but my brain functioned better, had less fatigue and less brain fog. Carbs put me to sleep and give me worse dr/dp. Meat and vegetables! Stay away from grains as much as possible, even gluten free ones to follow it strictly.

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Im bad for.cheesecake. Minute the stuff hits my mouth i.gotta eat the whole thing

Ditto !!!


Did the ketogenic and candida diet for almost a year. It's hard, real hard if you don't cook. I like to cook though and followed it as much as I could; I'd say nearly 90% of the time.

The visual weren't immensely better but my brain functioned better, had less fatigue and less brain fog. Carbs put me to sleep and give me worse dr/dp. Meat and vegetables! Stay away from grains as much as possible, even gluten free ones to follow it strictly.

It is dam hard. Are there any concerns or worries? signs I should look out for if my body cant take it etc

"Slow Food" takes a lot of time and effort. Not like grabbing a donut and coffee for breakfast, and a burger or hoagie for lunch.

While I've heard food is much better in Europe, it probably has its problems (saw a documentary in France showing some of them). In the USA, the common food supply is horrible. Animals are so sick they are raised on antibiotics just to stay alive. They are given chemicals to grow fast - and many of these are banned in Europe because they cause cancer. GMO foods are primarily modified to be "Roundup Ready" ... resistant to herbicides and thus laced heavy with them. The story goes on ...

The effort of staying healthy means living different that most your friends, associates, family, etc...

But that is a side point.

A very real thing we can do is try things. Diet is strongly linked to health. While we wait for researchers to understand and possibly treat HPPD, we can manipulate our own chemistry - even without drugs.

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Dam that cheesecake looks fine. European diets tend to be good but as it happens I live in scotland, the fattest unhealthiest country imn europe, having said that im from a middle class family that always eat relatively well and my parents are supportive so its something I can try. Im going to try a reduced carb intake, full keto is too extreme. And il avoid veg oil, corn strarch all that shit, see how it goes. Im worried about ur eye pain comment as the start of deterioration but iv been improving well so I just dont know, hopefully qn altered diet will keep me on the right track

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Im worried about ur eye pain comment as the start of deterioration

Don't worry ... it is just an indicator now. It took Gabapentin to make better but still around. It also seems to be evidence that some of our crap comes from the eye/retina - not all the brain.

I'm actually interested to see that more and more people are reported eye pain/pressure with their HPPD/DP/DR - - - shows we have more in common, which might lead to more 'cures'. When everything is randon, its hard for researchers to 'focus'. Its like this with PD ... turns out that eye and cognitive problems are there from early stages - its just so minor compared to the movement problems. Also, PD is usually people over 60 so they are used to eye and cognitive problems from aging (so it gets ignored).

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Isn't betamethasone an anti-inflammatory? I'm just wondering if that's what we are worried about there are alot of pain meds and pain injections (in joints like for spine etc.) people will have to watch out for.

I know anti-inflammatory drugs can make tenitus worse but didn't know it could vs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

visual I'll never doubt you again


I'll resist the urge to tell people to jump off a cliff :P

Is there anyway that eating corn can cause a long term impact?

Brief inflammation is for the purpose of speeding up healing of a wound. Otherwise, all inflammation causes damage - somewhat equivalent to rapid aging. Most disease has inflammation at its roots - cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune, etc.

It is hard to say if the corn causes enough inflammation to further the injury or if it just alters dopamine, Gaba, (and whatever) so that you notice it. But generally if something messes up your HPPD (vision, anxiety, DP/DR,...) then it either slows recovery or makes you worse.

Identifying 'irritants' helps you to alter lifestyle to maximize healing and good health. It take rational thought and discipline (which is a pain in the butt) but it is something you can do without waiting for doctors or researchers. And, of course, why not?... Wouldn't it be interesting if dietary change, such as avoiding corn, helps to cure HPPD?!?

Here is another test for you. Avoid corn a few days and 'recover'. Then find some grass-feed beef and eat it. The next day, presuming you didn't react badly, get some regular, cheap (Walmart type) beef and try it. Beef is usually corn feed especially at fattening time. Corn fed beef is inflammatory ... but is it enough to bother your HPPD?

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Good question. Lots of things are feed corn because it is cheap. In this country they are making alcohol for fuel from corn. So now all grains have tripled in price (and our cars get worse mileage too).

Commercial chickens are feed pig shit! Don't you love big business...

Try to by healthy meats. You'll notice by the taste. To get a benchmark, try organic stuff for a while. Then you'll notice how yukky regular food is. I've been told that Europe is much better than here ... and that they refuse to import most foods that the USA makes because of poor quality and chemicals. So you may have better food than here.

BTW, chicken eggs should have orange yolks, not yellow - it reflects the diet and health of the bird


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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree maybe the corn test is too restrictive and needs to be more generally about inflammation. Check out the Inflammatory Factor of different foods. Grass fed meats will be less inflammatory as corn fed meat will be higher in omega 6 which is inflammatory while omega 3 is not. Other inflammatory things like vaccines, illness, stress may also be worth factoring in to consideration. See also if strongly anti inflammatory things like turmeric, msm etc have an effect.

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  • 5 weeks later...

What are pigs fed? Iv been living on fuckin pork. Beef too come to think of it. hmmm

Was thinking a little more about your question.

Think it depends on the animal. Cows and sheep are grazers eating mostly grass. Goats are browsers, eating many different things. Chickens (free range) eat bugs, grains, and even frogs. Pigs eat about anything, often 'rooting'.

So how much corn-feed affects an animal depends on the species. And probably everything would be unhealthy on diets mainly of corn.

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