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Everything posted by alice-acid

  1. hmm well you certainly do have alot of the symptoms but i dont see how the pain is linked in? :S i cant imagine the 2 being related
  2. well, not as gone as i thought it all was after all ):

  3. i suspect i may have mild forms of dp and more strongly dr but im not sure because i really dont understand it properly :S i read up on it on the internet but it doesnt help they put it all too medically and not really personally if you get me,... can any1 help? from your point of view how would you describe it
  4. when people have been prescribed benzos what have they been ? i know its usually klono but anything else? and what strength and how long for? because i was reading the post by sum1 that said theyd been on klono for over a year and i know full well that in the UK it'd take you month and months and MONTHS to be prescribed valium even, and theyd try everything else first lol and start u on 1 mg, then after your course insisting for months again move you up to 2mg if you insisted long and hard enough that it didnt work, i think thats a mixture of the fact that the health care is free here, whilst in the USA u pay for it dont you? and the fact that they know how bad the wothdrawal really is, and theyre unlikely to ever give you a course lasting more than a month but yeah i wanna know what ppl have had, how long for and if it actually helped well enough for it to be worth it?
  5. weirdlyyy right, my symptoms almost went completely, i just had mild after images, visual snow at light, some ghosting and starburts.. but then 1 day, i went for an eye test, and she shome a reaaaaaaaaaaally bright light in my eye, and i remember i could see loads of weird stuff suddenly and got abit anxious when i left the room all my symptoms had come back ): very very weird, i think it may have been anxiety related tho, as i was seeing weird things and the after image of the light lasted longer than i hoped n i got more anxious!
  6. i get a reallly achey jaw that gets worse throughout the day, and aches more during days with worse symptoms i always assume it was stress related? but perhaps not
  7. dno i think if you do hav it then ur lucky its very very mild, but tbh i think i had mild starbursts and tracers before i even took any hallucinagens, theyre something not necessarily hppd related in my opinion
  8. yeah i leave the tv on on volume 8 lol and sleep on my right ear coz my left 1 cant hear as well, on a certain channel at the times i know there are certain mindnumbing american sit coms on so i KNOW they cant send me all west haha.... its all become abit ocd tbh, not good but it helps me sleep so its better than nothing
  9. youve been gettin acid reflux? wats that? and wen im actually drunk is the only time i know im NOT gna ge the symptoms... weird, unless i mix it with other stuff
  10. yeah im currently really hungover lol atm its the only time i have any symptoms that actually bother me which is good if you ask me i do try not to get too pissed but im 1 of those people that once i start i just keep drinkin even if i tell myself before hand to take it slow, i never really do expecially since ive almost quit all drugs now and only really smoke if im drunk or at college and sum1 offers me half or sumit, it means im drinkin at the times when i may normally just get wired for example
  11. yh it was only for that day... weird... i think it may hav been caused by a mixutre of the fact that i got pretty wasted on the few days before hand, and the fact that i saw the eyelid patterns and got very anxious
  12. i used to when it was dead bad get this never ending like silouette of a guy with a cap on with a slim build like... dancingg? when i closed my eyes to go to sleep, for like hours on end and when i started to get anxious hed speed up or move more and get id get a more strong outline and then wen i started to reeeaaalllly panic itd like zoom in on his face, and start to see expressions and panis more, then the expressions would get angrier and more grotesque until i calmed myself down (unlikely) or usually went and had a cry an a cuddle with either 1 of my rents or my bf and theyd calm me down also usually afew nytol tablets but i only take them at very bad times, i know my own addictive personality and sleeping pills too oftne and id really start relying on them
  13. they do abit with me but only really the anxiety part, and then some physical symptoms, like my teeth feeling soft and weird things like that its very odd, but i think to a certain extent its in my head coz its only a teeeeeeeeeny bit and i noticed it more after i read online that5 smoking cigarrettes makes anxiety worse, part of me thinks its my mind expecting it to happen and then getting anxious about being anxious and then the anxiety being like oh no is that my teeth feelin soft aaah nooo i shoudltn hav smoked that cigG!!! (i get physical weird feelings worse and often before visuals with my hppd, very odd, but i always did hav my senes of touch altered significantly more than anyone else i know when i was tripping anyway)
  14. i think im luvky to be 1 of the people that realised what was going on and went sober for a while early enough to almost get rid of my symptoms, i only got them to begin with early this year! and i completely stopped everythin apart from the odd drink around august? and like a month ago it all was pretty much gone, except for the odd wiggly line, anxiety and insomnia (but nothing compared to the full blown panic attacks id get daily when the trippin would happen yet again, or id lie awake all night with closed eye visuals freakin out), visual snow at night only and that think beginning with p whch is the shapes of things stayin for too long when you look at them wehn u close your eyes so id say im pretty lucky, its nothin compared to how it used to be, although i did make the mistake of smokin a bong (something that was an absolute no no whilst my symptoms were bad, would cause instant panic attack and symptoms that were as strong as actually having taken a tab) and things went abit... growy at me kinda, some breathing/growing of objects and slight c testhanging of colours and felt quite a bad spike of anxiety until i had a beer and chilled but yeahh basically was unbelievably better for a whole month!!! until i went for an eye test... :S like it was all going fine until the woman shon a light in my eye and asked me to look all the way up, left right and down .... as i looked id see the most crazy like... i dont know i think it may hav been my eyelid :S but maybe not i couldnt figure it out and it really freaked me out it was kinda pinky with like veinyness in it hence the eyelid thought, but the veins were movingg!!!! dmt like visuals almost (from what ive hear never had it) but i was actually lookin at that pattern in my eye it was jus wigglin moving in a hppd way i THINK! if not i was gettin some mad shit lol but when i left my symptoms had gotten severely worse, i was waiting for my sister to come out as she was after me and i was looking at the floor and it started to like change colour and wiggle around at me and hte darker parts on the tiles were like raised towards me, or lighter parts not sure but u know! and the same with the woven chair behind me, my closed eye patterns were much worse, visual snow was alot worse again, anxiety awful,tried reading my form thing and there was a second green set of font about 5mm above the main 1 very annoying, and all the words just looked.. slanted? but is it normal for symptoms to be altered by bright light?!?!
  15. yeahh i had it at the start but my symptoms seem to be calming down after about 6 months of sobriety and tinnitus was the first to go but it was sooo annoying wen i had it
  16. yeah ive had my little ocds get quite alot worse since hppd, moslty when going to bed i cant stay at out at friends any more because i cant do my little sleeping rituals
  17. hmm that makes alot of sense to me but wheres the cure in all that?
  18. thankyou i think you're right, i've noticed that since i discovered this forum and realised that this is almost definitely what's going on with me, after month and months of looking things up and pointless doctors appointments, my anxiety dropped considereably, just through knowing there was an explanation, and that theres something i can do about it
  19. i get a really aching jaw by the evening unless ive had an especially hppdless day i've noticed quite annoying thought i might have left that behind with mdma haha, but to be fair i did get it when i was on acid sometimes definately like its caused from like taughtnesss in my muscles, and other parts of me ache on very bad days, all over on the very worst days
  20. im trynna do all those things as best as i can thankss
  21. i get that aswell, with my brain not feeling both parts of me, like wenever i hav an its it feels like someone else is scratching it, like my hands are numb :S and also the tittanus, if im right about it being ringing in your ears (?) but only in the left and i get this thing where if i lip my lips or my teeth its like the 2 blend in as 1, and my visuals increase dramatcially for that few seconds, and my anxiety goes through the roof, although thats got alot rarer recently, and is just something that happened to me after id come down from my bad trip, but still couldnt sleep, wuite specific to me i think maybe? oh and my skin on my hands feeling overly soft? like cushiony almost
  22. Well, basically, as you might be able to see from my name, mine is from LSD. I have only taken it 8 times over about 2 years, 13 tabs in total (sometimes i took 2) I suffer from borderline personality disorder, with which afew symptoms/meds seem to cross over and such, i think this may be related... But yeah basically I got my symptoms maybe a month after I last took acid. My ex-boyfriend was reaalllyyyyy pissed off with me, and knowing about how 2 of the symptoms of my bpd is a massive fear of real or imagined abandoment, and really bad anxiety, he decided to use that to fuck with my head, he popped up on facebook and said '1 of your friends has been chatting shit about you' and when i asked him who and what they'd said he refused to say any more. I spent that night completely un able to sleep, i remember calling him up at like 7 in the morning having still not slept, desperate to know who'd said what about me, it's all i could think about! anyway he said he didnt care and to fuck off and all that kinda stuff and turned his phone off. I spent all day just going out of my mind. I went round to my best mates house just to calm myself down, remember that i still had friends etc. We sat around and got high and watched stuff on the internet as per usual, then at around 2 in the morning i'd decided it'd been loooong enough and i deffo needed sleep i'd been awake for the longest ever... (i'm often compared to 'guy on the couch', if you know who i mean ) so i smoked afew rediculously fat bongs and lay down to go to sleep. About 10 minutes i remember sitting up because i was uncomfortable or something, and running my teeth along my lips. As i did it my tongue and teeth blended into 1 and the whole room started sort of... melting.... just for afew seconds (very similarly to after i'd come down off my only bad trip, which had been long before then, i'd tripped again and everything), and then it wore off slightly, but not fully, still had moving patterns when i closed my eyes, lines wiggling, everything had auras, SEVERE anxiety, visual snow, and probably the most irritating, the after images from things, making gruesome faces and such when i was trying to ignore it and sleep, very confusing for me.... It took afew hours before i managed to get to sleep, with afew more strong surges of acid visuals and feelings. Utterly terrifying. I woke up the next day assuming it was just the lack of sleep and the bongs and that it probably wouldnt happen again... But oh no afew hours later i was eating some cereal, and the milk had softened it more than i expected it to, the shock of this sent another surge of acidyness through me. When that faded I was left with all those same extra things i'd had the night before. This continued as often as every half an hour for about 2 weeks, it was terrifying to be honest. Then the surges started to calm down but ever since then i've had all the symptoms for HPPD, not diagnosed though, i'm working on that lol. This all happened quite afew months ago, i'm hoping with abit of time my symptoms might ware off, i've stopped drinking and taking drugs, seems to be the only option as whenever i take anything it jus makes things worse. ESPECIALLY if i'm hungover! and by the way my ex... yeah he'd completely made that up just to mess with me.... nice |:
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