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Everything posted by alice-acid

  1. with the word transient in it (Lasting only for a short time; impermanent) and the phrase 'recurrence of disturbances in perception that are reminiscent of those experienced during one or more earlier Hallucinogen Intoxications' means that what we all have is not HPPD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  2. wait so according to the DSM IV explaination any of the visuals we get that we didnt have whilst tripping arent technically hppd? i didnt have most of them when i was tripping e.g - after images, palinopsia(closed eyes after images images?), starbursts, visual snow, ETC so that would mean me and everyone on this forum that experience these symptoms and others that arents specific visuals they saw DURING thier trip cant say these symptoms are because of HPPD? which would mean the term HPPD is used incorrectly by the people that diagnose us with it and us but, flashbacks by definition are temporary, and hppd by definition is ongoing (hallucinagen persisiting perseptive disorder) thats absolutely rediculous but has left me utterly confsued... so do we technically not have hppd? we just all have the same 'inert drug here' unclassified visual disturbances or whatever they called it? this is rediculous their definition of HPPD contradicts itself |: the odd thing i find is that all the symptoms are there, but we had to have had these symptoms during the trip for it to be hppd, even though most of us didnt? here it is in writing BTW Excerpt from the DSM-IV, p232-233: 292.89 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) The essential feature of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) is the transient recurrence of disturbances in perception that are reminiscent of those experienced during one or more earlier Hallucinogen Intoxications. The person must have had no recent Hallucinogen Intoxication and must show no current drug toxicity (Criterion A). This re-experiencing of perceptual symptoms causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion . The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g., anatomical lesions and infections of the brain or visual epilepsies) and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., delirium, dementia, or Schizophrenia) or by hypnopompic hallucinations (Criterion C). The perceptual disturbances may include geometric forms, peripheral-field images, flashes of color, intensified colors, trailing images (images left suspended in the path of a moving object as seen in stroboscopic photography), perceptions of entire objects, afterimages (a same-colored or complementary-colored "shadow" of an object remaining after the removal of the object), halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia. The abnormal perceptions that are associated with Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder occur episodically and may be self-induced (e.g., by thinking about them) or triggered by entry into a dark environment, various drugs, anxiety or fatigue, or other stressors. The episodes may abate after several months, but many persons report persisting episodes for 5 years or longer. Reality testing remains intact (i.e., the person realizes that the perception is a drug effect and does not represent external reality). In contrast, if the person has a delusional interpretation concerning the etiology of the perceptual disturbance, the appropriate diagnosis would be Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks): A. The re-experiencing, following cessation of use of a hallucinogen, of one or more of the perceptual symptoms that were experienced while intoxicated with the hallucinogen (e.g., geometric hallucinations, false perceptions of movement in the peripheral visual fields, flashes of colors, intensified colors, trails of images of moving objects, positive afterimages, halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia. B. The symptoms in Criterion A cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. C. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g., anatomical lesions and infections of the brain, visual epilepsies) and are not better accounted for another mental disorder (e.g., delirium, dementia, Schizophrenia) or hypnopompic hallucinations.
  3. loved it i need to think about expressing all ma feelings about this shit in a creative way might help haha
  4. forgot about this 1.... in all fairness i took that much that i couldnt walk the next day before they were completely gone, but still a small dose supplied a little relief
  5. yeah ive noticed that when i used to get panic attacks when my visuals were at thier worst, that actually if when i forst noticed it happening i just ignored it and powered on, rather that glimpsing at the patterns on the wall every 2 seconds anxiously that the panic attack never came, and my visuals calmed back down again alot faster ;P
  6. if your friends think you're just being nervous and over reacting maybe you should show em some of the things on here
  7. hmm that makes sense... i always thought lsd might work like that, kinda changing the way we see each individual colour on the spectrum in some way. it would certainly explain why things change colour
  8. hahaha sounds like a plan ;D but ill pass on the pigs ear i think
  9. yeaahh im goin interrailing in the summer, on my own, with my tent haha with outlook festival to end it all ive never been so excited in my life looool, not just to see loads of different places, but to hav abit of time alone in some sunny places!
  10. thats what i was thinkin... im gna say it was almost definately acid, you dont get many other drugs on tabs as far as i know, and if you did, why wouldnt they just sell it as the drug it actually is?
  11. oh dont worry i know theyre definately real but the more you ignroe them and carry on as if therye not there, the faster they go away
  12. manchesters pretty good thanks.. raining as per though haha, and since the disappearance of ketamine its like everyones come out of hybernation and is happy again how life where you are? whereever that may be
  13. thats completely untrue every time ive taken acid ive been able to taste it...
  14. thankyou that was really good way of putting it actually ive been doin so much research and its all so complicated and youve just summed it up in afew sentences ahhaha
  15. i dont understand how you know that it wasnt acid though :S
  16. hmm i dno who will agree with this but i i think they might go away if you stopped thinking about them sobriety too ofc... but if you dont have any other symptoms then it may just be you creating them with your mind by thinking they will be there? if you get me i think this is what happened to me wit hafew things before i got full blown hppd i also continued drug use- STUPID
  17. alice-acid


    well i never had a trip like that that sounds fuckin horrible, i dont know if you can on acid tbh theyre just mentally dark more than anything, fear like nothing else and darkness and shit.... i remember the sort oftrails my own hair i thought were people like just behind my shoulders about to kill me n every tree that russelled i thought someone was in it ready to jump out any time... my mate tapped me on the shoulder (to see if i was ok coz id been sat up, head in knees in a kind of ball for half an hour) and i thought they werent as close as they were so the shock of thier face bein that close it jut warped into some eeeeeeeeeeeeevil face with like .... spikes idk... but anyway after afew hours i came down from it about 8 hours later i was jus sat at my mates abit shaken up but ok, and i ran my tongue along my teeth and they blended into 1 in my mouth and in that moment i started trippin HARD again and fetl a massive spike of anxiety as well.. that only lasted five minutes though. in the four 3 months after i tripped about 3 more times, but smaller doses, and never really was fully comfortable during the trip ever again. i was always on edge, and had some anxiety and worry at the back of my mind... kinda ruins it really, no more carefree giggly happy tripping ): then one day abotu a month after my last trip i had a terrible night and just could not sleep for shit, so iwent abotu my daily business having not slept, totally sober though, apart from weed obvs, i was never NOT stoned. then it got to the next night at like 2ish? an i was just still not tired. so i smoked afew of the massivest bongs i could pull through to make me tired, and i lay down to sleep and while i was lying there i ran my tongue along my teeth and it happened, they blended together and i was trippin balls, 1 of the worst experiences of my life... with my eyes closed the after images from thigns i saw were becoming grotesque faces, but with open eyes the walls were melting. i had a panic attack and totally went west... my best mate calmed me down saying it was just a flashback and it would pass. eventually i managed to sleep somehow. i woke up the next day and it wasnt gone... the next month was total hell for me all panic attacks and inability to look at people, my 18th bday was like 3 days into it ): anyway thats my incredibly long story im sorry things that help me are, sobreity !! apart from the odd drink once ur more used to ur symptoms but its been a while for you so im sure thats now or never... ignoring it!!! this was a maaaaaaaassive step for me, powering through it instead of going back to staring at the patterned wall all the time and freakin out, if you just resist the urge the sense of being able to continue like normal after all calms the anxiety and reduces the visuals that it causes, and that makes it even better! nytol for bad nights, keeps your sleeping normal, plus after a bad night nothin helps like a nice sleep. healthy living and eating. a hobby as well, keep urself busy hope i was of some use and sorry about the babbling
  18. oh also i dno where jim morrisson said that to be honest i just came across the quote on my general internet travels somewhere
  19. What parts of the brain is effected? Why? How? I have researched it ALOT of course but just can't get to grips with it all.... I kind of understand the fact that it's at least partly to do with our brains no longer editing things out properly. Also like it says anyone got any theories about it? I'm just very interested in it all and have little patience with difficult to read sciencey bullshit haha.
  20. that seems dead interestin i might buy it or get sum1 to get it out the library for me
  21. thats helped alot ill be takin this straight to the doctors thanks nedd!!
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