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Everything posted by zukov

  1. I do not remember exactly in which forum of drugs i read something like that the HPPD not exist and if so, we were "a band of drama queens". There were many people who continued using drugs and enjoying the HPPD. At that moment I had wanted to 'launch' like a missile my computer out of my house. I dont think Puppeter wanted to express something like that....i thinks is more "if you cant against them, join them" philosophy. I dont know exactly if i enjoyed the HPPD, but many times I have felt a great peace watching the sky and think "I'm lucky to be alive" and i am very grateful for that.
  2. Dont buy!! expropiate!!! The soviet trippers island!
  3. Something very similar happened to me when I'm in touch with nature. It was always one of my great passions pre-HPPD, so now being outdoors is one of the few things that I really enjoy. We could occupy an island in Polynesia: D
  4. Great dude! im happy for you! Now, the classic questions: Do you take meds? do sports? Meditation?
  5. Thank you very much for the info merkan. I will definitely try it. Anyway in my country is summer now and the sun is abundant, however i cant be all day on the beach as I want: D
  6. A year and a half i was started to take 0.5 mg everyday. Before that, i was taken 0.5 3 times a week, with heavy emotional imbalances. So far i dont build any tolerance , my 'lineal thinking' is better and i only see heavy trails when im very tired (or with a bad hangover) and dp-dr is anoying but isnt a terror like before. Obviously, i have good and bad days like everybody. Recently i feel a little worried about build tolerance but i know some people who have never had to increase their dose and are taking klono for several years, so.... anyway last weekend i taked 1mg and it really knocks me out like a bottle of vodka
  7. Pal, i dont want to be rude.. but what the $#$#"? why are you smoking weed and drunk so much alcohol? You have a big chance to recover, dont play with fire please.
  8. Fascinating!... since my problems started after a SSRI i dont wanna mess with anything related with serotonine, but i dont know. If you experience some relief maybe i will try it. The 5htp help you with your mood? Any change in dp-dr?
  9. Months ago, when I used to take klonopin occasionally i suffered from major mood swings that produced that kind of suicidal thoughts (HPPD isnt my only problem: D). But when i start taking a low dose those thoughts were disappearing regularly. My fear now is to develop tolerance, something that hasnt happened yet. How long are you taking klonopin and what is the dose?
  10. Boogres, you experience any kind of sense of time "distorted"?
  11. Thanks a lot for the answer. Im pretty sure your condition will improve more in the next months, 2 weeks is very short time! It seems that keppra is more effective than sinemet so far.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPxjR-CclGw Tip: The first melody of orchid is a style of 'folk music' of Argentina, called "chacarera". I can imagine Iommi listen to some vinyl of "argentinian folk music"
  13. Just make sure your friends don't require you to get drunk in order to hang with them That's a good point... At the beginning of the disorder my friends didnt really understand what was happening with me, so they reduced their alcohol intake and the few who smoke weed stopped. That helped me a lot to not be "tempted". So I am very grateful with my friends. Of course we want a cure, but set a timer and limit the time you spend on it Exactly... months ago i was very frustrated about the hole thing but now i think that the best weapon we have is acceptance and moving on (at the same time i cant understand that months ago ). Its another type of fight with this.
  14. I have it before the "crash". My trip was extremely strong and I'm sure that the thought of "oh no how long i will be in this world" leaked in my unconscious. My job is very stressful, so I have no choice to adapt to the circumstances. Before hppd i was quite misanthrope and reluctant to socialize, so i put myself in 'social new situations' like a kind of therapy. Face the fear.
  15. I have had something similar when my hppd start. But it was an effect of the fear of die by a "brain tumor" etc... The loss of sense of balance was disappeared two weeks later, but sometimes when im very tired, comes back, but its more a light "lack of orientation". Meadow: what kind of med did you take several weeks ago? Maybe its some kind of side effect, but you need to see a doctor. Loss of sense of balance could be anything.. an infection in the ear...or your minds playing tricks with you etc.
  16. Nice words visual.... i was a kind of heavy drinker pre-hppd. For some time i was very scared to drink on benzo's but now i think i can control the situation. Benzo's are very low and drink some beer with my friends works really well, it helps me to understand that im still a person, not a ghost and i can do anything...okey thats not 100% exactly, no more drugs .
  17. That's good news boogres, im happy for you. Have you any DP-DR? Keppra works on that?
  18. Since when you see that geometric patterns? Are you on klono?
  19. The idea of ​​replacing the klonopin with something like the cbd is attractive to me. However for those who dont see a relationship between cannabis and HPPD, do not forget that there are a lot of people suffering from DP-DR by cannabis. Something that I think is another "branch" of HPPD. On the third day of have fully developed this disorder i remember having smoked a small amount of weed and was a very frightening experience (no more drugs since then). But everyone is different....
  20. http://www.sci-news.com/genetics/article00701.html something interesting... "A gene that is associated with regeneration of injured nerve cells has been identified by a team of researchers led by Prof Melissa Rolls of Penn State University."
  21. I know that damn invisible barrier lol... but my emotions and memories have some kind of delay
  22. I'veen taked sinemet with no positive results. The only thing at the moment that gives me some relief is klonopin, but time is a big healer. Im a lot better than a year ago (when hppd started). I want to try keppra and other meds, but im really "new" in this world, so maybe the best is wait a little more and see what happens. Thanks for sharing your story
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