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Posts posted by MadDoc

  1. Have you had your eyes checked?  I have visuals most of the time, but I've never had an issue with double vision.  Strangely enough, I've never had what's described as visual snow either.  We're all different so there isn't one set of symptoms that fits everyone.

    Understand, I'm not a doctor.  My opinions are based on what you've written.  You've only dosed three times.  I'm convinced that if I had stopped dosing early,  I wouldn't have perminent visuals.  

    It's been only 90 days since your last dose.  It can take a while to bounce back.  You mention you detect some movement when you look at a speaker.  I see patterns, faces, animals, weird symbols, etc.  If you do have early hppd symptoms, they sound mild.  It really does sound like anxiety is an issue for you.  You have someone helping you with that, that's excellent!   Many people's symptoms improve over time, but be patient.  

    One more thing.  I've had hppd for decades but I've had a wonderful life.  Even if you have a mild form of hppd, you can have a very bright future.

    Again, stay clean, stay focused, and stay strong.  Being human is difficult for anyone especially as the world speeds up.  All we can do, is the best we can do.

    Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.  There are some really bright people who post here who may have some good suggestions.

    I hope what I've written makes sense.  It's late, and my old skull needs sleep.


  2. I don't think you have hppd.  I honestly don't.  Try not to dwell on the symptoms you do notice.  In other words, don't feed them.   Focus on those things that will improve your life and make you happy.  Over time, I suspect what symptoms you have will improve.

    You've decided to stop using drugs.  That's the single best thing you can do to avoid hppd.  I'm not saying you should never have a drink or have a little nicotine.  I am saying that avoiding psychedelics and cannabis is the safest thing to do.

    Give your symptoms time to subside.  It can take months, so be patient.  Also, don't attribute every anomaly to hppd.  As humans our sensory interpretation isn't always perfect.  For example, double vision may very have nothing to do with taking psychedelics.

    Thank you for posting.  Hang in there, and take care of yourself.


  3. Yes!  I used to have a terrible time with my blood pressure.  It was all over the place.  I bought an accurate BP kit ages ago.  Sometimes it would be normal.  Sometimes something as simple as a stressful thought could send it through the roof.  At the doctor's office it was always really high.  I've had my heart imaged twice because the doctor thought it was going to explode ( it was fine).  So, for years it was a problem.

    What helped?  (Here I go again), daily meditation practice.  When I refused the BP meds, my doctor sent me to an eight week meditation training (evenings).  I stuck with the practice and now my BP is fairly stable.   

    Daily exercise has helped as well.  I also think avoiding the industrial diet has helped too.

    I still have the issue to some extent, but it has mellowed considerably.  Age has something to do with that.  


    • Like 1
  4. Twelve days isn't much time.  You may just be experiencing the remnants of your recent experience.  I'm not a doctor or a medical professional.  That being said, in my opinion, you're going to be fine because your symptoms sound mild.  I realize it may not feel that way because it's happening to you, and I'm not trying to minimize what you're going through.  Hppd can be debilitating and it sounds like you're doing pretty well.  Stay clear of psychedelics and cannabis.  Try not to put too much focus on the symptoms you're experiencing.  Instead, focus on your daily tasks, challenges, and fun.  

    Take care of yourself, and hang in there.

    • Like 2
  5. First of all welcome.  If you're seeking out this forum you're concerned about your well being and that concern is a healthy sign.  You mention being into the rave scene.  Understand that I'm old and probably don't really understand what that means.  That being said, I've continued to go to shows, festivals, and other "events" after I stopped dosing.  I attend clean and sober.  If you enjoy raves, you can still go and be drug free as long as you commit to it.  I'm sorry if that came off sounding like sobriety lecture.  That wasn't my intent.  We make choices as to what we put into our bodies.  The external stimuli isn't an imperative to use drugs.

    Don't beat yourself up for using drugs.  It's done and we can't change the past.  Learn from what you've been through and move forward.

    Understand that hppd can be debilitating.  If you're susceptible to this disorder the best thing to do is to stop using drugs, at least for a while, and the assess how you're doing.

    I can't touch THC because it makes my visuals unbearable and it gives me panic attacks.  However, I do take CBD to level myself out and as a insomnia treatment.  Something to consider.

    You're young and have a life ahead of you.  I've been stuck with relentless visuals for 40 years.  Take a long hard look at what you want in your life.  

    Take care of yourself, and keep posting if it helps.

  6. @Tigress7

    Our lives have some parallels.  I thought I was the only one in the world with this disorder.  None of my friends had anything similar.  Back then, who could you talk to?  Not to mention, there was no internet.

    I also threw myself into school and got a graduate degree.  Got married, raised a family, and have a career.  I think staying focused and setting goals is what got me through.  I'm approaching 60, and life is good.  I still have persistent hallucinations but they don't bother me  much anymore.  

    Edit:  worth mentioning,  when I'm focused I don't hallucinate or at least it moderates to some extent.

    I used to love taking psychedelics, but if I could do my life over, I'd totally avoid them.  This disease just isn't worth it.  Hindsight I guess.

  7. When I was dosing, I used to dose frequently.  Sometimes for weeks at a time.  I also never really had a bad trip.  You say that dosing so often over a short period of time was irresponsible.  Learn from what you've experienced and don't beat yourself up.  The important thing is you've learned that, for you, perhaps lsd isn't doing you any favors.  As for your experience with cannabis, it's very common.  I used to smoke all day every day.  Quite suddenly it made me feel dosed, after that I started getting panic attacks.  I had to quit all together. 

    I took a pharmaceutical  free approach to dealing with this disorder.  Then again, I discovered I had a problem back in the 70s and you just couldn't talk to a doctor about using psychedelics.  The one time I did the doctor basically told me I got what I deserved.  

    As others have mentioned, take some time off from using cannabis.  Let your mind level out and assess how you're doing.

    Hang in there and take care of yourself.

    • Like 2
  8. Don't stress too much about it.  Stess has unpleasant symptoms of its own.  I'm no doctor, but I suspect you don't have hppd.  Floaters are very common.  I've had them since I was a little kid, long before I discovered drugs.  You may be noticing that you have them because you're looking for them.

    Stay clean for a while to see how you're doing, and don't stress too much. 

    Take care.

  9. How long ago did you dose?  I ask because it can take a while for anyone to bounce back from an intense trip.  

    You may have early hppd symptoms, it's difficult to say.  I'm no doctor but my feeling is that you don't.  If you do have hppd, I'd say it's very mild.  It sounds like your symptoms are fading which is a really good sign.

    That being said, don't tempt fate.  Stop taking drugs, including cannabis, for a while.  Give your mind time to equalize and then assess where you stand.    

    Take care.


  10. I have sinus problems during the winter.  It feels like pressure around the eyes and on both sides of the nose.  Vitamin C acts as a antihistamine and it seems to help.  I take a gram in the morning and a gram at night (orally).   I can't take antihistamines like pseudoephedrine because it reacts like jittery speed in my nervous system.

    I think my sinus pressure is due to allergies.  I started about five years ago.  I think I'm just allergic to winter.  Too dark, too cold.

  11. I used drugs during the 1970s.  There were two messages.  The message from the older generation was drugs would kill you or you would end up in jail.  The message from the younger generation was that they were basically harmless.  Both viewpoints were ill informed.  

    Regarding productive lives, I'm nobody special.  Just a regular Bozo making his way through "this" (whatever this is).  I contracted hppd after taking psychedelics for six years.  I managed to get through college, got married, raised two amazing kids (adults now), and have a profession that I enjoy.  As I said, I'm nobody special but I never gave up.  I picked goals and went after them one step at a time.  Sometimes tiny little steps.  

    All I'm saying is that it's possible to have a productive and happy life.  Never give up,  take small steps toward what you want to do do and who you want to be.

    • Like 2
  12. Don't despair.  Three weeks isn't much time.  Our brains are adaptable and healing is possible.  If you focus on the symptoms, your mind will learn how to notice them.  Try to focus on what interests you.  Throw your attention and focus into that.  After a while your symptoms could fade.  I can't emphasis enough, give it time, and have faith in yourself.

  13. I take a daily vitamin.  During the winter I take additional vitamin D.  I don't think it effects my symptoms at all.

    When it comes to prescribed drugs, I suspect that most drugs that treat health conditions won't make your symptoms worse.  For example blood pressure meds or statins.  I think you need to take it as it comes and see how your body and mind handle each medication.  Note, I'm no doctor and have no medical training.  Find a doctor you trust, find a doctor who listens.  That is, if there is such a doctor out there.

  14. Staying away from psychedelics and cannabis is very important.   Personally, I don't take any pharmaceutical drugs to deal with hppd.  That was the path I took.  Others in this forum have had real success using prescription drugs.  I'd certainly take this route under the supervision of a doctor.  Finding a doctor who understands what you're dealing with is the challenge.

  15. This disorder is by no means fun or enjoyable.  For me, it's like having a life long learning disability.  For years my nervous system was constantly pumping adrenaline.  The visual don't go away, however they aren't interesting, or enlightening.   Getting focused on anything took a huge amount of effort.  Enjoyable?  No.  

    With work i wad able to compensate for some of  the symptoms, and over the decades I've learned to accept that I'm stuck with hppd.  But fun?  Yikes!  NO!

    I too used to love taking psychedelics as often as I could.  Sometimes for a week at a time.  If I had known I would get this disorder, I would have never touched the stuff.

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  16. I've assume that hppd has been around for as long as psychedelics were available.  Back when I was dosing, adverse symptoms caused by psychedelics was all categorized as "burn out".  I've been looking for literature that describes methods and medications to combat burnout.  I read the following by Ken Kesey: "Opium will cure acid burnout, but your left burned out for life".  Taking opiates in any form is a slippery slope.  I'd avoid oxytocin and the like.

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