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trip into hell

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Everything posted by trip into hell

  1. opiates also increase gaba...which is pretty helpful for symptom relief of almost every kind...but i dont suggest taking opiates...just forget about taking drugs man you dont even give yourself the chance to recover...i took a long break from drugs too after my onset and my hppd is gone these days...maybe you are lucky.like me.but maybe you wont find it out if you do drugs...just dont always think there is a miracle cure or that temporary symptom relief is your rescue cause you cant take drugs like benzos or opiates, etc. for the rest of your life even if they give you relief for a while...distract yourself and dont let your parents get on your nerves
  2. you got it from one time usage of mdma??...are you sure it havent been laced with some shit or just too much mdma...i have a long drug history with psychedelics and every imaginable substance...but the trigger for me was an overdose of mushrooms...i dont know man...i dont live for others..my life has to make sense to me...i dont know if i will be able to enjoy every kind of drug again but these days i only enjoy microdoses of some drugs ..and this isnt possible...i just want to be able to smoke as much weed as i want again..just as i used to...otherwise my life is boring and makes me sick...cause the world is a dark, intolerant and terrible place to be..i just want to die...its not worth to waste my time.
  3. there might be euthanasia somewhere else but not in my country and i bet they wont offer it for the sufferers of hppd/dpd/etc.
  4. opiates are much more comfortable as any subatsance if you have hppd/dpd...since they usually decrease the symptoms (just like benzos) instead of making it worse...but they just work as a patch and after the effect is over your symptoms are back + you dont want to get addicted so you need to take long breaks between your dosages....be careful
  5. its too fucked up i cant see where a life can be funny or enjoyable after aquiring hppd/dpd or similar...its a pity that there is no euthanasia for the sufferers...i would be thankful for that
  6. ssris cause me panic attacks...i got various ssris prescribed..and they always send me to hell even in micro doses. and my doctor psychiatrist/psychologist and neurologist said they wont prescribe me something with addiction potential if i get benzos i dont want to use them every day or so..just in case of a panic attack
  7. im 26 years old and of course my issues are caused by something traumatic but i didnt start taking drugs due to it...i always found drugs to be the most fascinating thing on earth from the moment i tryed weed the first time...i really love this shit. dont forget i dont have hppd anymore i just have an anxiety disorder (no link between them im sure) which leads me to panic everytime i exceed a microdose of no matter what substance. i think therapy cant help me since im aware of everything about my issues.and i dont need someone who tells me whats going on with me or how to deal with it..because to me its not about how to deal with it..its about how to beat my anxiety disorder once and for all..so i can take drugs without panic attacks or any doubt being able to enjoy them as i used to for 7 years... i just dont want to be sober for the rest of my life (living like an old man) its just an incredible waste of time in my opinion..what is life if i cant enjoy it and do the things i love...ill tell you..its useless. i dont care what the people think i leave behind..im living for myself and not for others that means it should make sense to me not the others + the only ones i leave behind are my familiy and guess what..these are the same persons responsible for the trauma which causes me to have anxiety issues these days...its too fucked up i just hate permanent sobirety..
  8. hey there.. after a bad time having hppd....i still have panic disorder and i want to get benzos just in case i get a panic attack. now it seems impossible for me to get them prescribed due to my drug past..my neurologist always tells me she doesnt want me to be addicted to something again...but i really want to have some on hand since my panic attacks are mostly overwhelming cause i only get them when i smoke a little more than a microdose of weed or pretty strong material. please help me...and please dont tell me i shouldnt smoke...i dont care what people think about my beloved habits.
  9. ah ok...the same with me im just looking for new posts and interesting discussions
  10. thanks but you dont need to apologize...its ok im not mad at you or anyone else...
  11. no they arent evil...the fact is no substance is evil..thats real propaganda...the only evil thing is the wrong motive behind the users...for example ingesting mushrooms or acid and going on a party..thats not how psychs work...or doing drugs in general to forget your problems is also wrong...but the substance itself has no fault (is not evil its neutral)..its the users fault cause he/she decides to create the right or wrong setting being not ready for it or taking too much...the problem is that these drugs are illegal and thats why no proper education about how they work and their risks exists officially and this leads many users to bad trips and into hell.. ask an ayahuasca shaman and you will see that he has no problems such as hppd or similar..and guess what..its why he understands how the substance and the induced trip works. i wont get it again..cause im done with recreational use of drugs.i only use them for a spiritual purpose...ive learned my lesson bro
  12. it felt the same way for me..it felt extremely llike turning into a mentally disabled person..my bad trip took me for 5 hours into hell and sometimes within these 5 hours i thought im already dead...in fact it felt like 20 hours...my whole body was tingling and feeling hot and cold and i was never sweating that extreme in my whole life like on this trip.. i still cant believe i have survived it but some part of me died on this trip. but i dont blame the substance i know it was my fault to take an overdose...the user is the loser....i regret nothing these trips i had on psychs are the most crazy, wierdest and beautiful things ive ever encountered in my life so im thankful for all that..i love drugs and im back doing them again
  13. btw. acid is not the main reason for hppd it has just as much potential as every other psychedelic to cause hppd but lsd is much easier to overdose cause its active in micrograms and thats why some more people could have aquired it through ace than by other substances + everybody is different ..some people never get hppd no matter what psychedelic compound they use + not everybody knows he he/she has hppd some of them think they lost their mind or something, while some other people think they have hppd and actually just have a panic disorder or similar etc.
  14. i guess its why people who dont know about acid or its potentially positive effects or even be susceptible to propaganda about it, are mostly afraid of the stuff..and also i think that ace is not as well known everywhere in the world + there are other potent psychedelics on the market (some people only use natural occuring compounds for tripping) but most people who do, for example mushrooms or mescaline have already or would also do lsd...to make it quick..it has not so much to do with the race as with the surroundings of people what they put into their system. stupid childish behavior...and useless if you ask me..dont be an asshole
  15. fighting???..for what?...its not about whos right..its about whats the right thing. 1. my condition was pretty severe even compared to others...in fact and with distance the worst ive ever experienced in my life... 2. sry that i encourage people to cure themselves 3. who has ever experienced long term help or cure from prescription meds?!...the few meds i've only tryed made it worse for me 4. i didnt underestimate peoples suffering..i just say there is hope..but they wont find it in prescription meds and crying around (making thousands of posts and starting topics) never helped anyone + for what is one asking for advice if one simply ignores it to go on crying im not ignorant but im sorry for your wrong interpretation.
  16. i dont adjudge people for taking them...its your life...i just say you can not know if your hppd could have been cleared up on its own or with the help of naturals instead of chemicals cause the most of sufferers didnt even give it a long term try...the problem is that most people are so desperate with their symptoms (which i understand very well) that they rather put something prescribed into their system ignoring the side effects and long term damage...these prescription meds are actually known for making it worse ..im really sorry for them.cause they might have been cured already as well. ..dont always try to make me look like a virtuous idiot. sry im just on your side...why are you mad at me? ...thats exactly what i mean when i say im done with giving advices to people...
  17. i bet he didnt mean you brandon cause you didnt even say something... jay..you want me to shut up?..ok...
  18. im not angry at anybody...just disappointed...but people are all the same they rather cry over their condition, using prescription meds without doubt and trying to get attention of others instead of doing something for themselves with real healing potential...its insane how people are somehow depending on being mentally ill.
  19. from your list i only used lions mane and a vitamin b complex....i have never used chemicals even though i still get them prescribed..but i sell them to my friends so they can trip on them XD ive only used naturals to help me out...but i have no proof for what helped me healing...im not sure if it was what i did and/or the way i did it or the things i avoided.. im also still using some of my remedies..but these days more as a drug or for relaxation.
  20. i still take them every now and then...but its not necessary..i mostly use them for relaxation these days. and i dont want to give good advices for people anymore who dont take it as what it is..since i already gave brandon some of these informations, but wether he cant get his hands on these substances due to his parents or other restrictions or he ignores them completely + i mostly experience rejection for advices on this forum..for no reason.
  21. ya my parents, friends and grandma thought i was tripping sometimes...but it didnt make me nervous cause i knew i didnt take drugs...let people think and say what they want..as long as they have no proof for their assumptions, it doesnt matter
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