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trip into hell

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Everything posted by trip into hell

  1. bugger...cant you argue without being offensive?! no in fact its not stupid for an adolecent hppd/dp/dr- sufferer...its a different situation...hes drinking to substitute medication for a serious problem..so hes covering his symptoms..while being in an uncontrollable setting in a situation where drugs affect you unpredictable (due to hppd/dp/dr)..it is a wise advice...cause very few people can deal with that kind of complication if it occurs...you can get paranoid when being high with people who cant understand possibly occuring hppd/dp/dr issues....so its better to first try it alone and then see how it affects you and if you're safe you can still drink with friends. dont forget hes not drinking like most people usally do...he just wants to replace meds with it so hes only drinking small amounts of alcohol...means he wont be in the same mood as healthy drinkers...who are most likely to missunderstand him if hes not that cheerful...
  2. ...no you dont have schizophrenia..a schizophrenic doesnt know that hes schizophrenic...thinking that hes thoughts are real without doubting himself..and what you describe sounds very similar to hppd or just an anxiety disorder...so far im still not sure if hppd isnt just an enhanced kind of anxiety disorder...cause the symptoms of both are very similar so they can easily be confused...i recommend you to look up hppd and anxiety disorder symptoms in comparison to see whats most applicable. for example dp/dr is a symptom of anxiety, not hppd but i think hppd could lead to anxiety....so its somehow all the same
  3. if you just drink a small amount its no matter...and if you have hppd/dp/dr you just want to be alone no matter what drug made you high ..you can enjoy it without being forced to have conversations...watching a movie or entering a chatroom if you have to talk
  4. i dont recommend you to take drugs until you have another relationship to them
  5. to me its obvious that they are victims of propaganda (they think ''once junkie always a junkie'')...and that they just pretend you are taking drugs with no evidence + they dont give you the chance to prove the opposite..indicates that they seem to adjudge you for ever having taken drugs (like ''you took/take drugs...that serves you right...come to terms..its your fault'') cause there behavior leads to nowhere else but your despair..and i think its their intent. i would really go crazy with these kind of people...though they are still stupid..not even my parents are such assholes...im so sorry for you
  6. just dont overdo it and i think then you'll be safe....be careful
  7. i still dont understand why you just want to take something thats obviously not good for you brandon...havent you damaged yourself enough for the next years.
  8. i have no hppd anymore but still an anxiety disorder...and if i drink i dont bring back hppd but if i drink too much i get panik attacks and a bad hangover but thats due to my anxiety disorder...i cant say exactly if its safe but for most people it is including me when it comes to hppd
  9. but the fact that people want to get something to treat there terrible condition because they dont get any help is just consequential...its not about selling or buying drugs people are just helpless and desperate. but you're right its not a good thing.
  10. sell your dope - but dont take it...and maybe you will realize that you dont need it anymore...or you could still get your opiates or benzos...if you really think you have to take something i would recommend kratom (an opioid) for you before using something addictive and dangerous like opiates and benzos...but in the end..its your choice what you put into your system even if you might regret it some day btw. this is not a recommendation...dont ruin your life by doing drugs
  11. ok if home is prison for you and you cant handle school go somewhere else dont be a fool ya get some dope and sell it to earn some money...then you can buy your stuff online (in the darknet)
  12. codeine has a very weak effect compared to other opiates and can only help to a certain degree, if you take more it wont affect your opiate receptors anymore. tramadol is a ''synthetic'' opiate and like all of them, it increases well being by releasing gaba and in the case of tramadol just small amounts of serotonin (serotonin alone would make you trip and anxious)...the strange thing is that gaba is helping with anxiety not only hppd...which leads me to the conclusion that whether hppd can not exist without anxiety or is just another kind of anxiety disorder....remembering that a symptom of severe anxiety is hallucination (and dilated pupils). by the way tramadol (the so called synthetic opiate) has been found in a plant as a natural compound not even long ago....maybe you can grow and extract it
  13. i told you going to school/work or similar will make it worse...take a break from your responsibilities for a while and do something for yourself.
  14. its the same with me and low doses of kratom..i feel almost back to normal when i take it
  15. alcohol is never a good choice... if you have hppd or not
  16. you can drink small amounts of alcohol..but believe me you dont want to get drunk or even drink everyday....and even small amounts mostly have bad effects when the substance leaves your system..i remember that i had terrible nightmares the night after...but you can give it a try just dont overdo it
  17. the grow is not finished jet...i still have to wait 1 1/2 month before i can try it and the strain contains 8% cbd and 5% thc which i hope is not too much thc for my anxiety, if it is, i will have to sell it all....i think next time i will grow charlottes web or avidekel...not sure i hope you're right..i dont think its that easy, just cant imagine to be normal again...but i will try to hang in and do everything to overcome it
  18. ...maybe i can do it and i hope i will be able to smoke as much weed as i want one day....at this point i dont care if i cant take psychedelics again no i didnt even know about inositol..guess i will give it a try...i only have some griffonia extract on hand but i dont dare to take it.
  19. im already trying it...but these days especially its really tough to survive without taking something im sober for two days in a row now and i feel so bad...but im waiting ..even if i dont really know if that does the trick for me, dont forget that 9 moth have passed now and this is almost a year..waiting a second year sounds promissing but also takes a lot of patience..im fed up with depresission..hope i can do it
  20. brandon this might be true but you can take other substances acting like opiates in the brain with less addiction potential and almost the same effects (kratom)...but use them with caution if you think you have to....i dont recommend it...be careful
  21. no its untreatable...i dont want to learn to live with it...it has to be completely gone forever and this is not possible..look at all the people suffering for 20-40 years with occasionally returning episodes...and people who still have a panic attack after consuming something arent cured...there are no success stories...the problem is that i am afraid of dissociation (altered states) and not only drug induced..it destroys my whole life cause even if i dont get panic attacks i always feel exhausted, dizzy and depressed like being extremely high on weed and beer or something (feels really bad)....fuck it...i cant do something about it and i cant live with it....its a pity that i dont dare to kill myself without a gun. and how can you know if it is treatable if you dont suffer from a panic disorder yourself?
  22. just give it up brandon you will never be able to enjoy drugs or anything else again...i still hate my life even after my hppd is over its not quite the same anymore and due to my panic disorder (another problem that you also have) i feel dizzy all and every day... im not saying that suicide is the only hope for you (just look for another solution)..but for me it is...life is a terrible nightmare and i wish i would never have existed.
  23. there are substances that increase gaba release without inducing a trip...these subtances can be used for temporary relief and might prevent chronic mental illness...but they can not treat anything
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