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Posts posted by Missjess

  1. When I got hppd my anhedonia became very severe (I already had it before when I only had dp)

    I cannot follow a movie, I cannot enjoy a single thing coz there is no sensory experience at all for me, not to mention I'm severely dissociated to the point of not even feeling like a human. I'm constantly waiting for the day to end, wondering what to do just to pass time but everything is so pointless. I can't get pleasure from anything !!! I can't connect to shit

    Anyone else feel like this ?

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  2. I've said before  that the first 6 months, i'd forget about meds, let your body try to adjust itself without any further strain to the system. Just get 100% sober (not even caffeine), get healthy, eat right and try to limit stress in anyway possible (even if that means quitting your job and locking yourself in a dark room watching movies.... or sit on a remote beach in brazil and try to find the beauty in life again).


    The 1st year is the hardest, it would be such a waste of your life to end it now when you could be cured in a few months, or.. if not cured, in a better position to deal with this. I was suicidal for the first year too, but now.... although life is not perfect, it is still something I can enjoy


    Please skype (jaybirch) if you ever need any support, a shoulder to cry on, someone to get angry at.... Anything goes. Just don't give up. We are all here for you and will always be.


    Keep on fighting.... Their will be a light at the end of the tunnel.... It might seem far, far away right now, but it WILL come.

    Thanks I will take ur advice on that!! I'm going to stay on my 12.5mg of lamictal tho coz that doesn't seem to aggrivate my hppd and it stops all the fuking crazy thoughts and keeps my mood a bit stable...but it's still hell :( no more sleeping pills, nothing! I learnt that I can't fuking take anything now or it just sets me back.

    That wud be great to have u on skype I will add u when I can get the time.


  3. Hi leelalala

    How long have u had this for ? It's just awfull all I want is my normal perception back :( :(

    I'm taking only 12.5mg because when I tried to move up to 25mg it fuked me up and made my visuals aggrivated...so now I'm staying at 12.5mg as this gives me massive benefit to ocd and mental part of hppd, it helps keep me stabilized in a way...I won't try going up again coz even being back down to this dose my visuals r still worsened.

    I went for a bike ride it was ok but rlly hard to ignore those awful brightened colours was yuk :(

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  4. I have had multiple healings for my hppd here in Brazil, but then all of a sudden something goes wrong and I go back a step. I took an anti biotic and that aggrivates my hppd and set me back. I got further healing and then I tried lamictal, I was fine on 12.5mg but then I tried to up the dose to not even 25mg and guess what it fuking knocked me back again!!! I am now I'm square 1 almost with hppd and I feel worse then ever. My patience is wearing out and I can't bear this any longer I'm completely in another universe trapped in a fuking horror show....I've only had this almost 4 months now but I can't fuking endure this shit for much longer.

    John of god is going to tell me how many times I need to come back before I am healed but I'm afraid after being put back to square fuking 1 again it's going to be like starting again over and over again!! I'm not willing to try anymore fuking medications or supplements coz they all fuking knock me back and make my hppd worse FUK ThIS shit!

    I think I will plan my suicide very soon...with morphine

    I'm done with this fuking bullshit this is not life, I did not sign up for this crap. I try to make plans but I fuking can't anymore coz I'm so fuking disconnected. I don't want a relationship anymore I'm just fuked


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  5. Hi everyone

    I upped my dose by a quarter today (so almost at 25mg) I was fine in the morning and all day but now in the evening I noticed my visuals went a bit funny like they got agitated....shud I stop the lamictal? Or has anyone else gotten worse before better?

    I rlly don't wana cause my visuals to get fuked up! It was ok on 12.5mg but now it seems to have gotten worse ....shud I keep going ?

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